Uncovering the mosaic evolution of the carnivoran skeletal system
Data files
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The diversity of vertebrate skeletons is often attributed to adaptations to distinct ecological factors such as diet, locomotion, and sensory environment. Although the adaptive evolution of skull, appendicular skeleton, and vertebral column is well studied in vertebrates, comprehensive investigations of all skeletal components simultaneously are rarely performed. Consequently, we know little of how modes of evolution differ among skeletal components. Here, we tested if ecological and phylogenetic effects led to distinct modes of evolution among the cranial, appendicular, and vertebral regions in extant carnivoran skeletons. Using multivariate evolutionary models, we found mosaic evolution in which only the mandible, hindlimb, and posterior (i.e., last thoracic and lumbar) vertebrae showed evidence of adaptation towards ecological regimes whereas the remaining skeletal components reflect clade-specific evolutionary shifts. We hypothesize that the decoupled evolution of individual skeletal components may have led to the origination of distinct adaptive zones and morphologies among extant carnivoran families that reflect phylogenetic hierarchies. Overall, our work highlights the importance of examining multiple skeletal components simultaneously in ecomorphological analyses. Ongoing work integrating the fossil and paleoenvironmental record will further clarify deep-time drivers that govern carnivoran diversity we see today and reveal the complexity of evolutionary processes in multicomponent systems.
README: Uncovering the mosaic evolution of carnivoran skeletal systems
Give a brief summary of dataset contents, contextualized in experimental procedures and results.
Description of the data and file structure
data_dryad.csv = csv file with all trait data
Upham_1k_carnivorans.nex = nexus tree file with 1000 carnivoran phylogenies used in the study
All traits measured in mm
Geomean = geometric mean of all traits
Cranial traits
CBL = condylobasal length
POC = postorbital constriction breadth
ZB = zygomatic breadth
MB = mastoid breadth
AFH = anterior facial height
PFH = posterior facial height
CVH = cranial vault height
PW = palate width
BCL = basicranial length
cran_MRL = molar row length
cran_M1L = first molar length
cran_M1W = first molar width
mandibular traits
MAT = moment arm of temporalis
MAM = moment arm of masseter
MAM2 = moment arm of masseter
MOL = molar out-lever
COL = canine out-lever
MW = mandibular width
AMW = anterior mandibular width
man_MRL = molar row length
man_M1L = first molar length
man_M1W = first molar width
vertebral traits
C3 = third cervical vertebrae; C5 = fifth cervical vertebrae; T1 = first thoracic vertebrae; midT = middle thoracic vertebrae; diaT = diaphragmatic thoracic vertebrae; lastT = last thoracic vertebrae; L1 = first lumbar vertebrae; midL = middle lumbar vertebrae; lastL = last lumbar vertebrae
VW = vertebral width
VH = vertebral height
CL = centrum length
CW = centrum width (posterior)
CH = centrum height (posterior)
ZL = inter-zygapophyseal length
LW = mid-lamina width
NSH = neural spine height
TPDV = transverse process/diapophysis dorsoventral angle
PZA = pre-zygapophysis joint angle
NSA = neural spine angle
TPAP = transverse process/diapophysis anteroposterior angle
sacral_L = sacral length
sacral_H = sacral height
sacral_W = sacral width
scap_L = scapula length
scap_W = scapula width
hum_L = humerus length
hum_D = humerus mid-shaft width
hum_prox = humerus proximal width
hum_dist = humerus distal width
ul_L = ulna length
ul_D = ulna mid-shaft width
ul_OL = ulnar olecranon length
rad_L = radius length
rad_D = radius mid-shaft width
MC3L = 3rd metacarpel length
MC3W = 3rd metacarpel width
PPL = Manus proximal phalanx length
PPW = Manus proximal phalanx width
pel_L = pelvis length
fem_L = femur length
fem_D = Femur mid-shaft width
fem_EB = Femur distal width
fem_GT = Height of the greater trochanter of the femur
tib_L = tibia length
tib_D = tibia mid-shaft width
tib_prox = tibia proximal width
tib_dist = tibia distal width
fib_L = fibula length
cal_L = Calcaneus length
MT3L = 3rd metatarsal length
MT3D = 3rd metatarsal width
Description of the R scripts
R script 01 - import data
R script 02 - perform simmaps
R script 03a-m - mvMORPH models for all skeletal components
R script 04 - perform PCAs and plot optima from mvMorph models for each skeletal component
R script 05 - perform partial least squares