Data from: The effect of drainage on the fine root biomass, production, and turnover in hemiboreal old-growth forests on organic soils
Data files
Feb 20, 2024 version files 1.84 MB
Information on the capacity of organic soils to capture and store carbon in old-growth forests in the hemiboreal forest zone is scarce and fragmented. However, fine root data can provide valuable insights into soil carbon fluxes. Thus, the aim of the current study was to provide estimates of the fine root biomass (FRB), fine root production (FRP), and fine root turnover (FRT) rate by tree species and other functional groups in old-growth (stand age 131–179 years) forests on mesotrophic organic soils dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), with (drained mesotrophic organic soil) and without (undrained mesotrophic organic soil) the effects of forest drainage. The sequential soil coring method was used to estimate the FRB and FRP. The total FRB (sum of the FRB of all functional groups) was significantly higher in the undrained sites (6.8±0.3 t ha 1) than in the drained sites (3.97±0.1 t ha 1). The FRB of Scots pine in the undrained forest was significantly higher (1.7±0.1 t ha 1) than in the drained forest (0.5±0.1 t ha 1), supporting an extensive foraging strategy. The significantly higher mean FRB of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) (1.4±0.1 t ha 1) in the drained sites than the undrained sites (0.7±0.2 t ha-1) can be explained by there being a higher proportion of spruce in the stand compositions, thus a higher standing volume (cubic meters per hectare) of this species and an increased FRB. The FRB of dwarf shrubs (2.43±0.2 t ha-1) formed the largest part of the total FRB in the undrained sites and the second largest (1.16±0.1 t ha-1), following Norway spruce, in the drained sites. The total FRP was similar between the undrained (2.05±0.31 t ha-1 yr-1) and drained (1.82±0.26 t ha-1 yr-1) stands. However, considerable variability in the FRP was observed between different sites of the same forest site type. The FRT rate of Scots pine was twice as high in the drained sites than the undrained sites, suggesting faster nutrient and carbon input into the drained soil compared to the undrained soil. Estimates of FRB, FRP, and FRT rate for different functional groups can be used in carbon-cycle modeling and in further calculations to estimate the carbon budget (balance) in forests on organic soils.
README: The effect of drainage on the fine root biomass, production, and turnover in hemiboreal old-growth forests on organic soils
This file contains data on study site soil temperature and groundwater level
Description of the data and file structure
Date - Sampling date
Site - Study object name
FT - Forest type (ND - not drained, KS - drained)
Year - Sampling year
Cycle - Sampling campaign number in specific sampling year
PL - Sample plot of study object (1-3)
Groundwater - Groundwater level depth from the ground surface, cm
Soil_temp_10cm - Soil temperature at 10cm depth, °C
Soil_temp_20cm - Soil temperature at 20cm depth, °C
Soil_temp_30cm - Soil temperature at 30cm depth, °C
Soil_temp_40cm - Soil temperature at 40cm depth, °C
This file contains data of study site soil analysis
Description of the data and file structure
Year - Sampling year
Date - Sampling date
Place - Study objects name
FT - Forest type (ND - not drained, KS - drained)
Soil_cm - Soil sampling depth
Repetition - Number of repetitions (1-2)
Soil_density - Soil bulk density, g/kg
C_g_kg - Carbon content in sample, g/kg
N_g_kg - Nitrogen content in sample, g/kg
C_N - Carbon and Nitrogen ratio in sample
pHKCl - Soil pH
Pkop_g_kg - Total Phosphorus content in sample, g/kg
K_mg_kg - Total Potassium content in sample, g/kg
Ca_mg_kg - Total Calcium content in sample, g/kg
Mg_mg_kg - Total Magnesium content in sample, g/kg
