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Data from: What can mixed-species flock movement tell us about the value of Amazonian secondary forests? insights from spatial behavior

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Mar 15, 2018 version files 42.40 MB


The value of secondary forest for rainforest species remains an important question for conservation in the 21st century. Here, we describe the spatial behavior of understory mixed-species flocks in a heterogeneous landscape in central Amazonia. Understory mixed-species flocks represent a diverse, highly organized component of the rich Amazonian avifauna. We recorded movements within 26 flock home ranges in primary forest, secondary forest, interfaces between forest types, and forest fragments. We describe frequency and movement orientation in relation to forest edges, movement patterns and proportion of use between secondary and primary forest, the relation between home range sizes and vegetation height, and home range configuration. Flocks visited only a small portion of forest edges, and showed a tendency for moving parallel to edges next to less-developed secondary forest. Movement patterns in secondary forests did not show significant differences compared to primary forests. Time spent in secondary forests increased in proportion to mean canopy height. Flocks were consistently present in secondary forests where vegetation height averaged over 15 m, but home ranges were nearly twice as large compared to primary forest. Home range limits tended to be aligned with disturbed vegetation, essentially rearranging a territorial configuration normally adjusted by topography. The spatial behavior of this important subset of the Amazonian avifauna shows that secondary forests are tolerated above a certain development threshold, but perceived as sub optimal habitat until canopy height closely matches primary forests.