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Data from: Genetic structuring among colonies of a pantropical seabird: Implication for subspecies validation and conservation

Data files

Jul 30, 2021 version files 79.38 KB


Appendix S1

Table S1 Details of field researchers and licences under which they took blood samples from white-tailed tropicbirds from populations in the years of study
Table S2 Morphometrics of 616 individual white-tailed tropicbirds from 11 populations. Population codes are as described in Table 1.
Table S3 Raw microsatellite genotypes for 382 individual White-tailed tropicbird from 13 populations. Population codes are as described in Table 1
Table S4 Details of mtDNA sequences 
Table S5 Tests of bottleneck (P-values for one-tailed Wilcoxon’s signed rank test for heterozygosity excess) based on 10 microsatellites in 13 populations of Phaethon lepturus
Table S6 Pairwise FST estimates based on nuclear microsatellite variation (above diagonal), and ΦST estimates based on mtDNA sequence (below diagonal) for 11 populations with sample sizes >5 (‘Pop’s) of Phaethon lepturus (see Table 1 for population codes)