Estimates of ecosystem metabolism for 59 rivers in North America, 2008-2021
Data files
Jun 22, 2023 version files 1.68 GB
This dataset is companion with the github repository that accesses USGS water quality and hydrologic data to estimate ecosystem metabolism in 59 rivers across the US from 2007-2021. Contained in this data citation are information about sites, raw time-series data at sub-daily intervals, prepared time series for modeling metabolism, metabolism outputs in raw form, processed and QAQC'd metabolism estimates, and supplementary information for the associated manuscript(s).
See USGS for how discharge and water quality sensor data are collected and processed. We access no data that has not passed USGS internal checks or that are considered provisional data.
We convert data from USGS to multivariate time series that contain DO, DO_sat, temperature, light, discharge, and depth for sub-daily intervals and this serves as the input to metabolism model framework. The model framework returns a wide range of outputs that are processed for a variety of checks, ultimately returning 'real-world' estimates of gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, and gas exchange for each day in the 59 rivers contained.
Usage notes
All data access, manipulation, modeling, evaluation, and exploration was in R, using packages detailed in the github repository: