Data from: To lose is to win: long-term co-occurrence of two asexual populations realized by a dormant strategy of the inferior competitor
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Asexual organisms are ubiquitous. While they are the same single species with the same ecological requirements, multiple asexual genotypes within a species are often found in a single habitat. Niche partitioning in time and space among genotypes has been proposed to explain this phenomenon. However, it is not clear whether these different genotypes co-occur in the long term. Therefore, we examined the population dynamics of two asexual Daphnia cf. pulex genotypes (JPN1 and JPN2) over nine years in a small mountain lake. These two genotypes consistently occurred in the same seasons and layers, suggesting that niche partitioning cannot explain their long-term co-occurrence. The abundance of JPN1 was typically higher in most years. However, the abundance of dormant eggs in lake sediments was at the same level between the genotypes. The laboratory experiment showed that JPN1 excluded JPN2. However, many JPN2 individuals produced the dormant eggs before JPN1 competitively excluded them from the experiment. Furthermore, the competitively inferior JPN2 produced the dormant eggs abundantly in the medium containing a crowding cue from JPN1. However, no such trend was observed for JPN1. These results showed that the competitively inferior asexual genotype could maintain the population with the competitively superior genotype for a long period of time because it had the ability to detect the increase in competitors and produce the dormant eggs each year before being competitively eliminated. Based on these results, we suggest that the variation in the genotype-specific response in dormant egg production to environmental change plays a key role in the long-term co-occurrence of different asexual genotypes in single habitats.
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Suggested dataset citation: Maruoka et al. (2024). Data for: To lose is to win: long-term co-appearance of two asexual populations realized by a dormant strategy of the inferior competitor. Data DOI:
File Structure
The "Data_tables" folder contains nine data sets.
Data table 1:
Data of the individual number of Daphnia cf. pulex JPN1 and JPN2 genotypes in the sample and the individual abundance of these genotypes in Lake Hataya Ohnuma as shown in Fig 1 of the paper above.
- M: collection month
- J1, J2: individual number in the sample on the day of collection
- N: total individual number of JPN1 and JPN2 in the sample
- AJ1, AJ2: individual abundance (Individual number / m^2) on the day of collection
- AN: total individual abundance (Individual number / m^2) of JPN1 and JPN2
- null means no data were obtained.
Data table 2:
Data of vertical distribution of Daphnia cf pulex JPN1 and JPN2 genotypes shown in Fig 2 of the paper above, indicating the individual number and individual abundance of Daphnia cf. pulex JPN1 and JPN2 genotypes classified by layers in Lake Hataya Ohnuma.
- Y: sampling year
- L: distribution layer (E: Epilimnion, M: Metalimnion, H: Hypolimnion)
- J1, J2: individual number of the layer on the day of collection
- N: total individual number of JPN1 and JPN2
- AJ1, AJ2: individual abundance (Individual number / L) of the layer on the day of collection
- AN: total individual abundance (Individual number / L) of JPN1 and JPN2
Data table 3:
Data of the body size (mm) and brood size of Daphnia cf. pulex JPN1 and JPN2 genotypes in Lake Hataya Ohnuma as shown in Fig 3 of the paper above.
- L: body size of an individual (mm)
- B: number of eggs in brood chamber of an individual
Data table 4:
Data from the competition experiment as shown in Fig 4 of the paper above, indicates individual abundance and the number of ephippia of Daphnia cf. pulex JPN1 genotypes in control and competition runs.
- T: experimental treatment
- D: sampling date
- R: experimental replication
- N: individual number per liter
- DE: ephippia number per liter on the day of the experiment
Data table 5:
Data from the competition experiment as shown in Table S1, indicates PCE and the first oviposition date in control and competition runs.
- PCE: per-capita ephippia production rate
- OD: the first oviposition date of ephippia
Data table 6:
Data of the dormant egg experiment as shown in Fig 5 of the paper above, indicating the number of individuals in the bottle and the number of ephippia produced during the experiment with each crowding cue.
- N: number of individuals in the bottle at the end of the experiment
- E: number of ephippia produced during the experiment
Data table 7:
Data on the water temperature in Lake Hataya Ohnuma as shown in Fig S1 of the paper above.
- Number indicates water temperature in Celsius (°C) at the depth.
- NA means no data were obtained.
Data table 8:
Data of DO concentration in Lake Hataya Ohnuma as shown in Fig S1 of the paper above.
- Number indicates DO concentration (mg / L) at the depth.
- NA means no data were obtained.
Data table 9:
Data on the number of ephippia in Lake Hataya Ohnuma as shown in Fig S2 of the paper above.
- Of All ephippia, those that were only shells are shown as Empty, and those that JPN1 or JPN2 genotype after genetic analysis with the resting eggs inside are shown as JPN1 or JPN2.