Ocean climate and hydrodynamics drive decadal shifts in Northeast Atlantic dinoflagellates
Data files
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The abundance of large marine dinoflagellates has declined in the North Sea since 1958. Although hypotheses have been proposed to explain this diminution (increasing temperature and wind), the mechanisms behind this pattern have thus far remained elusive. In this article, we study the long-term changes in dinoflagellate biomass and biodiversity in relation to hydro-climatic conditions and circulation within the North-Atlantic. Our results show that the decline in biomass has paralleled an increase in biodiversity caused by a temperature-induced northward movement of subtropical taxa along the European shelf-edge, and facilitated by changes in oceanic circulation (subpolar gyre contraction). However, major changes in North Atlantic hydrodynamics in the 2010s (subpolar gyre expansion and low-salinity anomaly) stopped this movement, which triggered a biodiversity collapse in the North Sea. Further, North Sea dinoflagellate biomass remained low because of warming. Our results, therefore, reveal that regional climate warming and changes in oceanic circulation strongly influenced shifts in dinoflagellate biomass and biodiversity.
The data provided here are the changes in dinoflagellates taxonomic richness and biomass in the Northeast Atlantic, the salinity and temperature optimums of each taxa and various hydroclimatic indices.
README: Ocean climate and hydrodynamics drive decadal shifts in Northeast Atlantic dinoflagellates
published in Global Change Biology.
The content of each '.mat' file is described below:
*yrs2 = a vector with the years from 1958 to 2020
*dino_tot_yrs = a vector with the mean annual changes in dinoflagellates biomass in the North Sea
*sp_rich_yrs = a vector with the annual changes in dinoflagellates taxonomic richness in the North Sea
*dino_1_yrs = a vector with the mean annual changes in biomass of the Warm-haline assemblage in the North Sea
*dino_2_yrs = a vector with the mean annual changes in biomass of the Psychrophilous assemblage in the North Sea
*dino_3_yrs = a vector with the mean annual changes in biomass of the Temperate assemblage in the North Sea
*dino_4_yrs = a vector with the mean annual changes in biomass of the Temperate-haline assemblage in the North Sea
*dino_5_yrs = a vector with the mean annual changes in biomass of the Temperate hypohaline assemblage in the North Sea
*sp_rich_yrs_grp1 = a vector with the annual changes in taxonomic richness of the Warm-haline assemblage in the North Sea
*sp_rich_yrs_grp2 = a vector with the annual changes in taxonomic richness of the Psychrophilous assemblage in the North Sea
*sp_rich_yrs_grp3 = a vector with the annual changes in taxonomic richness of the Temperate assemblage in the North Sea
*sp_rich_yrs_grp4 = a vector with the annual changes in taxonomic richness of the Temperate-haline assemblage in the North Sea
*sp_rich_yrs_grp5 = a vector with the annual changes in taxonomic richness of the Temperate hypohaline assemblage in the North Sea
*ltc_dino_liss_grp1 = a matrice (63 years x 12 months) with the monthly changes in biomass of the Warm-haline assemblage in the North Sea
*ltc_dino_liss_grp2 = a matrice (63 years x 12 months) with the monthly changes in biomass of the Psychrophilous assemblage in the North Sea
*ltc_dino_liss_grp3 = a matrice (63 years x 12 months) with the monthly changes in biomass of the Temperate assemblage in the North Sea
*ltc_dino_liss_grp4 = a matrice (63 years x 12 months) with the monthly changes in biomass of the Temperate-haline assemblage in the North Sea
*ltc_dino_liss_grp5 = a matrice (63 years x 12 months) with the monthly changes in biomass of the Temperate hypohaline assemblage in the North Sea
*yrs2 = a vector with the years from 1958 to 2020
*sal_rt = a vector with annual salinity values in Rockall Trough
*sal_rt_anom = a vector with annual salinity anomaliies in Rockall Trough
*ssh_rt = a vector with annual sea surface height values in Rockall Trough
*ssh_rt_anom = a vector with annual sea surface height anomaliies in Rockall Trough
*sst_rt = a vector with annual sea surface temperature values in Rockall Trough
*sst_rt_anom = a vector with annual sea surface temperature anomaliies in Rockall Trough
*yrs = a vector with the years from 1958 to 2020
*AMO_yrs = Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation index
*gyre_ind = subpolar gyre index
*inflow_yrs = oceanic inflow into the North Sea
