Data from: Tree diversity enhances predation by birds but not by arthropods across climate gradients
Data files
Apr 08, 2024 version files 117.46 KB
Tree diversity can promote both predator abundance and diversity. However, whether this translates into increased predation and top-down control of herbivores across predator taxonomic groups and contrasting environmental conditions remains unresolved. We used a global network of tree diversity experiments (; TreeDivNet) spread across three continents and three biomes to test the effects of tree species richness on predation across varying climatic conditions of temperature and precipitation. We recorded bird and arthropod predation attempts on plasticine caterpillars in monocultures and tree species mixtures. Both tree species richness and temperature increased predation by birds, but not by arthropods. Furthermore, the effects of tree species richness on predation were consistent across the studied climatic gradient. Our findings provide evidence that tree diversity strengthens top-down control of insect herbivores by birds, underscoring the need of implementing conservation strategies that safeguard tree diversity to sustain ecosystem services provided by natural enemies in forests.
README: Data from: Tree diversity enhances predation by birds but not by arthropods across climate gradients
We used a global network of tree diversity experiments (TreeDivNet) spread across three continents and three biomes to test the effects of tree species richness on predation across varying climatic conditions of temperature and precipitation. We recorded bird and arthropod predation attempts on plasticine caterpillars in plots with varying levels of tree species richness, including monocultures and tree species mixtures.
Description of the data and file structure
We provide plot-level data for tree species richness, predation attempts by birds and artrhopods, as well as other plot and site-level variables.
Column: Description |
X: Unique Plot ID |
Experiment: Experiment name |
Site: Site within each experiment |
Experiment2: Experimental sites considered as individual experiments in this study |
Country: Country where the experiment is located |
Continent: Continent where the experiment is located |
Biome: Biome where the experiment is located |
Lat: Latitude |
Lon: Longitude |
MeanAlt: Mean elevation (m) |
ClimDescription: Climate description |
Year: Year when predation data was collected |
SurveyMonths: Months when surveys where performed |
Block: Block within experiment |
PlotID: Unique plot ID |
PlotRichness: Tree species richness |
BirdDamage: Number of predation attempts identified as birds |
ArthropodDamage: Number of predation attempts identified as arthropods |
MammalDamage: Number of predation attempts identified as mamals |
ReptileDamage: Number of predation attempts identified as reptiles |
TotDamKnown: Total number of identified predation attempts |
CatDays: Caterpillar days (number of caterpillars per plot multiplied by the duration of their exposure to predators) |
No.PreyInstalled: Number of caterpillars installed per plot |
AnnTEMPmean: Annual mean temperature (ºC) |
AnnPRECmean: Annual mean precipitation (mm) |
BlockID: Unique Block ID |
logrichness: Log of tree species richness |
bird_avoidance: Categorical factor for short (less than 7 days of exposure) vs. Long (7 or more days of exposure) periods of exposure affecting bird avoidance behaviour |
stand_age: Stang age (in years) |
We analyzed the data using R software version 4.2.1 (R Core Team, 2013). The R code used to analyze this data is presented here (R Markdown).
The data and R (R markdown) code used in this study are included here. The data file shows plot-level data for tree species richness, arthropod, and bird predation, alongside site-specific variables in 14 experimental sites belonging to the TreeDivNet global network of tree diversity experiments.