Variants and QTL associated with variation in genome-wide crossover number
Data files
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Recombination diversifies the genomes of offspring, influences the evolutionary dynamics of populations, and ensures that chromosomes segregate properly during meiosis. Individuals recombine at different rates but observed levels of variation in recombination rate remain mostly unexplained. Genetic dissection of differences in recombination rate within and between species provides a powerful framework for understanding how this trait evolves. In this Perspective, I amalgamate published findings from genetic studies of variation in the genome-wide number of crossovers within and between species, and I use exploratory analyses to identify preliminary patterns. The narrow-sense heritability of crossover count is consistently low, indicating limited resemblance among relatives and predicting a weak response to short-term selection. Variants associated with crossover number within populations span the range of minor allele frequencies. The size of the additive effect of recombination-associated variants, along with a negative correlation between this effect and minor allele frequency, raises the prospect that mutations inducing phenotypic shifts larger than a few crossovers are deleterious, though the contributions of methodological bias to these patterns deserve investigation. Quantitative trait loci that contribute to differences between populations or species alter crossover number in both directions, a pattern inconsistent with selection toward a constant optimum for this trait. Building on this characterization of genetic variation in crossover number within and between species, I describe fruitful avenues for future research. Better integrating recombination rate into quantitative genetics will reveal the balance of evolutionary forces responsible for genetic variation in this trait that shapes inheritance.
README: Variants and QTL associated with variation in genome-wide crossover number
Description of the data and file structure
The dataset was manually assembled from published studies reporting variants and quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with variation in the genome-wide number of crossovers within and between species.
Files and variables
File: GWAS_dataset.csv
Description: Variants associated with genome-wide crossover number by GWAS
- Individuals = number of individuals for which crossover number was estimated. For studies that did not report the number of individuals, the number of families is provided.
- NR = not reported.
- NA = not applicable.
- Regional = regional heritability analysis.
- Centi-Morgan (cM) positions are provided for studies that did not report Mb positions.
- Among the candidate genes reported by each study, only the subset with independent, experimental evidence for a connection to recombination and/or meiosis is listed.
- Study is abbreviated by first letter of last name of first author and 20** year.
File: BetweenPopsSpecies_dataset.csv
Description: Quantitative trait loci that affect differences in genome-wide crossover number between populations or between species
- Individuals or Lines = number of individuals or lines for which crossover number was estimated.
- CL = confidence limit.
- Aligned = QTL allele from high-recombination parent increases recombination.
- Opposed = QTL from high-recombination parent decreases recombination.
- NR = not reported.
- NA = not applicable.
- Centi-Morgan (cM) positions are provided for studies that did not report Mb positions.
- Among the candidate genes reported by each study, only the subset with independent, experimental evidence for a connection to recombination and/or meiosis is listed.
- Study is abbreviated by first letter of last name of first author and 20** year.
The datasets are in .csv format and can be easily viewed.
The dataset was manually assembled from published studies that identified variants and quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with variation in recombination rate within and between species.