Data from: Resurrected seeds from herbarium specimens reveal rapid evolution of drought resistance in a selfing annual
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Christie, Kyle (2023). Data from: Resurrected seeds from herbarium specimens reveal rapid evolution of drought resistance in a selfing annual [Dataset]. Dryad.
Premise of study: Increased aridity and drought associated with climate change are exerting unprecedented selection pressures on plant populations. Whether populations can rapidly adapt, and which life history traits might confer increased fitness under drought, remain outstanding questions.
Methods: We utilized a resurrection ecology approach, leveraging dormant seeds from herbarium collections to assess whether populations of Plantago patagonica from the semi-arid Colorado Plateau have rapidly evolved in response to approximately ten years of intense drought in the region. We quantified multiple traits associated with drought escape and drought resistance and assessed the survival of ancestors and descendants under simulated drought.
Key Results: Descendant populations displayed a significant shift in resource allocation, in which they invested less in reproductive tissues and relatively more in both above- and below-ground vegetative tissues. Plants with greater leaf biomass survived longer under terminal drought; moreover, even after accounting for the effect of increased leaf biomass, descendant seedlings survived drought longer than their ancestors.
Conclusions: Our results document rapid adaptive evolution in response to climate change in a selfing annual and suggest that shifts in tissue allocation strategies may underlie adaptive responses to drought in arid or semi-arid environments. This work also illustrates a novel approach, documenting that under specific circumstances, seeds from herbarium specimens may provide an untapped source of dormant propagules for future resurrection experiments.
Data for: Resurrected seeds from herbarium specimens reveal rapid evolution of drought resistance in a selfing annual
American Journal of Botany, 2023
Kyle Christie, Natalie R. Pierson, Liza M. Holeski, David B. Lowry
Corresponding author – Kyle Christie (;
This dataset includes:
- 5 .csv data files
- 6 .R files which conduct analysis and produce visualizations
- 1 .Rdata file used in one of figures
Each figure from the manuscript can be generated using a .R analysis file and the associated .csv input file
Input data include:
Analysis scripts include:
Description of METADATA (columns in input .csv files):
*** Blank cells in all .csv values represent NAs ***
*** The .R scripts will handle the NAs appropriately ***
Population: population names (with references to associated herbarium collection numbers)
site_name: concise population names
Lat: latitude (in decimal degrees)
Lon: longitude (in decimal degrees)
Envelope_ID: factor indicating maternal line
Full_Population: population name (with references to associated herbarium collection numbers)
Population: concise population name
grandmaternal_line: factor indicating maternal line of maternal plant in the refresher generation
generation: generation (ancestor or descendant)
germ_tray: factor indicating germination tray
germ_row: row within germination tray
germ_ column: column within germination tray
germ_grid_cell: cell within germination tray
CONE_ID: unique ID of individual plant
treatment: experimental treatment (wet, medium, dry)
rack: factor indicating greenhouse rack
date_germination: calendar date of germination
Jdate_germination: Julian date of germination
date_first_bud: calendar date of first bud
Jdate_first_bud: Julian date of first bud
date_first_flower: calendar date of first flower
Jdate_first_flower: Julian date of first flower
dead_J154: survival census on Julian day 154 (1 = alive, 0 = dead)
dead_J165: survival census on Julian day 165 (1 = alive, 0 = dead)
dead_J168: survival census on Julian day 168 (1 = alive, 0 = dead)
dead_J172: survival census on Julian day 172 (1 = alive, 0 = dead)
dead_J175: survival census on Julian day 175 (1 = alive, 0 = dead)
dead_J184: survival census on Julian day 184 (1 = alive, 0 = dead)
dead_J191: survival census on Julian day 191 (1 = alive, 0 = dead)
inflor_height_July_28_mm: inflorescence height (in mm) on July 28th
notes: experimental notes
leaf_mass_g: leaf mass in grams
seed_number: seed number
seed_mass_g: seed mass in grams
cone_ID: cone (greenhouse pot) identifier
population: concise population name
generation: generation (ancestor, descendant)
maternal_line: factor indicating maternal line
treatment: experimental treatment (dry, wet)
fertilizer: quantity of water-releasable fertilizer (corresponds to treatment)
position: randomized cone position within experimental array
rack: factor indicating greenhouse rack
root_mass: root biomass in grams
veg_mass: above-ground vegetative biomass in grams
floral_mass: floral biomass in grams (when applicable)
total_biomass: total biomass in grams (root biomass + vegetative biomass + floral biomass)
Envelope_ID: factor indicating maternal line
Population: long population name, including notation for herbarium plants ("herb")
grandmaternal_line: factor indicating maternal line of mother plant in resurrection experiment
tray: factor indicating experimental tray
row: row within experimental tray
column: column within experimental tray
date_planted: calendar date seed was planted
Jdate_planted: Julian date seed was planted
Jdate_germ: Julian date seed germinated
Jdate_bud: Julian date plant budded (when applicable)
date_dead: calendar date seedling died
Jdate_dead: Julian date seedling died
plant_height_mm_on_06_29: plant height (in millimeters) on June 29th
leaf_area_mm_squared: leaf area in mm^2
moisture_volts_07_06: volt measurement from soil moisture probe on July 6th
Remove: factor indicating whether to retain row for analysis ("Keep" or "Remove")
planting_notes: explanation if "Remove" column indicates "Remove"
date_germ: calendar date seed germinated
Population: population name (including overall means for each generation; "Overall")
generation: generation (ancestor, descendant)
days_to_germ1: days to germination in Experiment #1
days_to_germ3: days to germination in Experiment #3
days_to_flower: days to flower
seed_number: seed number
seed_mass: seed mass (grams)
leaf_mass: leaf mass (grams)
SLA: specific leaf area
repro_effort: reproductive effort (seed mass / [seed mass + leaf mass])
root_to_shoot: root to shoot ratio
*** these data represent least-squared population means based on top models for each trait
*** shapefile of the Colorado Plateau physiographic region ***
Data files: This upload includes the input data (.csv and .Rdata) and scripts (.R) for primary analyses and figure generation in the manuscript. See the README.txt file for description of the metadata. These data were generated in series of experiments conducted in a greenhouse common garden.
Location: This research was conducted at the greenhouse at Northern Arizona University, using seeds collected from 5 locations in Northern Arizona, as well as seeds previously collected from these sites as part of herbarium voucher specimens.
National Science Foundation, Award: 1906759
National Science Foundation, Award: 1646666
National Science Foundation, Award: 1950421