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Dataset for: Mating competition and adult sex ratio in wild Trinidadian guppies

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May 06, 2022 version files 38.22 KB


Most experimental tests of mating systems theory have been conducted in the laboratory, using operational sex ratios (ratio of ready-to-mate male to ready-to-mate female) that are often not representative of natural conditions. Here, we first measured the range of adult sex ratio (proportion of adult males to adult females; ASR) in two populations of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) differing in ambient predation risk (high vs. low). We then explored, under semi-wild conditions, the effect of ASR (i.e. 0.17, 0.50, 0.83) on mating competition patterns in these populations. ASR in the wild was female-biased and did not significantly differ between the two populations. The range of ASR in our experiment was representative of natural ASRs. As expected, we observed an increase in intrasexual aggression rates in both sexes as the relative abundance of competitors increased. In support of the risky competition hypothesis, all measured behaviors had lower rates in a high vs. low predation-risk population, likely due to the costs of predation. In terms of mating tactics, a male-biased ASR did not lead males to favor forced mating over courtship, indicating that males did not compensate for the cost of competition by switching to a less costly alternative mating tacticOverall, this study highlights the need for field experiments using natural ranges of ASRs to test the validity of mating systems theory in a more complex, ecologically relevant context.