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Leaf data of 101 species, varieties, forms, and cultivars of bamboo

Data files

Dec 12, 2019 version files 1.99 MB


The data include four comma-delimited (CSV) files and one word document. data1.csv file saves the raw data (including blade fresh mass, dry mass, area, length, width, perimeter and other measures) of 10045 leaves from 101 species, varieties, forms, and cultivars of bamboo; data2.csv file saves the results of the leaf dry mass per unit area (g/m2) comparison among 101 data sets; data3.csv file saves the results of the quotient of blade width to length comparison among 101 data sets; data4.csv file saves the fitted results for the scaling relationships of blade dry mass vs. surface area for 101 data sets; the word document (i.e., the metadata.docx file) is the metadata, which is used to show the meanings of the column variables in each table.