High-resolution environmental and host-related factors impacting questing Ixodes scapularis at their northern range edge
Data files
Jan 23, 2024 version files 2.12 MB
The geographic range of tick populations has expanded in Canada due to climate warming and the associated poleward range shifts of their vertebrate hosts. Abiotic factors, such as temperature, precipitation, and snow, are known to directly affect tick abundance. Yet, biotic factors, such as the abundance and diversity of mammal hosts, may also alter tick abundance and consequent tick-borne disease risk. Here, we incorporated host surveillance data with high-resolution environmental data to evaluate the combined impact of abiotic and biotic factors on questing Ixodes scapularis abundance in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. High-resolution abiotic factors were derived from remote sensing satellites and meteorological towers, while biotic factors related to mammal hosts were derived from active surveillance data that we collected in the field. Generalized additive models were used to determine the relative importance of abiotic and biotic factors on questing I. scapularis abundance. Combinations of abiotic and biotic factors were identified as important drivers of abundances of questing I. scapularis. Positive and negative linear relationships were found for questing I. scapularis abundance with precipitation and accumulated snow, but no effect was found for the relative abundance of white-footed mice. Positive relationships were also identified between questing I. scapularis abundance with monthly mean precipitation and mammal species richness. Therefore, future studies that assess I. scapularis should incorporate host surveillance data with high-resolution environmental factors to determine the key drivers impacting the abundance and geographic spread of tick populations and tick-borne pathogens.
This README file was generated on 2024-01-22 by Kirsten E. Crandall.
Title of dataset: High-resolution environmental and host-related factors impacting questing Ixodes scapularis at their northern range edge
Author information
A. First author contact information
Name: Kirsten E. Crandall
Institution: McGill University and University of Ottawa
Address: Montréal, Québec, Canada
Email: kirsten.crandall@mail.mcgill.caB. Co-author contact information
Name: Virginie Millien
Institution: McGill University
Address: Montréal, Québec, Canada
Email: virginie.millien@mcgill.caName: Jeremy T. Kerr
Institution: University of Ottawa
Address: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Email: jkerr@uottawa.caDate of data collection (approximate range date): 2018-2019
Geographic location of data collection: Ontario and Québec, Canada
Information about funding sources that supported data collection: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (including RGPIN-2017-03839 and RGPIN-2017-147544), Hydro-Québec
Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Crandall, K. E., Kerr, J. T., & Millien, V. (2022). Emerging tick-borne pathogens in Central Canada: Recent detections of Babesia odocoilei and Rickettsia rickettsii. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases.Crandall, K. E., Kerr, J. T., & Millien, V. (2024). Pathogen presence, prevalence, and diversity in Ixodes scapualris and mammal hosts at their expanding northern range limits. Frontiers in Parasitology.
Links to other publicly accessible locations of data: None
Links/relations to ancillary data sets: None
Was data derived from another source: Yes
A. If yes, list source(s):
i. Land surface temperature, total evapotranspiration, and enhanced vegetation index were extracted using MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) from NASA's data Terra satellites (https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/).
Land surface temperature (MOD11A2 v006) by MODIS - https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod11a2v006/
Enhanced vegetation indices (MOD13A2 v006) by MODIS - https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod13a2v006/
Total evapotranspiration (MOD16A2 v006) by MODIS - https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod16a2v006/
ii. Historical meteorological data was extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada's meteorological towers (https://climate.weather.gc.ca/historical_data/search_historic_data_e.html).Recommended citation for this dataset:
Crandall, K. E., Millien, V., & Kerr, J. T. (2024). Data from: High-resolution environmental and host-related factors impacting questing Ixodes scapularis at their northern range edge
File list:
Raw data from field surveys
A) RawData_Mammal_Cam.csv
B) RawData_Mammal_Trap.csv
C) RawData_Ticks_Summer.csv
Extracted abiotic (or environmental) metrics from MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
D) EVI_1000m.xlsx
E) LST_1000m.xlsx
F) TE_1000m.xlsx
Extracted abiotic metrics from ECCC meteorological towers
G) Baldwin.csv
H) BeatriceClimate.csv
I) CoteauDuLac.csv
J) Lingwick.csv
K) OmpahSeitz.csv
L) Rigaud.csv
M) Sabrevois.csv
N) Sprucedale.csv
O) StBernardDeLacolle.csv
P) StGermainDeGrantham.csv
Q) StPierreDeBroughton.csv
R) StThomas.csv
S) ThetfordMines.csv
T) Tillsonburg.csv
U) Uxbridge.csv
Summarized values of abiotic and biotic variables per site
V) Abiotic_Biotic.csv
Code for data manipulation and analyses
Python (version 2.7.18)
R (version 4.1.1)
Relationship between files, if important: None
Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
Are there multiple versions of this dataset? No
A. If yes, name of file(s) that was update: NA
i. Why was the file updated? NA
ii. When was the file updated? NA
RawData_Mammal_Cam.csv describes information related to the mammals that were photographed by trail cameras at each field site.
