Functional traits—not nativeness—shape the effects of large mammalian herbivores on plant communities
Data files
Dec 14, 2023 version files 212.74 MB
Large mammalian herbivores (megafauna) have experienced extinctions and declines since prehistory. Introduced megafauna have partly counteracted these losses yet are thought to have unusually negative effects compared to native megafauna. Using a meta-analysis of 3,995 plot-scale plant abundance and diversity responses from 221 studies, we found no evidence that megafauna impacts were shaped by nativeness, ‘invasiveness’, ‘feralness’, coevolutionary history, or functional and phylogenetic novelty. Nor was there evidence that introduced megafauna facilitate introduced plants more than native megafauna. Instead, we found strong evidence that functional traits shaped megafauna impacts, with larger-bodied and bulk-feeding megafauna promoting plant diversity. Our work suggests that trait-based ecology provides better insight into interactions between megafauna and plants than concepts of nativeness.
README: Data for Functional traits - not nativeness - shape the effects of large mammalian herbivores on plant communities
This dataset consists of meta-analytic data on plant diversity and abundance responses to mammalian megafauna (>45 kg). This data can be used (as in manuscript) to assess whether there are differences between introduced and native megafauna in their effects on plants and to assess how megafauna functional traits, environmental variables, and so on, influence megafauna effects on plants.
Description of the Data and file structure
This repository includes the following data files. Note that NA and blank cells are considered equivalent in all csv files.
'Plant_Abundance.csv' = Each row is an observed effect of megafauna on plant abundance.
'Plant_Diversity.csv' = Each row is an observed effect of megafauna on plant diversity. This dataset and 'Plant_Abundance.csv' have the same columns but are separated for convenience.
'Model_Comparison_Guide.csv' = This dataset has a row for every model comparison used in manuscript. These comparisons were multi-tiered, comparing a null model to a base model (containing a factor of interest) and then this base model to a model with that factor of interest + nativeness. The filepath to each of these model objects is provided in the 'dir' columns ('dir_null', 'dir_base', and 'dir_nativeness') and the formulas for each model are provided in the 'formula' columns.
'' = This archive contains each model object as an .Rds file, which can be loaded with readRDS() in R after loading the 'metafor' package.
'Plant_Metadata.csv' = This csv file contains a description of each column name in the 'Plant_Abundance.csv' and 'Plant_Diversity.csv' datasets as well as the variable names in all model objects (in ''), which themselves are trained on the data in 'Plant_Abundance.csv' and 'Plant_Diversity.csv'
'Model_Comparison_Metadata.csv' = This csv file contains a description of each column name in the 'Model_Comparison_Guide.csv' file.
The repository includes the following R scripts:
0_Helper_Scripts.R contains functions used in the other scripts.
1_Run_Models.R contains code to run all models. Note that this script should be used cautiously as some models can take days to run on a personal computer.
2_Analyze_and_Plot.R contains code to create figures and interpret models.
Sharing/access Information
Please cite:
Lundgren et al. Functional traits - not nativeness - shape the effects of large mammalian herbivores on plant communities. Science.
Literature screening and digitization
This meta-analysis was part of a larger effort to understand megafauna impacts on multiple facets of ecosystems (e.g. including soil nutrients, invertebrates, etc). This ensured that the dataset included plant responses that were also measured in studies focused on other response variables (e.g., spider diversity). We searched Web of Science with a string of search terms that included the common names and Latin genera of all terrestrial mammalian megafauna species (common names from HerbiTraits v1.2 (Lundgren et al. 2021)) separated with an ‘OR’ operand, along with the following search terms: “disturb*, graz*, brows*, impact*, effect, affect, disrupt, facilitate, invasi*, ecosystem*, vegetat*, plant*, fauna*, reptil*, amphib*, bird*, rodent*, fish*, invertebrat*, insect*, soil*, carbon, climate, albedo, river*, riparian, desert*, forest*, tundra, decomposition, grassland*, savanna*, chaparral, scrub, shrub, diversity, heterogeneity, extinction, richness, environment, reptile*, ecolog*, hydrolog*, disturbance, density, biodiversity, response*, ecosystem, herbaceous, canopy, germination, cover, pollinator*, tree, nutrient*, understorey, erosion, grass*, vegetation, community, exclosure, competition, effect*, abundance, productivity”. To reduce unrelated results we also included a Web of Science category filter (“WC”) of “ECOLOGY OR ZOOLOGY OR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OR EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OR GEOGRAPHY PHYSICAL OR REMOTE SENSING OR PLANT SCIENCES OR MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE OR FORESTRY OR ENTOMOLOGY OR MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY OR MYCOLOGY OR BIOLOGY OR OCEANOGRAPHY OR ORNITHOLOGY OR BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES OR FISHERIES”.
