Files necessary to run LANDIS simulations for the Hereford forest and the Forêt Montmorency in Québec, Canada
Data files
Mar 06, 2024 version files 3.30 MB
The combination of climate change and anthropogenic disturbance can cause major changes in forest bird assemblages. Assessing the cumulative effects of forest management and climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration and storage and provisioning of wood products is key to informing forest management and conservation decision-making. Specifically, we projected changes in forest composition and structure according to various forest management strategies under a changing climate using LANDIS-II for two case study areas of Quebec (Canada): a hemiboreal (Hereford Forest) and a boreal (Montmorency Forest) area. Then, we assessed projected bird assemblage changes, as well as sensitive and at-risk species. As part of an integrated assessment, we evaluated the best possible management measures aimed at preserving avian diversity and compared them with optimal options for mitigation of carbon emissions to the atmosphere. Forest management and climate change were projected to lead to significant changes in bird assemblages in both types of forest through changes in forest composition. We projected an increase in deciduous vegetation which favored species associated with mixed and deciduous stands to the detriment of species associated with older, coniferous forests. Changes were more pronounced in Hereford Forest than Montmorency Forest. In addition, Hereford’s bird assemblages were mainly affected by climate change, while those in Montmorency Forest were more impacted by forest management. We estimated that 25% of Hereford and 6% of Montmorency species will be sensitive to climate change, with projected abundance changes (positive or negative) exceeding 25%. According to the simulations, a decrease in the level of forest harvesting could benefit bird conservation and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions in the boreal forest area. Conversely, the hemiboreal forest area requires trade-offs, as mitigation of carbon emissions is favored by more intensive forest management that stimulates the growth and carbon sequestration of otherwise stagnant stands.
This repository includes all files necessary to run the LANDIS simulations, including the executables.
README: Files necessary to run LANDIS simulations for the Hereford forest and the Forêt Montmorency in Québec, Canada
Are forest management practices to improve carbon balance compatible with maintaining bird diversity under climate change? A case study in Eastern North America
Datasets generated and analyzed within the study area located in two case study areas of Quebec (Canada): a hemiboreal (Hereford Forest) and a boreal (Montmorency Forest) area. We projected changes in forest composition and structure according to various forest management strategies under a changing climate using LANDIS-II. Then, we assessed projected bird assemblage changes.
This dataset also includes all necessary files to run the LANDIS simulations leading to the results presented in the paper. This includes the initialization files as well as the executables.
Description of the data and file structure
Data Tables
"BirdDensity_Hereford.csv"; and "BirdDensity_Montmorency.csv" were used to projected bird assemblage changes for each species ("BirdSpecies") and assemblage ("AgeCover") : forest wetland, forest generalist, and depending on forest cover : Mixedwood, Deciduous and Coniferous and the age of forest stands : Young, Closed, and Mature. The predicted density values from BRT models are presented in this file and were used to estimate the relative abundance of each bird species ("meanDensity") as mentioned in the manuscript. Scenario, Year, replicate, and HarvestTreatment list the different levels of the simulation scenarios presented in the study. "BirdSpecies" codes are detailed in the appendix for each species.
"LandCover_Characteristics_Hereford.csv" and "LandCover_Characteristics_Montmorency.csv" correspond to the percentage of aboveground biomass (Value) of tree species (Veg_name) as a function of the different scenarios simulated (Scenario, HarvestTreatment, Year). The column "Veg_code" correspond to the codes used in the figures in the manuscript.
"OmegaSquare_Hereford.csv" and "OmegaSquare_Montmorency.csv" correspond to the relative importance of each driver of change ("Climate" and "Harvest") assessed by estimating the variance of bird abundance explained using omega-squared values (ω^2). Omega-squared values was determined for each "Species" of birds and each climate "Scenario" and "Year", as explained in the manuscript.
"Table 3.csv" correspond to the S3 Table in the Supporting information : Relative importance of vegetation and topography predictors in each bird species BRT model.
