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Rebuilding green infrastructure in boreal production forest given future global wood demand


Global policy for future biodiversity conservation is ultimately implemented at landscape and local scales. In parallel, green infrastructure (GI) planning needs to account for socio-economic dynamics at national and global scales. Progress towards policy goals must, in turn, be evaluated at the landscape scale. Evaluation tools are often environmental quality objectives (EQO) indicators.

We present three management scenarios for a 100,000 hectare boreal forest landscape in Sweden in the coming 100 years. The scenarios optimize financial returns and account for downscaled projected global demand of wood given a middle-of-the road Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP2). We contrast a reference scenario meeting the wood demand against an economy scenario with no upper harvest limit, and a green infrastructure (GI) scenario optimizing the levels of four EQO indicators (the area of old forest, the area of mature broadleaf-rich forest, the amount of deadwood and the density of large trees).

EQO indicators generally reached the highest levels in the GI scenario and the lowest levels in the economy scenario. Most indicators increased further in set-asides. The financial profit was 14% lower in the GI and 2% higher in the economy than in the reference scenario.

These scenarios were used in the associated publication to evaluate the future response of eleven model species from three different species groups with widely differing habitat requirements. The studied species were four bird species, six wood-decaying fungi and one lichen, all either of conservation concern or considered indicator species for forest of high conservation value. Models and data for the birds and fungi have been published previously. The model for the lichen Lobaria pulmonaria was created for this study; the underlying data is therefore presented here as well.

Our study has shown that effects of global SSPs can be downscaled and accounted for in planning landscape-scale forest and conservation management. Accounting for EQO indicators in the management optimization was found to be an effective approach to reveal scenarios for reaching targets on both revenue and conservation. Rebuilding green infrastructure in the production forest is possible at a relatively minor economic cost and to the benefit of species of conservation concern.