Number of variables: 21
Number of rows: 172
Variable list:
Site: Name of field site
Date collected: Date of photograph (day-month-year)
Camera number: Camera number used during field survey
Latitude: Latitude of camera trap in decimal degrees
Longitude: Longitude of camera trap in decimal degrees
Start (photo number): Photo number where mammal individual first identified
End (photo number): Photo number where mammal individual last identified
Month: Month of photograph
Date: Date of photograph
Time start: Time where mammal individual first identified (24 hour clock)
Time end: Time where mammal individual last identified (24 hour clock)
Total time (mins): Time in minutes from time start to end
Common name: Common name of animal in photograph (listed as unknown if uncertain)
Specimen: Genus and species name of animal in photograph (N/A if unknown)
Genus: Genus name of animal in photograph (N/A if unknown)
Species: Species name of animal in photograph (N/A if unknown)
Individual abundance: Number of individuals in the photograph
Adult abundance: Number of adult individuals in the photograph
Juvenile abundance: Number of juvenile individuals in the photograph
Sex: Sex of the animal(s) in the photograph
QA flag: Identification of potential issues with the photograph or identified animal (Flag when problem identified)
Missing data codes: NA or N/A (data not available or not applicable)
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NONE
RawData_Mammal_Trap.csv that describes the small mammals that were collected during trapping in our study grids at each field site. The animals were identified to species, where Peromyscus species were tested genetically to ensure the correct species was attributed. This file contains both collected animals that are now housed at the Redpath Museum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and those that were released at the field site.
Number of variables: 29
Number of rows: 195
Variable list:
Site: Name of field site
Date collected: Date when animal was trapped (day-month-year)
Field ID: Identification number of animal specimen
Month: Month when animal trapped
Day: Date when animal trapped
Grid #: Grid numbers (1 to 3) used at each field site
Trap #: Trap numbers (1 to 84) used at each field site
Trap Laid: Date trap first deployed
Trap Collected: Date trap removed
Total # trap nights: Total number of trap nights at a field site
Trap Night #: Specific trap night number
Specimen: Genus and species name of trapped animal
Genus: Genus name of trapped animal
Species: Species name of trapped animal
Weight (g): Weight of collected animal in grams immediately after sacrifice
H+B (mm): Head-and-body length of collected animal in mm immediately after sacrifice
Tail (mm): Tail length of collected animal in mm immediately after sacrifice
Foot (mm): Foot length of collected animal in mm immediately after sacrifice
Ear (mm): Ear length of collected animal in mm immediately after sacrifice
Sex: Sex of trapped animal listed as male, female, or juvenile
Breeding: General notes on breeding condition of trapped animal and number of embryos (if applicable)
Tick larva: Number of tick larva found on trapped animal
Tick nymph: Number of tick nymphs found on trapped animal
Tick adult: Number of tick adults found on trapped animal
Total ticks: Total number of ticks found on trapped animal
Released: Trapped animal was released (Y) or collected (N)
Latitude: Latitude of camera trap in decimal degrees
Longitude: Longitude of camera trap in decimal degrees
Trap type: Type of trap used for field surveys
Missing data codes: NA (data not available or not applicable)
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NONE
RawData_Ticks_Summer.csv that describes the number of ticks that were collected every 10 meters along transects in our study grids at each field site. The tick specimens were identified to species using dichotomous keys and microscopy.
