Data from: Pollinator functional group abundance and floral heterogeneity in an agroecological context affect mating patterns in a self-incompatible wild plant
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Premise: Restoration of semi-natural field margins can elevate pollinator activity. How they support wild plant gene flow through interactions between pollinators and spatio-temporal gradients in floral resources remains largely unknown.
Methods: Using a farm-scale experiment, we tested how mating outcomes (expected heterozygosity and paternity correlation) of the wild, self-incompatible plant Cyanus segetum transplanted into field margins (sown wildflower or grass-legume strips) were affected by the abundance of different pollinator functional groups (defined by species traits). We also investigated how the maternal plant attractiveness, conspecific pollen donor density and heterospecific floral richness and density interacted with pollinator functional group abundance to modulate C. segetum mating outcomes.
Key Results: Multiple paternity increased (=lower paternity correlation) with greater local abundance of hoverflies (syrphids) and female medium-sized wild bees (albeit the latter’s effect diminished with decreasing maternal plant attractiveness), and the presence of male bumblebees (Bombus) under low local floral richness. Cyanus segetum progeny genetic diversity increased with male Bombus presence but decreased with greater abundance of syrphids and honeybees (Apis mellifera).
Conclusions: Overall, field margins supported plant-pollinator interactions ensuring multiple paternity and conservation of allelic diversity in C. segetum progeny. The contribution to plant mating outcomes of different pollinator functional groups was dictated by their local abundance or specific floral preferences (i.e. male Bombus). The local floral richness or maternal plant attractiveness sometimes modulated these relationships. This complex response of wild plant mating patterns to community interactions has implications for the use of field margins to restore functional pollination systems in farmed landscapes.
README: Data from: Pollinator functional group abundance and floral heterogeneity in an agroecological context affect mating patterns in a self-incompatible wild plant
The data were collected in May-July 2019 on a farm-scale agroecological experiment (INRAE CA-SYS platform) in Burgundy, France (47°19'06.7"N 5°04'17.6"E), with the aim of investigating how the abundance of different pollinator functional groups (defined by species traits) interacted with the local floral context (maternal plant attractiveness, conspecific pollen donor density, heterospecific floral richness and density) to modulate the mating outcomes (expected heterozygosity, multilocus paternity correlation) of the wild, self-incompatible plant Cyanus segetum transplanted in field margins (wildflower strips or grass-legume strips).
144 focal C. segetum plants originating from seeds obtained from ARBIOTECH (Saint-Gilles, France) were germinated in controlled conditions before being transplanted at the rosette stage in 16 agroecological infrastructures (field margins) across the farm (10 wildflower strips and 6 grass/legume strips). Each focal plant plot consisted of three triplets of focal C. segetum, for a total of nine focal plants per plot.
From May to July 2019, we monthly monitored the reproductive development of the focal C. segetum plants and the local floral assemblage of the field margin (6 quadrats of 2 m x 50 cm along a transect of 100 m x 2 m centered on the focal plot; n = 16 transects).
We also conducted bimonthly surveys of plant-pollinator interactions with the focal plants (plot-scale surveys, 15 minutes, n = 16 plots) and in the multispecies plant assemblage of the field margins (15 minutes of slow walk along a 100 m x 2 m transect, n = 16 transects).
The insect pollinator specimens from species observed visiting focal and non-focal C. segetum on the farm were classified into different pollinator functional groups based on species traits likely to play a role in the genetic component of pollination effectiveness (e.g. degree of life-cycle dependence on flowers, mobility, body size, sociality, sex, hairiness, foraging behaviour).
33 focal maternal plants were randomly selected from the 144 focal plants for genotyping the maternal plants and their progeny (17 randomly selected offspring per maternal plant, out of which at least 15 were successfully genotyped) at 8 loci (microsatellite markers).
Each experimental unit is a focal C. segetum maternal plant (n = 33).
The related study was based on data from column A to column R. Columns S to AC were not used in the analyses, but are provided in case they would be needed in further analyses.
All data in the dataset match exactly the flowering period of each focal plant individual.
There is no missing data in the dataset.
The related study was based on data from column A to column R (headers in bold). Columns S to AC were not used in the analyses, but are provided in case they would be needed in further analyses.