The Web of Science review was concluded on the 18th of February 2021 and returned 60,537 studies. We removed duplicate studies using the fuzzy matching algorithm with the function ‘find_duplicates’ in the R package ‘revtools’ (version 0.4.1) (Westgate 2019). After removing duplicates, our final search returned 46,825 studies. Title screening reduced the number of studies to 2,369.
We screened the full text of these studies to only include studies focused on wild megafauna (≥45 kg) and that compared areas with low versus high megafauna densities due to exclosures, policy-driven differences (hunting versus no-hunting in adjacent properties), and differences in introduction or eradication histories (adjacent islands with and without megafauna). Some studies compared areas with and without focal megafauna populations for unknown reasons (e.g., a site with and without horses with no indication of why horses might be absent (Robertson et al. 2019)), which were excluded due to low confidence in the ultimate drivers of observed differences. We excluded all before-after comparisons (e.g., a plot measured prior to exclosure construction and then afterwards) because of the high rates of change in many systems through time (via afforestation, shifts in climate, succession, etc.). Studies that excluded megafauna but also all vertebrates were excluded. Two additional studies reported data from extremely limiting resources (i.e., wetlands in deserts). These were excluded given that such scenarios should be analyzed separately, for which we did not have sufficient sample size. Studies that evaluated the effects of megafauna on transplants or agricultural crops (including plantations) were not digitized. Studies that included an appropriate comparison and reported a central tendency (mean or median), a measurement of error (standard deviation, standard error, variance, etc), and sample size were digitized (n=154).
This literature list was supplemented by the literature contained in other relevant meta-analyses (Daskin and Pringle 2016, Eldridge et al. 2020) and those encountered in the bibliographies of the studies we digitized. Given the limited number of studies from oceanic islands and regarding widely distributed introduced species (feral pigs, goats) in our initial Web of Science search, we conducted focused Google Scholar searches on July 15th, 2022 with the following terms: “ungulate impacts island*”, “introduced goat impact island*”, “introduced deer impact*”, “feral camel impact*”, “wild OR feral boar OR hog OR swine impact*”, “feral cattle impact*”, “invasive ungulate hawaii OR guam OR new zealand OR pacific island OR new caledonia OR galapagos OR caribbean OR oceanic island” and a Web of Science search on the 22nd of December 2022 using the search string “herbivore* AND plant* AND response*”. This uncovered an additional 482 studies of which 66 studies were fit for inclusion, leading to a total of 221 studies in our final dataset.
We digitized central tendencies (mean, median), error (standard deviation, standard error, interquartile ranges), and sample sizes for each response (diversity, richness, and abundance) in each study. We used ImageJ to extract data from figures (Schneider et al. 2012). Interquartile ranges and medians (e.g., as extracted from boxplots) were converted to means and standard deviation using the function in the package ‘estmeansd’ version 1.0.0 (McGrath et al. 2022). Means and SD/SE were reported by 213 studies (3,846 observations) while 11 studies (149 observations) reported medians and interquartile ranges.
We also digitized relevant covariates from the text, which included time since treatment (e.g., exclosure construction, introduction, eradication, etc), study coordinates (latitude, longitude), megafauna density (standardized to kg per hectare), relative abundance of megafauna (in the case of multispecies megafauna communities and if density was not provided), and the scale of measurement (treated both as area, m2, and maximum measurement length, m, to allow the comparison of transects to plots).
If study coordinates were not exactly provided, we extracted latitude and longitude from the approximate center of each study location in Google Maps. Maximum measurement length was calculated as either the hypotenuse of square/rectangular plots, the length of transects, or the diameter of circular plots. Distributions of megafauna traits, environmental variables (see below), and methodological variables were similar between native and introduced megafauna communities in our final dataset.
We treated measurements of species richness and species diversity (e.g., Shannon Weiner index) as ‘diversity’ responses and density estimates (individual plants per plot), % cover, and biomass as measurements of abundance. Analyzing these responses alone led to similar results. We excluded seed abundance and diversity responses, given that seedbanks can be at disequilibrium from realized plant communities. We included all true plant species, excluding multicellular algae and lichen.