Number of variables: 19
Number of rows: 1421
Variable list:
Site: Name of field site
Date collected: Date when tick was collected (day-month-year) either through tick dragging or on trapped animals
Latitude: Latitude of camera trap in decimal degrees
Longitude: Longitude of camera trap in decimal degrees
Site number: Site number used at a field site
Grid number: Grid number used at a field site
Transect number: Transect number used at a field site within a grid
Trap number: Trap number used at a field site along each transect within a grid
Vial number: Vial number of collected ticks at that site, grid, transect, and trap number
# larve: Number of larval ticks found while tick dragging or on trapped animal
# nymph: Number of nymphal ticks found while tick dragging or on trapped animal
# adult female: Number of adult female ticks found while tick dragging or on trapped animal
# adult male: Number of adult male ticks found while tick dragging or on trapped animal
Total # ticks: Total number of ticks found while tick dragging or on trapped animal
NOTES lifestage: Number of ticks per lifestage
Tick species: Species name of ticks collected (verified using microscopy and dichotomous keys)
Notes ticks: General notes on lifestage, engorgement, and identification of collected specimens
Q or F: Type of activity of collected ticks either questing in the environment (Q) or feeding on a trapped animal (F)
Lifestage: Lifestage of collected ticks
Missing data codes: NA (data not applicable)
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
L: larvae, N: nymph, AF: adult female, AM: adult male
MODIS vegetation index data (MOD13A2) for tiles 12,4 and 13,4 were downloaded in HDF format, which required their conversion into TIFF files. The Python code "Conversion_HDF_to_TIFF.py" can be used for this conversion.
EVI_1000m.xlsx that describes the zonal statistics of the enhanced vegetation indices within a 1 km buffer of our field sites between December 2018 and December 2019. The Python code required to calculate the enhanced vegetation indices (EVI) is 2019_EVI_Data.py.
Number of variables: 15
Number of rows: 229
Variable list:
Acquisition_Date: Julian date of acquisition of MODIS imagery (year-date)
Production_Date: Julian date of production of MODIS imagery (year-date)
Year: Year from Julian date of acquisition
Month: Month from Julian date of acquisition
Date: Day from Julian date acquisition
Site: Name of field site
ID: Site number identification (1 to 16)
Count: Number of 500 x 500 m cells within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Area: Area covered by the cells within the 1 km buffer region of our sites
Min: Minimum value of enhanced vegetation index within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Max: Maximum value of enhanced vegetation index within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Range: Range of values of enhanced vegetation index within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Mean: Mean value of enhanced vegetation index within the 1km buffer region of our sites
STD: Standard deviation of enhanced vegetation index within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Sum: Sum of values of enhanced vegetation index within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Missing data codes: NONE
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NONE
MODIS land surface temperature data (MOD11A2) for tiles 12,4 and 13,4 were downloaded in HDF format, which required their conversion into TIFF files. The Python code "Conversion_HDF_to_TIFF.py" can be used for this conversion.
LST_1000m.xlsx that describes the zonal statistics of the land surface temperature within a 1 km buffer of our field sites between December 2018 and December 2019. The Python code required to calculate the land surface temperatures (LST) is 2019_LST_Data.py.
Number of variables: 16
Number of rows: 2165
Variable list:
Acquisition_Date: Julian date of acquisition of MODIS imagery (year-date)
Production_Date: Julian date of production of MODIS imagery (year-date)
Year: Year from Julian date of acquisition
Month: Month from Julian date of acquisition
Date: Day from Julian date acquisition
D_or_N: Time of day listed as either day or night
Site: Name of field site
ID: Site number identification (1 to 16)
Count: Number of 500 x 500 m cells within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Area: Area covered by the cells within the 1 km buffer region of our sites
Min: Minimum value of land surface temperature within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Max: Maximum value of land surface temperature within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Range: Range of values of land surface temperature within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Mean: Mean value of land surface temperature within the 1km buffer region of our sites
STD: Standard deviation of land surface temperature within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Sum: Sum of values of land surface temperature within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Missing data codes: NONE
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NONE
MODIS evapotranspiration data (MOD16A2) for tiles 12,4 and 13,4 were downloaded in HDF format, which required their conversion into TIFF files. The Python code "Conversion_HDF_to_TIFF.py" can be used for this conversion.
