Interactions between non-native Western Mosquitofish and native Bluegill Sunfish: mesocosm experiments
Data files
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These data are from two mesocosm experiments designed to assess the impacts of interspecific interactions, including both competition and predation, between invasive Western Mosquitofish and native Bluegill Sunfish. We manipulated the presence of Western Mosquitofish and Bluegill Sunfish in each experiment. In Experiment 2 we also manipulated the presence of vegetative structure. We measured numerous aspects of the fish, such as length, mass, survivorship, and recruitment. We also examined the response of zooplankton communities to the treatments.
README: Interactions between non-native Western Mosquitofish and native Bluegill Sunfish: mesocosm experiments
This dataset includes data collected from two mesocosm experiments examining the interactions between an invasive fish, Gambusia affinis, and a native fish, Lepomis macrochirus.
These experiments were conducted at the Denison University Biological Reserve in Granville, Licking County, Ohio.
Description of the data and file structure
The data is provided in two .csv files, one for each experiment. For each experiment, the data are given in columns. In both datasets, there are numerous blank cells indicated by "na", meaning "not applicable". These are cells for which no data could possibly be collected (e.g., in treatments with only L. macrochirus we could not collect any of the data related to G. affinis, or in treatments with no fish we could not collect any data on either L. macrochirus, or G. affinis, etc.)
Below we give a description of what each column contains for each data file.
RettigetalExperiment1 data set
Cattletank: This is the ID number of each cattletank (note that cattletank 18 was excluded because it was found that we had inadvertently added too many fish to the tank at the start)
IntervsIntra: This column indicates whether the mesocosm consisted of a single species (Intra) or both species (Inter)
Density: This column indicates whether the density treatment was low or high.
Treatment: This column provides the combined IntervsIntra and Density treatments as well as Control mesocosms which do not contain any fish.
BG survival: This column provides the untransformed survival of L. macrochirus in the experiment.
MeanBGTL: This column gives the mean total length (mm) of L. macrochirus in each mesocosm at the end of the experiment
MeanBGMass: This column gives the mean mass (g) of L. macrochirus in each mesocosm at the end of the experiment
Total Final/Initial Mass BF: This column gives the proportional change in total mass (g) of L. macrochirus in each mesocosm over the course of the experiment
Mean BG BCI: This column provides the mean body condition index (BCI) of L. macrochirus in a mesocosm (BCI = mass/TL)
BG surv trans: This column gives the arcsin square root transformed survival of L. macrochirus in each mesocosm.
Total MF FINAL #: This column includes the total number of G. affinis found in each mesocosm at the end of the experiment.
MF SRI: This column provides the calculated Surivorship Recruitment Index (SRI) for G. affinis in each mesocosm (SRI = Total MF FINAL #/Initial number of G. affinis put in a mesocosm)
Total MF Final Mass: This column gives the total mass (g) of all G. affinis in a mesocosm at the end of the experiment.
Total Zoops: There are 5 columns that provide the total number of zooplankton sampled in a mesocosm (individuals per liter). Each column is for a different sampling date over the course of the experiment. June 2 is the Initial sample taken prior to adding treatments to the mesocosms.
Large Zoops: There are 5 columns that provide the number of large zooplankton (Scaphaloberus, Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, and Simocephalus) sampled in a mesocosm (individuals per liter). Each column is for a different sampling date over the course of the experiment. June 2 is the Initial sample taken prior to adding treatments to the mesocosms.
RettigetalExperiment2 data set
Tank: This is the ID number of each cattletank (note that the numbering of tanks is not continuous due to some cattletanks being removed prior to the start of the experiment due to logistical reasons)
Veg: This column provides information on whether the vegetation treatment was present (Y) or not (N)
BG: This column provides information on whether L. macrochirus was present (Y) or not (N)
MF: This column provides information on whether G. affinis was present (Y) or not (N)
Change in MF TL: This column includes the mean proportional change in the total length (mm) of G. affinis in each mesocosm over the course of the experiment
Change in BG length: This column includes the mean proportional change in the total length (mm) of L. macrochirus in each mesocosm over the course of the experiment
Change in BG mass: This column includes the mean proportional change in mass (g) of L. macrochirus in each mesocosm over the course of the experiment
Number of MF larvae: This column gives the number of larval G. affinis collected from each mesocosm at the end of the experiment
MF SRI: This column provides the calculated Surivorship Recruitment Index (SRI) for G. affinis in each mesocosm (SRI = Total MF FINAL #/Initial number of G. affinis put in a mesocosm)
Survivorship of BG: This column provides the untransformed survival of L. macrochirus in the experiment.
BGSurvTrans: This column gives the arcsin square root transformed survival of L. macrochirus in each mesocosm.
Total Zoops: There are 6 columns that provide the total number of zooplankton sampled in a mesocosm (individuals per liter). Each column is for a different sampling date over the course of the experiment. June 14 is the Initial sample taken prior to adding treatments to the mesocosms.
Large Zoops: There are 6 columns that provide the number of large zooplankton (Scaphaloberus, Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, and Simocephalus) sampled in a mesocosm (individuals per liter). Each column is for a different sampling date over the course of the experiment. June 14 is the Initial sample taken prior to adding treatments to the mesocosms.
Sharing/Access information
These datasets were collected using standard mesocosm experiment methods. We measured the total length, body mass, and number of surviving fish at the beginning and the end of the experiment. We used these values to calculate changes in measurements over the course of the experiments. In addition, we regularly sampled the zooplankton communities over the course of the experiment identified zooplankton, and counted the number of individuals in each sample.
The datasets have been proofed and in some cases, data were transformed for analysis (e.g., proportions were transformed).