Single and combined exposure to ‘bee safe’ pesticides alter behaviour and offspring production in a ground-nesting solitary bee (Xenoglossa pruinosa)
Data files
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Mounting evidence supporting the negative impacts of exposure to neonicotinoids on bees has prompted the registration of novel ‘bee-friendly’ insecticides for agricultural use. Flupyradifurone (FPF) is a butenolide insecticide that shares the same mode of action as neonicotinoids and has been assessed to be “practically non-toxic to adult honeybees” using current risk assessment procedures. However, these assessments overlook some routes of exposure specific to wild bees, such as contact with residues in soil for ground nesters. Co-exposure with other pesticides may also lead to detrimental synergistic effects. In a fully crossed experiment, we assessed the possible lethal and sublethal effects of chronic exposure to two pesticides used on Cucurbita crops, the insecticide Sivanto® Prime (FPF) and the fungicide Quadris Top® (azoxystrobin and difenoconazole), alone or combined, on solitary ground-nesting squash bees (Xenoglossa pruinosa). Squash bees exposed to Quadris Top collected less pollen per flower visit while Sivanto-exposed bees produced larger offspring. Pesticide co-exposure induced hyperactivity in female squash bees, relative to both the control and single pesticide exposure, and reduced the number of emerging offspring per nest compared to individual pesticide treatments. This study demonstrates that ‘low-toxicity’ pesticides can adversely affect squash bees under field-realistic rates, alone or in combination.
README: Single and combined exposure to ‘bee safe’ pesticides alter behaviour and offspring production in a ground-nesting solitary bee (Xenoglossa pruinosa)
This README file describes the data package accompanying the publication: Rondeau S, Raine NE. 2024. Single and combined exposure to ‘bee safe’ pesticides alter behaviour and offspring production in a ground-nesting solitary bee (Xenoglossa pruinosa). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. doi:10.1098/rspb.2023.2939.
Description of the data and file structure
The file "Data_Rondeau_Raine2024.xslx" contains multiple tabs (sheets) representing each dataset analyzed in the study. The description of each dataset and variables therein are as follows:
All tabs
- Hoophouse_ID: unique enclosure identifier (see Figure S1)
- Block: block (see Figure S1)
- Insecticide_tx: Insecticide treatment (Control or Sivanto)
- Fungicide_tx: Fungicide treatment (Control or Quadris Top)
- TX: treatment (Control, Quadris, Sivanto, Mixture)
- Bee_ID: unique bee identifier
- Mean_male_flw: mean number of staminate (male) flowers per day
- Mean_tot_flw: mean number of flowers per day
Survival: dataset presented and analyzed in the 'Survival' subsection of the methodology
- Date of death: last date the bee was seen alive (= presumed date of death)
- Time of death: number of days after the bees were introduced in hoophouses
- Censored: whether the data was right censored (0) or not (1)
Nests & yield data: dataset presented and analyzed in the 'Nesting activity' and 'Crop yield and flower counts' subsections of the methodology
- Nb_nest: total number of active nests
- Nb_female_bees: number of female bees present in enclosures after some bees have crossed from the side of the hoop house where they were introduced to the other side of the hoop house (see Appendix S2).
- Nb_nests_per_bee: number of nests per bee (see Appendix S2).
- Percent_marketable_fruits: percentage of fruits ≥500 g
- Percent_fruit_set: percentage of pistillate flowers that have set fruit
Yield_binomial: binomial (0/1) yield data of each marked pistillate flower, as presented in the 'Crop yield and flower counts' subsection of the methodology.
- Fruit_set_binomial: 1 = the marked flower set fruit, 0 = the marked flower did not set fruit.
- Maketable_fruit_binomial: 1 = the marked flower produced a fruit of marketable size, 0 = the marked flower did not produce a fruit of marketable size.
- Nb_females_Aug15: number of female squash bees present in enclosures at the beginning of flower marking (August 15)
Foraging activity: dataset presented and analyzed in the 'Foraging activity' subsection of the methodology
- Sampling_date: date of data collection
- Sampling_time: Time of data collection
- Time_category: early, mid, or late morning
- Nb_pollen_grains1-4: number of pollen grains counted in aliquots 1 to 4
- Mean_pollen_grains: mean number of pollen grains per 5-μl aliquot
- Handling_time: handling time of flowers, in seconds
Motor activity: dataset presented and analyzed in the 'Motor activity' subsection of the methodology
- Date: date of data collection
- Line_crossing: number of line crossings made in 2 minutes
- Time_grooming: time (in seconds) bees spent engaging in grooming behaviour
- Time_escape: time (in seconds) bees spent engaging in escaping behaviour
- Time_grooming+escape: time (in seconds) bees spent engaging in grooming or escaping behaviour
Offspring emergence: data on the 99 individual offspring that emerged in 2021. These data are presented and analyzed in the 'Offspring production' subsection of the methodology
- Date_emergence: date of emergence of the offspring bee
- Date_afterJUL29: number of days elapsed between bee emergence and July 29, 2020
- Trap_ID: unique identifier of emergence trap; flowers = the bee was found in wilted flower.
- Sex: sex of emerged offspring (male or female)
- IT_span: intertegular span of emerged bee (in mm)
Offspring summary: offspring emergence data summarized per enclosure. These data are presented and analyzed in the 'Offspring production' subsection of the methodology.
- Nb_emerged_males: total number of emerged male offspring per enclosure
- Nb_emerged_females: total number of emerged female offspring per enclosure
- Emergence_total: total number of emerged offspring per enclosure
- Nb_nest: total number of active nest per enclosure
- Emergence.nest: number of offspring per nest (total number of emerged bees divided by total number of nests)
- Date_first_emergence: date of emergence of the first bee in the enclosure
- Date_afterJul29_female: number of days elapsed between the emergence of the first female and July 29, 2020
- Date_afterJul29_male: number of days elapsed between the emergence of the first male and July 29, 2020
- Date_afterJUL29_first_offspring: number of days elapsed between the emergence of the first offspring and July 29, 2020
- Sex-ratio: sex-ratio of emerged offspring (males/total offspring)
- Nb_offspring_trap1: total number of offspring caught in emergence trap 1
- Nb_offspring_trap2: total number of offspring caught in emergence trap 2
- Nb.trap_mean: mean number of nests per trap across the two emergence traps
- Mean_offspring_per_nest: mean number of offspring caught in emergence traps 1 and 2
- Sex_first_offspring: sex of first emerged offspring (male or female)
- Total_emergence_per_bee: total number of offspring per bee (see Appendix S2).
Soil pesticide residues: dataset presented and analyzed in the 'Pesticide residues' subsection of the methodology
- Sampling_date: date of soil sampling
- Mass (g): mass of soil used for extraction
- Columns D to CQ: name of active ingredient screened for. Residue concentrations are presented in ng/g.
- n.d. = not detected
The file 'Code_Rondeau_Raine2024.R' reproduces the analyses of the article cited above.