TE_1000m.xlsx that describes the zonal statistics of the enhanced vegetation indices within a 1 km buffer of our field sites between December 2018 and December 2019. The Python code required to calculate the total evapotranspiration (TE) is 2019_TE_Data.py.
Number of variables: 15
Number of rows: 570
Variable list:
Acquisition_Date: Julian date of acquisition of MODIS imagery (year-date)
Production_Date: Julian date of production of MODIS imagery (year-date)
Year: Year from Julian date of acquisition
Month: Month from Julian date of acquisition
Date: Day from Julian date acquisition
Site: Name of field site
ID: Site number identification (1 to 16)
Count: Number of 500 x 500 m cells within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Area: Area covered by the cells within the 1 km buffer region of our sites
Min: Minimum value of total evapotranspiration within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Max: Maximum value of total evapotranspiration within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Range: Range of values of total evapotranspiration within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Mean: Mean value of total evapotranspiration within the 1km buffer region of our sites
STD: Standard deviation of total evapotranspiration within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Sum: Sum of values of total evapotranspiration within the 1km buffer region of our sites
Missing data codes: NONE
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NONE
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation and snow on the ground that were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers.
The name of the meteorological tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Historical meteorological data related to precipitation (PRECIP) and snow on the ground (SOG) were extracted from Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological towers. The raw data extracted for site are amalgated in a separate CSV file for each meteorological tower.
The name of the tower associated with each field site is listed in the R code.
Number of variables: 31
Number of rows: 730
Variable list:
Longitude: Longitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Latitude: Latitude of meteorological tower in decimal degrees
Station_Name: Name of meteorological tower
Climate_ID: Identification number of meteorological tower
Date: Date of collection (year-month-day)
Year: Year of collection
Month: Month of collection
Day: Day of collection
Data_Quality: Quality of data (see below for possible flags)
Max_Temp: Highest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Max_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Min_Temp: Lowest temperature in degrees Celsius observed at a location for a specified time interval
Min_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Mean_Temp: Average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval
Mean_Temp_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Heat_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius
Heat_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Cool_Deg_Days: Number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 degrees Celsius
Cool_Deg_Days_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Rain: Total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Rain_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Snow: Total snowfall, or amount of frozen precipitation in cm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Snow_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Total_Precip: Sum of total rainfall and the water equivalent of total snowfall in mm observed at a location during a specified time interval
Total_Precip_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Snow_Ground: Depth of the snow in cm on the ground
Snow_Ground_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Dir_Max_Gust: Direction of the maximum gust from which the wind blows in tens of degrees
Dir_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Spd_Max_Gust: Speed in kilometres per hour of the maximum wind gust during the day
Spd_Max_Gust_Flag: Flag in data measure (see below for possible flags)
Missing data codes: Empty cells indicate an unobserved value
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:
Possible flags in quality or data measures employed by Environment and Climate Change
A: Accumulated
C: Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
E: Estimated
F: Accumulated and estimated
L: Precipitation may or may not have occurred
M: Missing
N: Temperature missing but known to be > 0
S: More than one occurrence
T: Trace
^: Value displayed is based on incomplete data
Crossed symbol: Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
The R code used to summarize the abiotic and biotic factors associated with each field site is named "EcologyEvolution_RScript_Jan2024.R".
This code was written under R version 4.1.1. with all the required packages listed at the top of the code or before where specific analyses are conducted.
This code was also used to conduct the statistical analyses including Spearman correlations, spatial autocorrelation assessments, and generalized additive models.
