Bite force, body size, and octopamine mediate mating interactions in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus)
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Sep 12, 2023 version files 28.87 KB
Mating interactions are rife with conflict because the evolutionary interests of males and females seldom coincide. Intersexual conflict affects sexual selection, yet the proximate factors underlying male coercive ability and female resistance are poorly understood. Male combat outcomes are often influenced by bite force, with superior biters being more likely to achieve victory over poorer biters in a range of species, including crickets. If good performers also achieve mating success through sexual coercion, then bite force might play a role in intersexual conflict as well. We tested the capacity of bite force to influence mating interactions in house crickets both directly by measuring bite forces of males and females and by altering male bite capacity through neuropharmacological manipulation. In addition, the invertebrate neurotransmitter octopamine both mediates aggression and underlies motivation to bite in male house crickets. By blocking octopamine receptors through the application of an antagonist, epinastine, we tested the effects of reduced bite force on male mating success. Our results show that male bite capacity, in combination with body size, influences both the likelihood and the outcomes of mating interactions, whereas treatment of males with epinastine eliminates motivation to mate. Our results suggest a functional role for bite force in affecting both sexual conflict and sexual selection and expand our knowledge of the influence of biogenic amines on reproductive behavior.
README: Bite force, body size, and octopamine mediate mating interactions in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus)
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1. Title of Dataset: Bite force\, body size\, and octopamine mediate mating interactions in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus)
2. Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Fadeke Adeola
Institution: University of New Orleans
Address: New Orleans, LA USA
B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Simon Lailvaux
Institution: University of New Orleans
Address: New Orleans, LA USA
3. Date of data collection (single date\, range\, approximate date): 2017-2019
4. Geographic location of data collection: New Orleans\, Louisiana
5. Cricket Sourcing: We ordered Acheta domesticus crickets from Fluker’s Farms in Baton Rouge Louisiana
6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: N/A
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: None
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Bite force, body size, and octopamine mediate mating interactions in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus)
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
5. Was data derived from another source? No
A. If yes, list source(s): NA
6. Recommended citation for this dataset:
Adeola, Fadeke (2023). Bite force, body size, and octopamine mediate mating interactions in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) [Dataset]. Dryad.
1. File List:
A) cricketdatathis.csv
B) BiteMateAchetaDomesticus.R
C) Chapter-1-knit.pdf
3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No
A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA
i. Why was the file updated? NA
ii. When was the file updated? NA
1. Number of variables: 27
2. Number of cases/rows: 159
3. Variable List:
- trial: number assigned to the randomized pairing of male and female Acheta domesticus crickets
- type: number indication for treatments “1” control, “2” for epinastine treatments and “3” for octopamine treatments (unused)
- mmass: male mass measurements taken in grams
- mthorax: male throax measurements. The width of the pronotum base taken under a dissection scope (measurement units millimeters)
- mbite: male bite force measurement taken on a TEKSCAN flexi force sensor. Maximum bite force after making them bite 5 times. Units in Newtons
- fmass: female mass measurements taken in grams
- fthorax: male throax measurements. The width of the pronotum base taken under a dissection scope (measurement units millimeters)
- fbite: female bite force measurement taken on a TEKSCAN flexi force sensor. Maximum bite force after making them bite 5 times. Units in Newtons
- massdiff: (mmass – fmass) difference in mass between males and females. Positive values indicate larger males of the pairing. Negative values indicate larger females of the pairing.
- thoraxdiff: (mthorax - fthorax) difference in thorax measurements between males and females. Positive values indicate larger males of the pairing. Negative values indicate larger females of the pairing
- bitediff: (mbite-fbite) difference in bite force measurements between males and females. Positive values indicate larger males of the pairing. Negative values indicate larger females of the pairing
- matetime: time in seconds of crickets mating (time of mounting till time of spermatophore packet attachment)
- attachtime: time in seconds of the spermatophore packet is externally attached to the female crickets post mating
- latency: total time in seconds crickets are paired
- mmbite: male bite force measurement after they have mated taken on a TEKSCAN flexi force sensor. Maximum bite force after making them bite 5 times. Units in Newtons
- mfbite: female bite force measurement after they have mated taken on a TEKSCAN flexi force sensor. Maximum bite force after making them bite 5 times. Units in Newtons
- mbitediff: (mmbite – mfbite) bite force measurement after they have mated taken on a TEKSCAN flexi force sensor. Units in Newton. Positive values indicate larger males of the pairing. Negative values indicate larger females of the pairing
- repeated: pair that did not interact the first pairing where re-tested within 48 hours
- matetime2: time in seconds of crickets mating if paired a second time (time of mounting till time of spermatophore packet attachment)
- attachtime2: time in seconds of the spermatophore packet is externally attached to the female crickets post mating
- latency2: total time in seconds crickets are paired (when paired a second time)
- init: time where crickets are paired until the time mounting is initiated
- mated: Boolean value 1 = mated, 0 = did not mate
- mprepostbitediff: (mbite – mmbite) male maximum biteforce post mating interaction subtracted from male maximum biteforce measurement pre-mating interaction
- fprepostbitediff: (fbite – mfbite) female maximum biteforce post mating interaction subtracted from female maximum biteforce measurement pre-mating interaction
- mglands: Area measurement of male accessory glands (# of pixels in glands / # of pixels in a cubic centimeter)
- fglands: Area measurement of female accessory glands (# of pixels in glands / # of pixels in a cubic centimeter)
- glanddiff: number of hummingbird individuals captured
4. Missing data codes: NA
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
RStudio Version 2023.06.0+421 (2023.06.0+421)
R Software R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
For bite force measurements we used a ELF FlexiForce™ force sensors From the Tekscan company along with their software
Websites for packages used:
Dplyr A Grammar of Data Manipulation
mutate(), filter(), etc.
The 'tidyverse' is a set of packages that work in harmony
because they share common data representations and 'API' design.
The Fields Package provides tools for Spatial data
Creates Interactive Graphics
Converts Statistical objects into Tidy Tibbles
The dataset was collected by using weight measurements of Acheta domesticus crickets along with the width of the pronotum base of the crickets as a size measurement. We used a flexiforce sensor to collect bite force measurement data on both male and female crickets.
The data was recorded in Microsoft Excel and processed using the R statistical coding software.