Effect sizes
Given the presence of negative values and zeros in our dataset, we calculated effect sizes using Hedges’ g, a unitless measure of standardized mean difference between groups. Each effect size was associated with sampling variance calculated from the sample size and standard deviation of each observation. Effect sizes and sampling variances were calculated with the function ‘escalc’ in the R package ‘metafor’ (version 3.5-12) (Viechtbauer 2010).
Megafauna and plant nativeness
Megafauna nativeness was based on study author designations or IUCN range maps (17), if unreported. While many communities had both native and introduced megafauna present, the vast majority of studies only manipulated (excluded) the introduced megafauna, which was possible because of body size differences or through eradication. Only one study manipulated both native and introduced megafauna (Ward‐Jones et al. 2019). Given that the majority of megafauna biomass in this study consisted of introduced megafauna, we classified this study as introduced. Excluding it (only relevant for abundance analyses) led to similar results. The evolutionary exposure of study sites to megafauna (i.e., oceanic islands versus continents and offshore islands) was determined using PHYLACINE v1.2 range maps- (Faurby et al. 2018). We considered New Zealand, which possessed avian megafauna, an oceanic island without coevolutionary history with mammalian megafauna (due to distinctive foraging strategies of avian versus mammalian herbivores). However, counting New Zealand as an offshore island led to similar results.
The nativeness of collective plant responses was assigned as reported by the authors (1,864 observations from 104 studies). In cases where plant nativeness was unspecified (2,136 observations from 155 studies) we evaluated nativeness based on author-provided flora descriptions of the study site by referring to the Plants of the World Online (POWO n.d.) and the study site location. If introduced plants were described in the study system, we described the study as mixed (and thus excluded it) unless the introduced plants collectively constituted <5% relative abundance (cover, biomass, density), as reported by authors, in which case we counted these systems as ‘native’. From this, we were able to classify an additional 1,718 observations from 113 studies as native (1,499 observations, 97 studies), mixed (218 observations, 15 studies), and introduced (1 observation, 1 study). A final portion of studies did not provide site flora descriptions (418 observations, 42 studies). These studies generally came from large, well-protected landscapes (e.g., Kruger National Park, Arctic tundra). We treated these responses as native.
The nativeness of individual plant species, relevant only to plant abundance responses, was extracted from the Plants of the World Online (POWO n.d.), as above. Plant taxonomy was standardized with the Taxonomic Name Resolution Service (TNRS) (Boyle et al. 2013).
Coevolutionary history and coevolutionary novelty
The coevolutionary history between megafauna and the biomes to which they have been introduced was determined using biome maps from Olson et al. 2001 (Olson et al. 2001). Introduced megafauna were considered ’coevolved’ with the biome if they would have occurred in the absence of human-caused extinctions and range contractions (e.g., Equus ferus caballus in North America), based on PHYLACINE v1.2’s (Faurby et al. 2018) megafauna distributions in the absence of extinctions and range contractions, or if the megafauna species was native elsewhere within the focal biome, as in the case of megafauna introduced to offshore islands within their native continent. Species-level coevolutionary history between megafauna and individual plant species was determined by comparing plant distributions (POWO n.d.) to PHYLACINE range maps (Faurby et al. 2018). In cases of multiple introduced megafauna, we based this on the dominant megafauna species, with dominance determined by relative biomass.
Functional and phylogenetic novelty were calculated by identifying coevolved megafauna communities, in the absence of Late Pleistocene extinctions and range contractions, for each study location from PHYLACINE v1.2 range maps (Faurby et al. 2018). Functional novelty was calculated as the Gower distance to the most functionally similar coevolved megafauna. Gower distances were calculated using the function ‘gowdis’ (R package ‘FD’, version 1.0-12.1) (Laliberté et al. 2014) from key megafauna functional traits that determine their effect on the environment (provided by HerbiTraits (Lundgren et al. 2021)). These included body mass (log10 scale), two ordinal dietary traits (graminoid consumption, browse consumption), fermentation type (converted to an ordinal variable describing fermentation efficiency), three non-exclusive binary habitat use variables (aquatic, terrestrial, arboreal), a categorical variable describing limb morphology (plantigrade, digitigrade, unguligrade). Variable weightings followed (Lundgren et al. 2020). Phylogenetic novelty was defined as the cophenetic distance between the introduced megafauna and the most closely related megafauna in the absence of human-caused extinctions and range contractions using the function ‘pd’ (R package ‘ape’ version 5.6-2, (Paradis and Schliep 2019), with the phylogeny provided by PHYLACINE v1.2 (Faurby et al. 2018)).