Number of variables: 32
Number of rows: 16
Variable list:
ID: Site number
Site: Name of site
Nb trapped hosts: Number of distinct mammal host species trapped during small mammal trapping
Nb camera hosts: Number of distinct mammal host species identified from camera photographs
Nb trap & camera hosts: Number of distinct mammal host species found during small mammal trapping or identified from photographs
Abundance P. leucopus (trap): Abundance of collected Peromyscus leucopus individuals during small mammal trapping at a site
Abundance small mamm (trap): Abundance of collected small mammal individuals during small mammal trapping at a site
Relative abundance P. leucopus (trap): Relative abundance of Peromyscus leucopus individuals, which was calculated as the abundance of collected P. leucopus individuals per site divided by the abundance of collected small mammals per site
AbundQIS: Abundance of questing Ixodes scapularis per site
Latitude: Latitude of site in decimal degrees
Longitude: Longitude of site in decimal degrees
Weather.tower: Name of meteorological tower used to extract historical environmental data from Environment and Climate Change Canada
Distance.from.site: Distance from meteorological tower to each site
Daily.sum.precip: Sum of the daily precipitation at each site based on weather tower data
Weekly.sum.precip: Sum of the weekly precipitation at each site based on weather tower data
Weekly.mean.precip: Mean of weekly precipitation at each site based on weather tower data
Monthly.sum.precip: Sum of monthly precipitation at each site based on weather tower data
Monthly.mean.precip: Mean of monthly precipitation at each site based on weather tower data
Accumulated.sog: Total accumulation of snow on the ground at each site from the previous winter based on weather tower data
Daily.sum.lst: Sum of the daily land surface temperature at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Weekly.mean.lst: Mean of the weekly land surface temperature at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Monthly.mean.lst: Mean of the monthly land surface temperature at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Min.winter.lst: Minimum winter land surface temperature at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Max.summer.lst: Maximum summer land surface temperature at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Daily.te: Sum of the daily total evapotranspiration at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Weekly.mean.te: Mean of the weekly total evapotranspiration at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Monthly.mean.te: Mean of the monthly total evapotranspiration at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Summer.mean.te: Mean of the summer total evapotranspiration at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Daily.evi: Sum of the daily enhanced vegetation index at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Weekly.mean.evi: Mean of the weekly enhanced vegetation index at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Monthly.mean.evi: Mean of the monthly enhanced vegetation index at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Summer.mean.evi: Mean of the summer enhanced vegetation index at each site based on MODIS data and ArcMap analyses
Missing data codes: NA (data not available)
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NONE
PRECIP: precipitation, SOG: snow on the ground, LST: land surface temperature, TE: total evapotranspiration, EVI: enhanced vegetation index
The first code that was used was the "Conversion_HDF_to_TIFF.py" written in Python to be used with ArcMap. This code was written to convert the HDF files downloaded from MODIS into TIFF files that can be used in ArcMap.
For each abiotic variable, the associated Python codes ("2019_EVI_Data.py","2019_LST_Data.py", and "2019_TE_Data.py") were used to extract the enhanced vegetation indices, land surface tempratures, and total evapotranspiration within a 1 km buffer of our field sites.
The latitude and longitudes of each field site are located in the CSV file named "Abiotic_Biotic.csv", which can be used to create a point shapefile of the field sites. These codes will extract the Zonal statistics within the 1 km buffer area that can then be used to calculate the desired time period (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, or annual) for further analyses.
The R code associated with processing the raw data from field surveys and running the statistical analyses is named "EcologyEvolution_RScript_Jan2024.R".
Broad-scale remote sensing data were extracted from MODIS to determine the values of land surface temperature, total evapotranspiration, and enhanced vegetation indices. This data was extracted and processed in ArcMap and then further processed in R.
Data was extracted from meteorological towers through Environment and Climate Change Canada, which was processed in R.
Data from field surveys were processed in R.
Usage notes
ArcMap was used to process shapefiles and rasters from MODIS. Python codes required for the conversion of HDF to TIFF files as well as the extraction of each abiotic factor are available.
R code was used to process the extracted data and conduct our analyses.