Data from: Hypoxia threatens coral and sea anemone early life stages
Data files
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Seawater hypoxia is increasing globally and can drive declines in organismal performance across a wide range of marine taxa. However, the effects of hypoxia on early life stages (e.g., larvae and juveniles) are largely unknown, and it is unclear how evolutionary and life histories may influence these outcomes. Here, we addressed this question by comparing hypoxia responses across early life stages of three cnidarian species representing a range of life histories: the reef-building coral Galaxea fascicularis, a broadcast spawner with horizontal transmission of endosymbiotic algae (family Symbiodiniaceae); the reef-building coral Porites astreoides, a brooder with vertical endosymbiont transmission; and the estuarine sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, a non-symbiotic broadcast spawner. Transient exposure of larvae to hypoxia (dissolved oxygen < 2 mg L-1 for 6 h) led to decreased larval swimming and growth for all three species, which resulted in impaired settlement for the corals. Coral-specific responses also included larval swelling, depressed respiration rates, and decreases in symbiont densities and function. These results indicate both immediate and latent negative effects of hypoxia on cnidarian physiology and coral-algal mutualisms specifically. In addition, G. fascicularis and P. astreoides were sensitized to heat stress following hypoxia exposure, suggesting that the combinatorial nature of climate stressors will lead to declining performance for corals. However, sensitization to heat stress was not observed in N. vectensis exposed to hypoxia, suggesting that this species may be more resilient to combined stressors. Overall, these results emphasize the importance of reducing anthropogenic carbon emissions to limit further ocean deoxygenation and warming.
README: Data from: Hypoxia threatens coral and sea anemone early life stages
The dataset includes files for all data associated with experiments.
Data and file structure
Files 1 and 2: AFDW_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to the ash-free dry weight (AFDW; i.e., organic biomass) of larvae and juveniles as quantified from burned, dried tissue
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-AFDW_ug_mm = ash-free dry weight of animals measured in µg and normalized to size in mm
Files 3 and 4: Chlorophyll_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to the chlorophyll content within algal endosymbionts of larvae and juveniles as quantified via spectroscopy
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Chlorophyll_pg_symbiont = chlorophyll content of endosymbiont cells measured in pg and normalized per symbiont cell
Files 5 and 6: Heat_tolerance_PAM_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to the heat tolerance of P. astreoides larvae as quantified via changes in photochemical yield (collected with a pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorometer) over time at 36°C
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Hours_at_36_C = hours after which larvae were placed at 36°C at which time data were collected
-Dark_adapted_Fv_Fm = photochemical yield of larval endosymbionts
Files 7 and 8: Heat_tolerance_survival_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to the heat tolerance of larvae as quantified via visual observation of survival over time at 36°C
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Hours_at_36_C = hours after which larvae were placed at 36°C at which time data were collected
-Larvae_surviving = the number of larvae surviving at the time of data collection
-Total_larvae = the total number of larvae exposed to heat stress (always 8)
-Proportion_surviving = larvae_surviving / total_larvae
-Percent_surviving = proportion_surviving * 100
Files 9 and 10: PAM_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to the photochemical yield of P. astreoides larvae and juveniles as quantified using a pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorometer
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Dark_adapted_Fv_Fm = photochemical yield (unitless)
Files 11 and 12: Photosynthesis_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to the photosynthesis rates of P. astreoides larvae and juveniles as quantified via respirometry
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Photo_pmol_O2_min_ug_AFDW = photosynthesis rate expressed as pmol O2 (oxygen) produced per minute per µg of ash-free dry weight
Files 13 and 14: Protein_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to the protein content larvae and juveniles as quantified via Bradford assays
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Protein_ug_mm = cellular protein content expressed as µg protein per size (in mm)
Files 15 and 16: Respiration_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to the respiration rates of larvae and juveniles as quantified via respirometry
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Resp_pmol_O2_min_ug_AFDW = respiration rate expressed as pmol O2 (oxygen) consumed per minute per µg of ash-free dry weight
Files 17 and 18: Settlement_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to larval settlement rates as quantified via visual observation
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Settlement_rate_percent = percentage of larvae settled on the final day of data collection (i.e., final/maximum settlement rate)
Files 19 and 20: Size_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to larval and juvenile sizes as quantified via microscopy
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Size_mm = size of larvae (length) and juveniles (polyp diameter) as measured via microscopy
Files 21 and 22: Swimming_behavior_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to larval swimming behavior immediately following the oxygen treatments, as quantified via imaging
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Larvae_in_water_column_percent = percentage of larvae actively swimming in the water column immediately at the conclusions of the treatment period
Files 23 and 24: Symbiont_density_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to larval and juvenile symbiont density as quantified via flow cytometry
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Hours_post_treatment = hours after hypoxia treatment at which time data were collected
-Symbiont_density_cells_ug_AFDW = number of symbiont cells within larvae or juveniles expressed as the number of cells per µg of ash-free dry weight
Files 25 and 26: Treatment_seawater_conditions_data.xlsx and .csv
These files are for data pertaining to seawater conditions (e.g., temperature, etc.) within the jars used for the oxygen treatments
These files have headers, which include:
-Species = species from which the data originate
-Treatment = oxygen treatment to which larvae were exposed (either normoxia or hypoxia)
-Cohort = cohort (i.e., group of larvae born at the same time) from which the data originate
-Group = experimental treatment jar (i.e., biological replicate) from which the data originate
-Life_stage = developmental/life history stage of animals at time of data collection (either larva or juvenile)
-Time_in_treatment_hours = time since the beginning of the treatment period expressed in hours
-Temperature_C = seawater temperature as determined via a handheld probe expressed in °C
-Salinity_ppt = seawater salinity as determined via a handheld probe expressed in parts per thousand (ppt)
-Dissolved_oxygen_mg_L = seawater dissolved oxygen concentration as determined via a handheld probe expressed in mg per L of seawater
Sharing/Access information
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data:
- NA
Data was derived from the following sources:
- NA
Files 1 and 2: Hypoxia project code.Rmd and .pdf
These files contain code (in Rmarkdown and PDF formats) that was used to analyze and generate plots of data. This code can be run using the .csv files.