From green to red: Urban heat stress drives leaf color evolution
Data files
Oct 11, 2023 version files 463.10 KB
Urban environments, occupying approximately 1% of total land area, often impose novel biotic and abiotic selective pressures on organisms and provide valuable opportunities to understand the eco-evolutionary dynamics between nature and human societies. Prevalence of impervious surface and resulting higher temperatures in urban areas, known as urban heat islands, comprises prominent characteristics in global cities. However, it is not known whether and how urban plants adapt to such heat stress. This study focused on Oxalis corniculata, which has intraspecific polymorphism in leaf color (green, red), and examined whether the leaf color variation is associated with urban heat stress. Field observations revealed consistent associations between leaf color and habitat types (green vs. urban) at local (< 500m), landscape (< 50km), and global scales. Green-leaved plants were dominant in green habitats, and red-leaved individuals had increased in number in urban habitats. Growth and photosynthesis experiments indicated the adaptive benefit and cost of red/green leaves associated with heat stresses. Red-leaved individuals had higher growth rates and photosynthetic efficiency under heat stress, while green-leaved individuals displayed higher growth rates and photosynthetic efficiency under non-stressful conditions. Genome-wide SNP analysis suggests that the red leaf trait may have evolved multiple times from the ancestral green leaf, rather than spreading from a single origin of red leaf evolution. Overall, the results suggested that the dominance of red leaves of O. corniculata seen in cities worldwide would be evidence of plant adaptative evolution due to urban heat islands.
README: From green to red: Urban heat stress drives leaf color evolution
Results of all experiments.
Description of the data and file structure
These data are the results of all the experiments analyzed in the paper testing the plant adaptive evolution under urban heat island. The filenames correspond to TableS4. Details of the statistical analysis using this data set can be found in TableS4.
- The "antocyanine.csv" and the "chlorophyll.csv" are the experiments quantifying anthocyanin and chlorophyll levels.
[column header meaning for "antocyanine.csv" ]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- antocyanine: the amount of antocyanine (A530 g FW^ (-1))
- condition: growth condition
[column header meaning for "chlorophyll.csv"]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- chlorophyll: the amount of antocyanine (mg g FW^(-1))
- condition: growth condition
- The " csv"\, "obs.landscape.cvs"\, and "obs.local.csv" are records of plant observations at the global\, landscape\, and local levels.
[column header meaning for " csv"]
- id: observation identification number
- observed_on: observation date
- latitude: location of observation
- habitat: habitat type of observation
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
[column header meaning for "obs.landscape. csv"]
- type of population: type of population
- population: id corresponding to Fig. 4
- name of population
- individual identification
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
[column header meaning for "obs.local. csv"]
- location: name of observed location
- type of site: type of observed site
- distance from boarder: distance from boarder (m)
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- Filenames beginning with "photo" are records of experiments in which photosynthetic activity was measured under heatstress/non-stress.
[column header meaning for "photo.non-stress. csv"]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- ID: individual identification
- par0-1600: light response of photosynthesis per chlorophyll (µmol CO_2^ mg Chl ^(-1) h ^(-1)) under light intensity (par0-1600)
[column header meaning for "photo.stress.2w.csv", "photo.stress.3d.csv" and "photo.stress.before.csv"]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- Fv/Fm: the values of Fv/Fm
- Filenames beginning with "weight" are records of experiments in which plant growth and reproduction were measured under heat stress/non-stress.
[column header meaning for "weight.non-stress.3m", "weight.non-stress.4w", and "weight.non-stress.7w"]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- total: total dry weight (mg)
- above: aboveground dry weight (mg)
- below: belowground dry weight (mg)
[column header meaning for "weight.stress.cont"]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- total: total dry weight (mg)
- survival: 1:survive, 0:dead
[column header meaning for "weight.stress.uncont"]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- total: total dry weight (mg)
- above: aboveground dry weight (mg)
- below: belowground dry weight (mg)
- survival: 1:survive, 0:dead
- pod: number of produced pod
- Filenames beginning with "waterbath" are records of experiments in which photosynthetic activity was measured under heat/non-stress.
[column header meaning for "waterbath.before.stress"]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- Fv/Fm: the values of Fv/Fm
- b.or.a: before or after treatment
[column header meaning for "waterbath.heat.stress", "waterbath.light.stress" and "waterbath.cold.stress",]
- leaf_colour: type of leaf colour
- Fv/Fm: the values of Fv/Fm
- b.or.a: time after stress
To explore this evolutionary hypothesis, three different approaches were combined: (1) comparing leaf color distribution between urban and non-urban settings at local, landscape, and global scales; (2) quantifying the adaptive benefits and costs of green and red leaves by comparing biomass growth and photosynthetic ability under heat-stress and non-heat conditions between green and red leaves; and (3) estimating evolutionary scenarios of red leaves through genome-wide SNPs analysis.
This dataset contains results of (1) and (2).