This file contains data of study site fine-root biomass, stand taxation indices and soil analysis per study object sample plot and fine-root fraction
Description of the data and file structure
ID - Study site ID
Place - Study object name
FT - Forest type (ND - not drained, KS - drained)
Cycle - Sampling campaign number in specific sampling year
PL - Sampling plot number
Fraction - Fine-root fraction by name
FRB - Fine-root biomass, t/ha
FRB_BA - Fine-root biomass per basal area
Pine_yield - Pine tree growing stock, m3/ha
N_ha - Tree count per ha
Spruce_yield - Spruce tree growing stock, m3/ha
Shrub_percentage - Percentage of shrubs in ground vegetation
Herb_percentage - Percentage of herbacous plants in ground vegetation
D - Diameter at breast height, cm
G_m2ha - basal area, m2/ha
CN - soil C and N ratio
pHKCl - soil pH
CgKg - Soil Carbon (C) content, g/kg
NgKg - Soil Nitrogen (N) content, g/kg
This file contains data of study site average fine-root biomass per study object sample plot and fine-root fraction
Description of the data and file structure
ID - Study site ID
Object - Study object name
FT - Forest type (ND - not drained, KS - drained)
PL - Sampling campaign number in specific sampling year
Fraction - Fine-root fraction by name
AvgFRB - Average fine-root biomass, t/ha
FRB_BA - Average fine-root biomass per basal area
Sd - Standarddeviation of average fine-root biomass
n - sampling campaign count
se - Standarderror of average fine-root biomass
Basal_Area - basal area, m2/ha
This file contains data of study site for PCA analysis containing fine-root biomass, production and turnover, taxation indices and soil data per sample plot
Description of the data and file structure
ID - Study site ID
Site - Study object name
FT - Forest type (ND - not drained, KS - drained)
Plot - - Sampling plot number
SP_FRB - Scots pine fine-root biomass, t/ha
SP_FRP - Scots pine fine-root production, t/ha/yr
SP_T - Scots pine fine-root turnover, t/yr
PineFRB_BA - Scots pine fine-root biomass per stand basal area, t/m2
NS_FRB - Norway spruce fine-root biomass, t/ha
NS_FRP - Norway spruce fine-root production, t/ha/yr
NS_T - Norway spruce fine-root turnover, t/yr
SpurceFRB_BA - Norway spruce fine-root biomass per stand basal area, t/m2
H_FRB - Herb fine-root biomass, t/ha
DS_FRB - Dwarf shrub fine-root biomass, t/ha
DS_FRP - Dwarf shub fine-root production, t/ha/yr
TOT_FRP - Total fine-root production, t/ha/yr
SP_dFRB - Scots pine fine-root necromass, t/ha
NS_dFRB - Norway spruce fine-root necromass, t/ha
C_g_kg - Soil Carbon content, g/kg
N_g_kg - Soil Nitrogen content, g/kg
C_N - Carbon and Nitrogen ratio in sample
pHKCl - Soil pH
Pkop - Total soil Phosphorous content, g/kg
Aug_bl - Soil bulk density, g/kg
Dg - Diameter at breast height, cm
Hg - Tree height, m
G - basal area, m2/ha
Yield_1st - First layer tree growing stock, m3/ha
N_ha - Tree count per ha
SP_m3ha - Pine tree growing stock, m3/ha
NS_m3ha - Spruce tree growing stock, m3/ha
DS_m2 - Dwarf shrub coverage, m2
H_m2 - Herbacous plant coverage, m2
This file contains raw data of fine-root samples per site, sample plot, fraction and sampling depth
Description of the data and file structure
Place - Study objects name
ID - Sample ID
CM - Sampling depth, cm
Fraction - Fine-root fraction ID
Species - Fine-root fraction by name
Status - Fine-root status (living/dead)
Weight_g - Sample weight
FT - Forest type (ND - not drained, KS - drained)
FRB - Fine-root biomass, t/ja
Cycle - Sampling campaign number
ID_cycle - Sample ID per sampling cycle
PL - Sampling plot number
Place_pl_cm_cycle - ID containing study object name, forest type, sampling depth and sampling cycle
Sharing/Access information
Correspondence: Valters Samariks, Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Latvia, Salaspils, Rīgas street 111, LV-2169, Email:; ORCID: 0000-0001-9953-0455
Code for this data file is available in Fine_root_calculations_DRYAD.R