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Data from: Prediction of cooking time for soaked and unsoaked dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using hyperspectral imaging technology

Data files

Oct 24, 2018 version files 1.84 GB


The cooking time of dry beans varies widely by genotype and is also influenced by the growing environment, storage conditions and cooking method. Thus, high throughput phenotyping methods to assess cooking time would be useful to breeders interested in developing cultivars with desired cooking time. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of hyperspectral imaging technology for predicting dry bean cooking time. Fourteen dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes with a wide range of cooking times were grown in five environments over 2 yr. Hyperspectral images were taken from whole dry seeds and partial least squares regression models based on the extracted spectral image features were developed to predict water uptake and cooking time of both soaked and unsoaked beans. Relatively good predictions of water uptake were obtained, as measured by the correlation coefficient for prediction (Rpred=0.789) and standard error of prediction (SEP=4.4%). Good predictions of cooking time for soaked beans (ranging between 19.9–95.5 min) were achieved giving Rpred=0.886 and SEP=7.9 min. The prediction models for the cooking time of unsoaked beans (ranging between 80–147 min) were less robust and accurate (Rpred=0.708, SEP=10.6 min). This study demonstrated that hyperspectral imaging technology has potential for providing a nondestructive, simple, fast and economical means for estimating the water uptake and cooking time of dry beans. Moreover, a totally independent set of 110 similar dry bean samples confirmed the suitability of the technique for predicting cooking time of soaked beans after updating the calibration model with 20 of the new samples, giving Rpred=0.872 and SEP=3.7 min. However, due to the genotypic and phenotypic variability of dry bean properties, periodical updates of these prediction models with more samples and new bean accessions, as well as testing other multivariate prediction methods are needed for further improving model robustness and generalization.