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Data from: High opportunity for postcopulatory sexual selection under field conditions

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Jul 01, 2015 version files 6.80 KB


In polygamous systems, male fitness is determined not only by mating success but also by fertilization success. Despite the growing interest over the past several decades in postcopulatory sexual selection, its relative importance compared to precopulatory sexual selection remains a subject of debate. Here, we use extensive behavioral observations of a semi-natural population of Hawaiian swordtail crickets, Laupala cerasina, and molecular paternity assignment to measure the opportunities for pre- and postcopulatory selection. Because postcopulatory selection has the potential to operate at multiple stages, we also separately attribute its effects to factors specific to mating events versus factors specific to males. We find that variance in postcopulatory success is over four times as great as variance in precopulatory success, with most of it unexplained by male mating order or the number of nuptial gifts given. Surprisingly, we also find that male singing effort is under postcopulatory selection, suggesting that males who sing more frequently also have more competitive ejaculates. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that high polyandry levels promote greater relative postcopulatory selection. They also highlight the need for detailed behavioral observations under conditions as natural as possible when measuring mating and reproductive success.