Unraveling the clonal trait space: Beyond aboveground and fine-root traits
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Plant trait variation is constrained by mechanical and energetic tradeoffs as attested by the global spectrum of plant form and function and the fine-root economics space for above- and belowground traits. However, traits that are key for fitness maintenance in some plant groups, such as clonal and bud bank traits, have not yet been integrated within the frameworks provided by the aboveground and the fine-root economics space.
By using an extensive dataset encompassing aboveground, fine-root, clonal, and bud bank traits of 2000 species of Central European herbs, we asked whether clonal and bud bank traits correspond to the placement of species in the aboveground or fine-root trait spaces.
Perennial clonal and non-clonal herbs show indistinct positioning within the aboveground and fine-root trait spaces. This extends and reinforces previous fragmentary evidence of weak correlations between clonal and bud bank traits and aboveground trait dimensions. Additionally, we identify for the first time a limited correlation between clonal and fine-root traits as well. This disconnection suggests that clonal traits operate independently from other trait spectra. For this reason, we introduce the concept of a “clonal trait space” for clonal herbs. The first dimension of this space is defined by bud bank size and the persistence of clonal connection, reflecting a gradient of species specialisation for on-spot persistence and tolerance to disturbance (persistence dimension). The second dimension, defined by multiplication rate and lateral spread, reflects a specialisation axis for clonal multiplication and horizontal size dimension (clonal multiplication dimension). Clonal trait dimensions add non-redundant information to the aboveground or fine-roots trait space.
Synthesis: We champion the integration of the persistence and clonal multiplication dimensions from the “clonal trait space” into the frameworks provided by the aboveground trait and the fine-root economics spaces, thereby enhancing our comprehension of the multifaceted trait strategies exhibited by plants.
README: Data and code to reproduce the analyses reported in the main text of the article:
Title: "Unraveling the clonal trait space: beyond aboveground and fine-root traits"
Authors: Chelli, Stefano; Klimešová, Jitka; Tsalakos, James; Puglielli, Giacomo
Journal: Journal of Ecology
1 - CloPla_GSPFF_Imputed.csv
It includes
1.1. - Taxonomic information
Resolved_name: species binomial according to the Plant List v.1.1.
genus: the genus to which each species belongs.
family: the family to which each species belongs.
order: the order to which each species belongs.
1.2. - Metadata from Klimešová et al. (2017, Ecology 98, 1179-1179)
woody (binomial): 1- woody plant, excluding small shrubs (chamaephytes) and suffruticose plants, 0 - otherwise
annual (binomial): 1 - plants typically living for one season. Includes winter annuals, 0 - otherwise.
perennial (binomial): 1 - plants that do not multiply vegetatively and are neither annual nor woody, 0 - otherwise
clonal (binomial): 1 - plants that live longer than one year, multiply vegetatively and flower several times in their lifetime, 0 - otherwise
1.3. - Species-specific information for leaf and plant traits defining the global spectrum of plant form and function. These are:
la (mm2): individual size of a leaf. Area of a leaf in the one-sided projection.
ln (mg g-1): leaf notrogen content on a mass basis. Ratio of the quantity of nitrogen in the leaf per respective unit dry mass.
ph (m): maximum plant height. Maximum height of a whole plant.
sla (mm2 mg-1): specific leaf area. Ratio of the area of a leaf to its dry mass.
ssd (mg mm-3): stem specific density. Ratio of the mass of the stem after drying to its volume assessed without drying
sm (mg): seed mass. Mass of a seed assessed after drying.
Note that these traits were imputed using the procedure explained in the main text of the article. Not imputed trait data were obtained from Carmona et al. (2021, Nature 597, 683–687).
1.4. - Clonal traits, obtained from Klimešová et al. (2017, Ecology 98, 1179-1179). These are:
BBRsize (count): total bud-bank size. Total number of buds stored in bud bearing organs per rooting unit.
persistence (year): persistence of clonal connection. Period of connection between offspring rooting unit and parental rooting unit
offspring (count): multiplication rate. Number of offspring rooting units produced by a parental rooting unit per year.
spread (m year-1): lateral spread. Distance between offspring rooting units and parental rooting unit.
Note: NAs indicate missing information for clonal traits.
2 - CloPla_RES_Imputed.csv
It includes:
2.1. - Taxonomic information
Resolved_name: species binomial according to the Plant List v.1.1.
genus: the genus to which each species belongs.
family: the family to which each species belongs.
order: the order to which each species belongs.
2.2. - Metadata from Klimešová et al. (2017, Ecology 98, 1179-1179)
woody (binomial): 1- woody plant, excluding small shrubs (chamaephytes) and suffruticose plants, 0 - otherwise
annual (binomial): 1 - plants typically living for one season. Includes winter annuals, 0 - otherwise.
perennial (binomial): 1 - plants that do not multiply vegetatively and are neither annual nor woody, 0 - otherwise
clonal (binomial): 1 - plants that live longer than one year, multiply vegetatively and flower several times in their lifetime, 0 - otherwise
2.3. - Species-specific information for fine-root traits defining the root economics space. These are:
SRL (m g-1): Specific root length. Ratio of the length of fine roots to the corresponding fine root mass assessed after drying.
D (mm): Mean root diameter. Diameter of a fine root.
N (mg g-1): Root nitrogen content. Ratio of the quantity of nitrogen in the root to the corresponding root mass assessed after drying.
RTD (g cm-3): Ratio of root mass after drying to the volume assessed without drying.
Note that these traits were imputed using the procedure explained in the main text of the article. Not imputed trait data were obtained from Carmona et al. (2021, Nature 597, 683–687).
2.4. - Clonal traits, obtained from Klimešová et al. (2017, Ecology 98, 1179-1179). These are:
BBRsize (count): total bud-bank size. Total number of buds stored in bud bearing organs per rooting unit.
persistence (year): persistence of clonal connection. Period of connection between offspring rooting unit and parental rooting unit
offspring (count): multiplication rate. Number of offspring rooting units produced by a parental rooting unit per year.
spread (m year-1): lateral spread. Distance between offspring rooting units and parental rooting unit.
Note: NAs indicate missing information for clonal traits.
Note that each of the following script can be executed separately given that the datasets are loaded in the global environment.
1 - Trait_Space_Growth_Forms_Perennials_only
It allows reproducing Fig. 1 and all the associated results (including TPD-based dissimilarity).
2 - corr.plot
It allows reproducing Fig. 2.
3 - Aboveground_Analysis
It allows reproducing Fig. 3 and all the associated results.
4 - Procustes_Above_and_Dimensions
It performs procustes analysis between aboveground and clonal trait space.
5 - Belowground analysis
It allows reproducing Fig. 4 and all the assocaited results.
6 - Procustes_Below_and_Dimensions
It performs procustes analysis between belowground and clonal trait space.