*MLD_yrs = changes in mean annual Mixed Layer Depth in the North Sea
*NAO_yrs = North Atlantic Oscillation index
*nb_yrs = number of year considered
*netflow_yrs = netflow in the North Sea
*NHT_yrs = Northern Hemisphere Temperature anomalies
*outflow_yrs = North Sea outflow
*precip_yrs = changes in mean annual precipitation above the North Sea
*sal_yrs = changes in mean annual sea surface salinity in the North Sea
*sst_yrs = changes in mean annual sea surface temperature in the North Sea
*tot_wind_yrs = changes in mean annual total wind speed above the North Sea
*u10_yrs = changes in mean annual 10m u wind component above the North Sea
*v10_yrs = changes in mean annual 10m v wind component above the North Sea
*yrs_gyre = a vector with the years from 1994 to 2020
*yrs_uniq = a vector with the years from 1958 to 2020
*carbon_dino_grp1_liss = changes in mean biomass of the Warm-haline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (smoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp2_liss = changes in mean biomass of the Psychrophilous assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (smoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp3_liss = changes in mean biomass of the Temperate assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (smoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp4_liss = changes in mean biomass of the Temperate-haline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (smoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp5_liss = changes in mean biomass of the Temperate hypohaline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (smoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp1_nonliss = changes in mean biomass of the Warm-haline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (unsmoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp2_nonliss = changes in mean biomass of the Psychrophilous assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (unsmoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp3_nonliss = changes in mean biomass of the Temperate assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (unsmoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp4_nonliss = changes in mean biomass of the Temperate-haline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (unsmoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp5_nonliss = changes in mean biomass of the Temperate hypohaline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for the four annual periods corresponding to a persistent negative or positive NAO phase (unsmoothed data)
*carbon_dino_grp1 = changes in biomass of the Warm-haline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for each two months period between 1958 and 2020
*carbon_dino_grp2 = changes in biomass of the Psychrophilous assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for each two months period between 1958 and 2020
*carbon_dino_grp3 = changes in biomass of the Temperate assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for each two months period between 1958 and 2020
*carbon_dino_grp4 = changes in biomass of the Temperate haline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for each two months period between 1958 and 2020
*carbon_dino_grp5 = changes in biomass of the Temperate hypohaline assemblage in the Northeast Atlantic region, for each two months period between 1958 and 2020
*lat_def = latitude vector
*lon_def = longitude vector
*time_phyto = monthly time vector
*yrs1 = annual time vector 1
*yrs2 = annual time vector 2
The content of each '.xlsx' file is discribed below:
*Excel file with the carbon cell content and niche optimums (for sst, salinity, bathymetry and latitude) of each taxa. Niche optimums were estimated by means of the Species chromatogram method and with a weighted mean. Dinoflagellates names are displayed in the first column. Mean carbon cell content (in µC cell^-1) are displayed in the second column. SST optimums (in degree C) estimated by means of the weighted mean or the species chromatogram method are displayed in the third and fourth columns respectively. SSS optimums (in PSU) estimated by means of the weighted mean or the species chromatogram method are displayed in the fifth and sixth columns respectively. Bathymetry optimums (in m) estimated by means of the weighted mean or the species chromatogram method are displayed in the seventh and eighth columns respectively. Latitudes optimums (in degree N) estimated by means of the weighted mean or the species chromatogram method are displayed in the nineth and last columns respectively.