Data from: Continent-side uplifted mantle and geological imprints along a paleo rift in the western East Sea (Sea of Japan)
Recent public concern about potential seismic risk in the central Korean Peninsula has provoked preparedness for seismic hazard mitigation. We investigate the seismic velocity structures of the lithosphere in the central Korean Peninsula using ambient noise tomography and earthquake-based Eikonal tomography based on dense seismic networks. We determine Rayleigh-wave group velocities at periods of 1-15 s from ambient noise tomography and Rayleigh-wave phase velocities at periods of 20-80 s from earthquake-based Eikonal tomography. We determine a 3-D shear-wave velocity model in the lithosphere from the Rayleigh wave velocities. The model exhibits high lateral variations ranging from ∼-9 % to ∼8 %, depending on depth. The shear-wave velocities at shallow depths (≤ 2 km) are relatively high in mountain regions and low in coastal and basin regions. Strong velocity contrasts are observed around major earthquake hypocenters at depths of 3-20 km, which may be due to the presence of seismogenic faults. Shear-wave velocities at depths of ∼30-40 km are high along the east coast, suggesting uplifted mantle that is responsible for the opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). High velocity structures beneath Moho around the coast may suggest solidified underplated magma caused by the paleo rifting. The root of coast-parallel high-mountain range (Taebaek Mountain Range) is bounded by the uplifted mantle, presenting mountain range development in rift flank along paleo-rift axis. Low shear-wave velocities along the coast at depths ≥ 60 km may imply elevated temperature beneath the solidified underplated magma. The continent-side paleo rift affects the geological, thermal, and seismological properties around the continental margin at present.
This dataset is concerned with the paper "Continent-side uplifted mantle and geological imprints along a paleo rift in the western East Sea (Sea of Japan)" submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth by Seongjun Park and Tae-Kyung Hong in 2024.
The interstation ambient-noise crosscorreation functions, earthquake waveforms, and Rayleigh-wave and shear-wave velocity models analyzed in the article are provided.
The dataset includes .dat and .mseed files.
The .dat files are in ASCII format and can be opened with common text editors (e.g., vi, WordPad).
The .mseed files are in miniSEED format and can be processed using seismic data processing tools such as mseed2sac and ObsPy.
Please see the detailed information for the files below.
- station.dat
This file includes information of seismic stations analyzed in this study.
The file is given in the ASCII format with four columns: network, station, latitude (N, deg), and longitude (E, deg).
2. event.dat
This file includes source information of global earthquakes analyzed in this study.
The file is given in the ASCII format with seven columns: event ID, date (yyyy-mm-dd), time (HH:MM:SS), latitude (N, deg), longitude (E, deg), depth (km), and moment magnitude.
3. ccf.tar.bz2
This tar file includes the data files for interstation ambient-noise crosscorrelation functions analyzed in the study.
The data files are named by following format:
ccf.[network of first station].[first station]-[network of second station].[second station].dat
All data files are given in the ASCII format with two columns: lag time (s) and normalized crosscorrelation coefficient.
4. event.waveform.tar.bz2
This tar file includes the data files for earthquake waveforms used for Eikonal tomography.
All files are seperated by event directory that is named by ev_[event ID].
The waveforms are given in miniseed files that are named by [network].[station].mseed
5. fig8
This folder includes the data files to produce Figure 8 in the paper.
All data files are given in the ASCII format.
The data files are named by following format:
fig8[subfigure label (a-f)].dat
The data is given in three columns: latitude (N, deg), longitude (E, deg), and Rayleigh-wave group-velocity perturbation (dU, %).
6. fig9
This folder includes the data files to produce Figure 9 in the paper.
All data files are given in the ASCII format.
The data files are named by following format:
fig9[subfigure label (a-c)].dat
The data is given in three columns: latitude (N, deg), longitude (E, deg), and Rayleigh-wave phase-velocity perturbation (dc, %).
7. fig12
This folder includes the data files to produce Figure 12 in the paper.
All data files are given in the ASCII format.
The data files are named by following format:
fig12[subfigure label (a-r)].dat
The data is given in three columns: latitude (N, deg), longitude (E, deg), and shear-wave velocity perturbation (dVs, %).