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Data from: The shrimp superfamily Sergestoidea: a global phylogeny with definition of new families and an assessment of the pathways into principal biotopes


The phylogenetic analysis of Sergestoidea based on 253 morphological characters and encompassing all 99 valid species confirmed all previously recognized genus-level clades. Analysis retrieved five major robust clades that correspond to families Luciferidae, Sergestidae, Acetidae fam.n., Sicyonellidae fam.n. and Petalidiumidae fam.n. Synonymy, emended diagnoses and composition of revealed family-level clades are provided. Three types of morphological characters were important in the phylogeny of the Sergestoidea: general external characters, copulatory organs, and photophores. Novel metrics to quantify the contribution of these character types were tested. General external characters were significant in supporting the major clades (80% of the families and nearly half of the genera). Copulatory organ characters and photophores greatly supported the medium-level clades: Lucifer, Belzebub, Petalidium, Neosergestes, Challengerosergia (copulatory organ characters) and Lucensosergia, Challengerosergia, Gardinerosergia, Phorcosergia (photophores). An evolutionary model of the Sergestoidea showing their pathways into their principal biotopes is proposed: the major clades evolved in a vertical direction (from epi- to bathypelagic); further divergence at the genus level occurred within vertical zones in a horizontal direction, with the invasion of the benthopelagic and neritic (shelf and estuarine) habitats and speciation within these domains.