Breeding biology and nesting behaviour of the endemic subspecies of White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus bermudianus) on the Bermuda archipelago
Data files
Jun 16, 2023 version files 83.24 KB
See full abstract by searching the title of this article on the Journal of Field Ornithology webpage, ResearchGate, or Google Scholar.
This research paper was completely descriptive, therefore, there is no R-code associated with it; all descriptive stats were done in Excel using built-in formulas. This spreadsheet contains descriptive data transcribed from field diaries belonging to the primary author, as part of his doctoral thesis. The data was collected over a 6-year period of watching and recording the breeding behaviour of an endemic subspecies of White-eyed Vireo that lives on the Bermuda archipelago. More details on how nest observations were recorded in the field can be found in the "METHODS" section of the manuscript.
A brief summary of the Excel spreadsheet tabs is as follows:
- "Breeding Data" has rows that summarizes important information pertaining to each vireo nest,
- "Breeding Duration" has estimates of when certain phases of the nesting cycle started and finished for each nest,
- "Breeding Duration Stats" provides summary statistics calculated from the previous tab,
- "Time Since Last Nest" has calculations on the duration between successive nest attempts among nesting pairs,
- "Nest Traits" summarizes tree species and physical measurements of each vireo nest,
- "Phenology Data" shows the number of occurences of specific nesting stages across breeding seasons; this is also the raw data for Figure 3,
- "Nest Summary Stats" has descriptive statistics calculated from tab 5,
- "Egg Measurements" has the measurement data of several vireo eggs,
- "Pair Duration" shows the estimated time banded vireo pairs remained together,
- "Building" shows the calculations about the number of times vireos visited their nest during the nest-building phase,
- "Egg Stage" shows the calculations about the duration of times vireos incubated eggs. Blue rows denote the end of an incubation watch for the monitored nest, and green rows correspond to when a changeover occurred during that incubation watch,
- "Chick Stage" shows the calculations about the number of times visiting vireos returned to the nest to feed their young. Blue row denotes the end of the observation period for the nest.
Usage notes
The only program needed to open the dataset is Microsoft Excel.