Data from: Use of the lung flute ECO to assist in sputum collection for tuberculosis testing: a randomized crossover trial
Data files
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The Lung Flute ECO, a self-powered, low cost, oscillatory positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) device, assisted people with presumptive tuberculosis to produce an adequate sputum volume for diagnostic testing and was well-tolerated.
README: Data from: Use of the Lung Flute ECO to assist in sputum collection for tuberculosis testing: A randomized crossover trial
Description of the data and file structure
Data were collected from March 8, 2022, to May 31, 2022 at eight health facilities in Cameroon. Information provided by participants was entered into the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) platform.
In this data set, age and BMI have been grouped to mask these indirect identifiers. The information on specific exclusion criteria have been removed; the variable screen_failure indicates which people were excluded during screening. The variables indicating whether the person has a history of TB treatment, whether they were hospitalized and how often they smoke have been removed.
File 1 name: Data_Lung_Flute_ECO_Ph1b.csv
File 1 description: 121 variables (columns); 1364 participants (rows); NA indicates missing data
File 2: Data_Dictionary_Lung_Flute_ECO_Ph1b.csv
File 2 description: Data dictionary for data set (File 1); this includes a description of each of the variables in File 1.