Biogeochemical and sediment characteristics of streambanks with and without preferential groundwater discharge in the Farmington River Watershed, CT, USA
Data files
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We performed thermal infrared surveys to locate thermal anomilies, indicative of preferential groundwater discharge, along exposed streambanks in three stream reaches within the Farmington River watershed (northwestern CT and southwestern MA, USA). Our sites include 1) the River Island reach, a section of the 5th order Farmington River, 2) West Branch Salmon Brook, a 3rd order tributary to the Farmington River, and 3) Stratton Brook, a 2nd order tributary to the Farmington River. Once areas of preferential groundwater discharge were located, we performed sediment-to-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux measurements and collected groundwater and sediment samples. In addition, we performed sediment-to-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux measurements and collected sediment samples from adjacent streambanks without preferential groundwater discharge. Surface water samples at each of the three stream reaches were also collected. Data collected include greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, CH4, and N2O), sediment organic matter, groundwater and surface water chemistry (CO2, CH4, and N2O concentrations, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved nitrogen, specific conductance, NO3-_N), and groundwater and surface water temperature.
README: Biogeochemical and sediment characteristics of streambanks with and without preferential groundwater discharge in the Farmington River Watershed, CT, USA
Description of the data and file structure
This dataset includes greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, CH4, and N2O), sediment organic matter, groundwater and surface water chemistry (CO2, CH4, and N2O concentrations, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved nitrogen, specific conductance, NO3-N), and groundwater and surface water temperature for three stream reaches within the Farmington River watershed (northwestern CT and southwestern MA, USA). Data included in the dataset were collected in September of 2021 during summer low flow conditions when streambanks are exposed. This dataset includes only 1 excel file: Bisson et al_GHGFlux&ChemistryData_12.22.2024
Files and variables
File: Bisson_et_al_GHGFlux_ChemistryData_12.22.2024.xlsx
Description: Excel file with metadata tab and data tab
- Sample ID = Name of sample
- Date = Date of sample collection
- Lat = Latitude of area where sample was collected
- Long = Longitude of area where sample was collected
- Site Name of site where sample was collected
- AreaType = Indicates whether sample was located where groundwater discharge was present or not. Active = streambank with actively discharging groundwater, Inactive = streambank without actively discharging groundwater
- CO2FluxRate (mg/m2/min) = Carbon dioxide sediment-to-atmosphere flux rate in milligrams per meter squared per minute
- CH4FluxRate (mg/m2/min) = Methane sediment-to-atmosphere flux rate in milligrams per meter squared per minute
- N2OFluxRate (mg/m2/min) = Nitrous oxide sediment-to-atmosphere flux rate in milligrams per meter squared per minute
- OM% = Percent organic matter in sediment sample
- DOC (mg/L) = Dissolved organic carbon in groundwater sample in milligrams per liter
- DO (mg/L) = Dissolved oxygen in groundwater sample in milligrams per liter
- TDN (mg/L) = Total dissolved nitrogen in groundwater sample in milligrams per liter
- SPC (uS/cm) = Specific conductance in groundwater sample in microSiemens per centimeter
- NO3_N (mg/L) = Nitrogen from nitrate in groundwater sample in milligrams per liter
- CO2 (ug/L) = Carbon dioxide in groundwater sample in micrograms per liter
- CH4 (ug/L) = Methane in groundwater sample in micrograms per liter
- N2O (ug/L) = Nitrous oxide in groundwater sample in micrograms per liter
- GW_Temp = Temperature of groundwater in degrees Celsius
- Missing values are indicated with "NA"
Access information
Other publicly accessible locations of the data:
- Our groundwater GHG concentration, groundwater chemistry, and streambank sediments data for streambanks with preferential groundwater discharge are also publicly available (Moore et al. 2023b [Dataset]).