Description of the data and file structure
The dataset describes:
- the unique identifier (column A) and total number of alleles summed across 8 loci (column B) of the 33 focal maternal plants,
- their mating outcomes: expected heterozygosity Hs (column C), multilocus correlation of paternity rpm (column D),
- the floral context to which each focal maternal plant was exposed during its flowering period:
- the relative maternal plant attractiveness (column E), see in the detailed description of the variable,
- the local multispecies assemblage: local density of potential pollen donors per m² (column F), local floral species richness (column G), local floral density (column H),
- the community of C. segetum insect visitors (at the functional group level) active in the neighbourhood (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the surrounding field margin) of each focal maternal plant during its flowering period:
- the local abundance of male Bombus (bumblebees) (column I)
- the local abundance of male large-sized wild bees (column J)
- the local abundance of male medium-sized wild bees (column K)
- the local abundance of male small-sized wild bees (column L)
- the local abundance of Apis mellifera workers (honeybees) (column M)
- the local abundance of female Bombus (bumblebees) (column N)
- the local abundance of female large-sized wild bees (column O)
- the local abundance of female medium-sized wild bees (column P)
- the local abundance of female small-sized wild bees (column Q)
- the local abundance of male and female syrphids (hoverflies) (column R)
- the local abundance of other Hymenoptera (column S)
- the local abundance of other Diptera (column T)
- the local abundance of Lepidoptera (column U)
- the situation of the 33 focal maternal plants in the experimental design: plot identifier (column V), type of strip (column W),
- for each focal maternal plant, the total number of offspring successfully genotyped (column X)
- the vegetative fitness of the 33 focal maternal plants: the whole plant dry biomass at harvest (column Y)
- other reproductive outcomes of the 33 focal maternal plants:
- the total number of capitula produced (column Z)
- the total capitula biomass (column AA)
- the total number of seeds produced (column AB)
- the total seed biomass (column AC)
- Maternal_plant_identifier / A Unique identifier allowing to identify each focal maternal plant.
- N_alleles_maternal_plant_n (count) B Total number of alleles of the maternal plant summed over the 8 surveyed loci, calculated using the R package 'adegenet' (Jombart, 2008).
- Hs_progeny / C Expected heterozygosity (Hs) in the progeny of the focal maternal plant, calculated using the R package 'adegenet' (Jombart, 2008) on the software "R" (version 4.2.0), implemented in Rstudio (R Core Team, 2022).
- rpm_progeny / D Multilocus correlation of paternity (rpm) in the progeny of the focal maternal plant, calculated using the software "MLTR" (Ritland, 2022).
- Relative_MPA_n_visits_per_15_minutes Number of insect visits per maternal plant per 15 minutes E Relative maternal plant attractiveness, calculated as the plot-scale visitation rate per 15 minutes during the maternal plant's flowering period, weighted by the size of the maternal plant floral display (number of floral heads produced by the maternal plant) relative to the total plot-level floral display summed across all nine focal C. segetum of the plot (total number of floral heads produced by the nine focal conspecific individuals of the same plot during the maternal plant's flowering period). The relative maternal plant attractiveness is expressed as the number of insect visits per maternal plant per 15 minutes.
- Local_density_potential_pollen_donors_per_m2 Number of non-focal C. segetum plants per square meter (/m²) F The local density of potential pollen donors per square meter, calculated as the mean number of non-focal flowering C. segetum individuals per m² in the local plant assemblage (transect) of the field margin surrounding the focal maternal plant during its flowering period. The local density of potential pollen donors was calculated from monthly floral surveys (6 quadrats of 2m x 50 cm along a 100x2 m transect).
- Local_floral_richness_n (count) G Local floral species richness, calculated as the number of plant species that were flowering in the local plant assemblage (transect) of the field margin surrounding the focal maternal plant during its flowering period. The local floral species richness was calculated from monthly floral surveys (6 quadrats of 2m x 50 cm along a 100x2 m transect).
- Local_floral_density_per_m2 Number of flowers per square meter (/m²) H Local floral density per square meter, calculated as the mean number of floral units (all plant species included) per m² in the local plant assemblage (transect) of the field margin surrounding the focal maternal plant during its flowering period. The local floral density was calculated from monthly floral surveys (6 quadrats of 2m x 50 cm along a 100x2 m transect).
