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Phylogeography of the Rough Greensnake, Opheodrys aestivus (Squamata: Colubridae), using multilocus Sanger sequence and genomic ddRADseq data

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Jul 20, 2021 version files 1.39 GB


The Rough Greensnake, Opheodrys aestivus, is a moderately-sized, semi-arboreal snake broadly distributed throughout eastern North America. While numerous taxa with similar distributions have been shown to be comprised of multiple species, O. aestivus has yet to be examined in a detailed phylogeographic context. Here, we use Sanger-sequence data of one mitochondrial and three nuclear loci for samples from throughout the distribution of O. aestivus to elucidate phylogeographic patterns in this species. We combine this with ddRADseq data for a subset of samples to test patterns on a more genomically comprehensive scale. In both datasets, we find strong support for three deeply divergent clades within O. aestivus: peninsular Florida, central Texas, and a main clade comprising the rest of the distribution, with the Florida clade the earliest diverging lineage of the three. Estimates of divergence time suggest that the central Texas and main clades diverged approximately 1.34 million years ago (Mya), while the peninsular Florida clade diverged from other lineages approximately 2.94 Mya, and these lineages diverged from the sister taxon, O. vernalis, approximately 6.43 Mya. These results also suggest that the historically recognized Florida subspecies, O. a. carinatus, could be elevated to species status. While the divergence of peninsular Florida or central Texas populations is not unique among squamates, nor is low levels of divergence from the Atlantic coast to eastern Texas, this combination of patterns is unusual, and yields important insight into the biogeography of North American biota. Further, our approach helps illustrate how dense geographic sampling with limited genomic sequencing can be used as a guide for the selection of samples to test phylogeographic patterns comprehensively.