"Species" corresponded to bird species. All the other columns are presented in S2 Table in the Supporting information, and here :
Variables Description
urbag Sample point is defined as urban or agricultural
water Sample point is defined as water
lf Land facet data (
rough250 Topographic ruggedness (250m radii)
dev750 Development proportion within 5 × 5 moving window
led750 Water proportion within 5 × 5 moving window
Structure_Biomass_TotalLiveAboveGround_v1 Biomass of all tree species (t/ha)
Structure_Stand_Age_v1 Stand age of the older cohort of the pixel
Species_Abie_Bal_v1 Biomass of Balsam fir (t/ha)
Species_Acer_Rub_v1 Biomass of Red maple (t/ha)
Species_Acer_Sah_v1 Biomass of Sugar maple (t/ha)
Species_Betu_All_v1 Biomass of Yellow birch (t/ha)
Species_Betu_Pap_v1 Biomass of White birch (t/ha)
Species_Fagu_Gra_v1 Biomass of American Beech (t/ha)
Species_Frax_Ame_v1 Biomass of White ash (t/ha)
Species_Lari_Lar_v1 Biomass of Tamarack (t/ha)
Species_Pice_Gla_v1 Biomass of White spruce (t/ha)
Species_Pice_Mar_v1 Biomass of Black spruce (t/ha)
Species_Pice_Rub_v1 Biomass of Red spruce (t/ha)
Species_Pinu_Ban_v1 Biomass of Jack pine (t/ha)
Species_Pinu_Res_v1 Biomass of Red pine (t/ha)
Species_Popu_Bal_v1 Biomass of Trembling aspen (t/ha)
Species_Popu_Tre_v1 Biomass of Balsam poplar (t/ha)
Species_Quer_Rub_v1 Biomass of Red oak (t/ha)
Species_Thuj_Occ_v1 Biomass of White cedar (t/ha)
Species_Tsug_Can_v1 Biomass of Eastern hemlock (t/ha)
Landsc750_Abie_Bal_v1 Biomass of Balsam fir (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Acer_Rub_v1 Biomass of Red maple (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Acer_Sah_v1 Biomass of Sugar maple (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Betu_All_v1 Biomass of Yellow birch (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Betu_Pap_v1 Biomass of White birch (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Biomass_TotalLiveAboveGround_v1 Biomass of all tree species (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Fagu_Gra_v1 Biomass of American Beech (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Frax_Ame_v1 Biomass of White ash (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Lari_Lar_v1 Biomass of Tamarack (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Pice_Gla_v1 Biomass of White spruce (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Pice_Mar_v1 Biomass of Black spruce (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Pice_Rub_v1 Biomass of Red spruce (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Pinu_Ban_v1 Biomass of Jack pine (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Pinu_Res_v1 Biomass of Red pine (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Pinu_Str_v1 Biomass of Trembling aspen (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Popu_Bal_v1 Biomass of Balsam poplar (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Popu_Tre_v1 Biomass of Balsam poplar (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Quer_Rub_v1 Biomass of Red oak (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Stand_Age_v1 Stand age of the older cohort of the pixelon 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Thuj_Occ_v1 Biomass of White cedar (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landsc750_Tsug_Can_v1 Biomass of Eastern hemlock (t/ha)on 750m (Gaussian fliter)
Landis files
Users can refer to in order to learn more about the LANDIS-II forest landscape model and how to run simulations.
"Landis-II.7z" : Compressed file including the LANDIS executable installation file as well as the executables for each extension used in this study
"Hereford.7z" : Compressed file including all files necessary to run LANDIS-II simulations for the Hereford forest landscape
"ForMont_2.7z": Compressed file including all files necessary to run LANDIS-II simulations for the Foret Montmorency forest landscape
"Hereford_ras.tif" : Georeferenced raster of the Hereford forest landscape
"ForMont.tif" : Georeferenced raster of the Foret Montmorency forest landscape