Asymmetric regulation of caterpillar development by changes in photoperiod
Data files
Dec 22, 2021 version files 129.57 KB
36.47 KB
93.11 KB
Larvae of the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, were subjected to six different photoperiod treatments from hatching to pupation (two static, and four incorporating a change in photoperiod during development). The primary data recorded was the time (resolution = 1 day) at which larvae molted from one instar to the next (or to the pupal stage), the weight at each molt, and whether or not the mature pupa entered diapause (dormancy).
An R script is included that contains all the statistical analyses presented in the article to which this dataset belongs, including the generation of figures.
Usage notes
It is important to note that the dataset provided is post-mortality; it does not account for those individuals that died during the experiment (mortality rate not recorded, but is typically around 10-15% in similar laboratory experiments with this species).
Hatching weights and hatching dates are absent for one of the three populations used (Skåne), meaning that some analyses could not be carried out for this population. This should be apparent (when relevant) in the analysis script; otherwise, see article for details.
Some individuals are missing weights or dates at certain time points.
A ReadMe file is included with descriptions of the variables in the dataset.