- Local_abundance_male_Bombus_n (count) I Local abundance of male Bombus, calculated as the total number of male Bombus (bumblebees) specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_male_large_wild_bees_n (count) J Local abundance of male large-sized wild bees, calculated as the total number of male large-sized wild bee specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_male_medium_wild_bees_n (count) K Local abundance of male medium-sized wild bees, calculated as the total number of male medium-sized wild bee specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_male_small_wild_bees_n (count) L Local abundance of male small-sized wild bees, calculated as the total number of male small-sized wild bee specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_Apis_mellifera_workers_n (count) M Local abundance of Apis mellifera, calculated as the total number of Apis mellifera (honeybee) worker specimens which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_female_Bombus_n (count) N Local abundance of female Bombus, calculated as the total number of female Bombus (bumblebees) specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_female_large_wild_bees_n (count) O Local abundance of female large-sized wild bees, calculated as the total number of female large-sized wild bee specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_female_medium_wild_bees_n (count) P Local abundance of female medium-sized wild bees, calculated as the total number of female medium-sized wild bee specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_female_small_wild_bees_n (count) Q Local abundance of female small-sized wild bees, calculated as the total number of female small-sized wild bee specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_Syrphids_n (count) R Local abundance of Syrphids, calculated as the total number of male or female Syrphid (hoverflies) specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_other_Hymenoptera_n (count) S Local abundance of other Hymenoptera, calculated as the total number of non-bee Hymenoptera specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_other_Diptera_n (count) T Local abundance of other Diptera, calculated as the total number of non-syrphid Diptera specimens (belonging to morphospecies observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Local_abundance_Lepidoptera_n (count) U Local abundance of Lepidoptera, calculated as the total number of Lepidoptera (butterflies) specimens (belonging to species observed visiting focal or non focal C. segetum on the experimental farm during the study period), which were observed actively foraging in the neighborhood of the maternal plant (including the focal plant plot and the multispecies assemblage of the field margin) during its flowering period.
- Plot / V Identifier of the plot of focal C. segetum plants (n = 9 focal individuals per plot) to which the focal maternal plant belonged : F1 to F10 = plots located in wildflower strips; G1 to G6 = plots located in grass-legume strips.
- Strip_type / W Type of strip in which the focal maternal plant was transplanted (wildflower strip or grass/legume strip). N_offspring_genotyped_n (count) X Total number of offspring from the focal maternal plant that were successfully genotyped (15, 16 or 17 out of 17 that were initially randomly selected).
- Maternal_plant_biomass_g Gram (g) Y Total dry biomass of the whole maternal plant, including vegetative parts (except roots), fruits and seeds. The maternal plant dry biomass was measured in the lab after harvest and is given in grams (g).
- N_fruits_n (count) Z Total number of fruits produced by the focal maternal plant between the start of its flowering period and harvest.
- Total_fruit_biomass_g Gram (g) AA Total dry biomass of fruits (including seeds) produced by the focal maternal plant during the experiment duration. The total dry biomass of fruits was measured in the lab after harvest and is given in grams (g).
- N_seeds_n (count) AB Total number of seeds produced by the focal maternal plant between the start of its flowering period and harvest. Total_seed_biomass_g Gram (g) AC Total dry biomass of seeds produced by the focal maternal plant during the experiment duration. The total dry biomass of seeds was measured in the lab after harvest and is given in grams (g).
The data were collected in May-July 2019 on a farm-scale agroecological experiment (INRAE CA-SYS platform) in Burgundy, France (47°19'06.7"N 5°04'17.6"E), with the aim of investigating how the abundance of different pollinator functional groups (defined by species traits) interacted with the local floral context (maternal plant attractiveness, conspecific pollen donor density, heterospecific floral richness and density) to modulate the mating outcomes (expected heterozygosity, multilocus paternity correlation) of the wild, self-incompatible plant Cyanus segetum transplanted in field margins (wildflower strips or grass-legume strips).
144 focal C. segetum plants originating from seeds obtained from ARBIOTECH (Saint-Gilles, France) were germinated in controlled conditions before being transplanted at the rosette stage in 16 agroecological infrastructures (field margins) across the farm (10 wildflower strips and 6 grass/legume strips). Each focal plant plot consisted of three triplets of focal C. segetum, for a total of nine focal plants per plot.
From May to July 2019, we monthly monitored the reproductive development of the focal C. segetum plants and the local floral assemblage of the field margin (6 quadrats of 2 m x 50 cm along a transect of 100 m x 2 m centered on the focal plot; n = 16 transects).
We also conducted bimonthly surveys of plant-pollinator interactions with the focal plants (plot-scale surveys, 15 minutes, n = 16 plots) and in the multispecies plant assemblage of the field margins (15 minutes of slow walk along a 100 m x 2 m transect, n = 16 transects).
The insect pollinator specimens from species observed visiting focal and non-focal C. segetum on the farm were classified into different pollinator functional groups based on species traits likely to play a role in the genetic component of pollination effectiveness (e.g. degree of life-cycle dependence on flowers, mobility, body size, sociality, sex, hairiness, foraging behaviour).
33 focal maternal plants were randomly selected from the 144 focal plants for genotyping the maternal plants and their progeny (17 randomly selected offspring per maternal plant, out of which at least 15 were successfully genotyped) at 8 loci (microsatellite markers).
Each experimental unit is a focal C. segetum maternal plant (n = 33).
The related study was based on data from column A to column R. Columns S to AC were not used in the analyses, but are provided in case they would be needed in further analyses.