For both phylogenetic and functional novelty, we identified the distances between the introduced megafauna and the most similar prehistoric ‘coevolved’ megafauna. This value was relativized by the introduced species’ relative biomass in their community and then averaged across all introduced megafauna. Relative biomass estimates were calculated from relative abundance or absolute density estimates per species, which were reported for 78.4% of data points.
Environmental covariates
Environmental covariates were extracted for each study location by buffering each study location by 5 km and using the function ‘extract’ from the R package ‘terra’ (version 1.7-6) (Hijmans 2023). Values were averaged across the 5 km buffer. Specifically, we extracted values of net primary productivity (Zhao et al. 2005), maximum annual temperature and precipitation (Fick and Hijmans 2017), and the human footprint index (Venter et al. 2016). The human footprint index was available for both 1993 and 2009. We thus used values closest to the year the data was collected or, if unreported, the year the study was published (n=78 studies). For studies reporting data over multiple years, the year was adjusted for the time when the individual response was collected based on commencement of study and collection interval.
Megafauna community functional traits
To understand how megafauna functional traits influence their effects on plants, we evaluated key megafauna functional traits for all species in our dataset. Given that 80 studies (1,433 observations) manipulated multiple species of megafauna, we analyzed megafauna functional trait summaries at a community level. We did this by multiplying species trait values by their relative biomass in their community (0–1) and then calculating the maximum and mean of these traits (henceforth ‘community-weighted’). Mean trait values reflect overall community tendencies, while the possibility that ecological outcomes may be shaped more by extremes (while accounting for relative biomass) is captured by maximum trait values.
Traits were extracted from HerbiTraits (Lundgren et al. 2021) and included body mass, proportion of megafauna biomass with hindgut fermentation (which has distinct effects on ecosystems relative to foregut fermentation, (Alexander 1993)), and dietary preference for graminoids (grasses and allies). Note that while our meta-analysis focused on megafauna ≥45 kg, some studies excluded smaller herbivores as well. These herbivores were included in trait summaries if ≥10 kg in mass, for which trait data was available.
Browse and graminoid (grass and allies) consumption are the two primary axes of dietary differentiation in herbivores. Browse and graminoid consumption were available from HerbiTraits as two non-exclusive variables ranging from 0 (avoided) to 3 (highly preferred). To synthesize these variables into a single measure, we relativized each species’ graminoid consumption value by multiplying it by their relative biomass (0-1) within their community. We then divided this value by the sum of relativized browse and graminoid consumption. This variable was used in conjunction with the plant growth form of each response, categorized as forb, woody, or graminoid. Species-level plant growth forms were derived from the World Checklist of Vascular Plants and from the ‘growthform’ package (Zanne et al. 2015).
Muzzle widths were extracted from (Pérez–Barbería and Gordon 2001, Mendoza et al. 2002). Species-level muzzle widths were absent for 42 species of 114 herbivore species in our dataset (36.8%). We used genus-level averages for the 25 of these species for which genus-level data was available. A remaining 17 species without genus-level estimates were minor members (median 13% relative biomass) of speciose herbivore communities in 40 observations (4 studies). For these observations, we excluded these particular species, calculating muzzle width summaries with the other species present only. Elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus), on the other hand, were important components (by biomass) of 154 data points (10 studies). Muzzle width is a poor proxy for dietary selectivity in elephants since these animals use their trunk to forage and can both be selective and consume large quantities of biomass. We thus assigned elephants the same muzzle width as black rhinos (Diceros bicornis) because of their similar body mass and diet. The final dataset included community-weighted muzzle width estimates for all but 56 abundance responses (1.7%) and 13 diversity responses (1.7%), which were excluded from analysis.
Finally, we assigned each megafauna into functional groups to evaluate whether functional group richness shaped megafauna impacts. Functional groups were based on combinations of body mass bins (10–45 kg, 45–100 kg, 100–1,000 kg, ≥1,000 kg), dietary guilds (browser, mixed feeder, grazer), and fermentation type (foregut, hindgut, and simple gut).
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Usage notes
R version 4.2.1 as well as a variety of packages, including data.table, metafor, multcomp, ggplot2, broom, tidyr, and dplyr.