Data from: Timing of egg-laying in relation to a female's social environment in European starlings
Data files
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It is widely assumed that female birds use non-photic supplemental cues, including social factors, to fine-tune timing of egg-laying to local conditions, but our knowledge of the nature of these social cues and how they operate remains limited. We analyzed the relationship between a female’s social environment (nearest neighbor distances, residency, female -and- network familiarity, synchrony) and variation in timing of egg-laying in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) using individual, residual laying date (controlling for annual variation) and temperature-independent residual laying date (accounting for the effect of ambient temperature on laying date). Female social environment varied systematically with overall spatial distribution of nest-boxes (linear vs clumped boxes) but this was not associated with spatial variation in laying date or temperature-independent residual laying date. We found no evidence for any relationships between individual variation in social environment and individual, residual laying date and only weak evidence for any association with individual, temperature-independent residual laying date. The latter was associated with a) nearest neighbor distances in the linear habitat, with females nesting closer to neighbors laying earlier than predicted by temperature, but not in the two clumped habitats, and b) neighbor familiarity: females with an intermediate number of returning females (3/8) laid closest to the predicted date. Finally, despite the fact that synchrony was not associated with other social environment metrics, females with lower laying synchrony among neighbors laid earlier than predicted by temperature. This suggests that some components of the female-female social environment could act as supplemental cues for timing of egg-laying.
Data explained
All distances are measured in meters.
'.' denotes unavailable data (i.e., unable to confirm band number due to early nest failure, so data for residency, female familiarity, and network familiarity of these birds is unavailable)
- Year - Year data was collected
- Loc - Location nestbox is on research site (New Barn, Old Barn, Main Field)
- Box - The box number a female nested in
- Orientation - The orientation of the box a female nested in
- LD - Julian laying date of a female
- xLD - The mean Julian laying date of the population for the year data was collected
- residLD - The difference between a females laying date and the average laying date of all females the year data was collected
- Ta_predLD - The predicted mean laying date for the year based on Julian 2-94 (2 Jan - 4 Apr) based on the calculated formula in Leonard and Williams 2023
- Ta_residLD - The difference between a females actual laying date and the temperature-predicted laying date of the year the data was collected
- allyr_resid - The difference between a female's laying date and the mean laying date of all the years data has been collected
- Band - The band number of the female nesting in the selected box
- Residency - The number of times a female nested in the same box in consecutive years (1 = first use)
- Network_fam - The number of individuals in an environment that returned to the same environment in consecutive years, based around a focal nestbox
- Female_fam - The number of females in an environment that a focal female nested with the year prior, based around a focal female
- neigh_1 - The box number of the closest female to a focal female
- dist_1 - The distance between a focal females nestbox to the box of the closest female
- LDn1 - The actual laying date for the closest female neighbor
- band_1 - The band number of the closest female neighbor
- neigh_2 - The box number of the second-closest female to a focal female
- dist_2 - The distance between a focal females nestbox to the box of the second-closest female
- LDn2 - The actual laying date for the second-closest female neighbor
- band_2 - The band number of the second-closest female neighbor
- neigh_3 - The box number of the third-closest female to a focal female
- dist_3 - The distance between a focal females nestbox to the box of the third-closest female
- LDn3 - The actual laying date for the third-closest female neighbor
- band_3 - The band number of the third-closest female neighbor
- x3dist_individual - The mean distance to a neighbors' first-third closest neighbors
- neigh_4 - The box number of the fourth-closest female to a focal female
- dist_4 - The distance between a focal females nestbox to the box of the fourth-closest female
- LDn4 - The actual laying date for the fourth-closest female neighbor
- band_4 - The band number of the fourth-closest female neighbor
- neigh_5 - The box number of the fifth-closest female to a focal female
- dist_5 - The distance between a focal females nestbox to the box of the fifth-closest female
- LDn5 - The actual laying date for the fifth-closest female neighbor
- band_5 - The band number of the fifth-closest female neighbor
- neigh_6 - The box number of the sixth-closest female to a focal female
- dist_6 - The distance between a focal females nestbox to the box of the sixth-closest female
- LDn6 - The actual laying date for the sixth-closest female neighbor
- band_6 - The band number of the sixth-closest female neighbor
- neigh_7 - The box number of the seventh-closest female to a focal female
- dist_7 - The distance between a focal females nestbox to the box of the seventh-closest female
- LDn7 - The actual laying date for the seventh-closest female neighbor
- band_7 - The band number of the seventh-closest female neighbor
- x7dist_indiv - The mean distance between the focal female and her 1-7 nearest neighbors
- xNN1_7 - The mean distance of neighbors 1-7 for the year data was collected
- residNN - The difference between a focal females 1-7 neighbors and the mean of distances 1-7 for that year
- meanLD1_7 - The mean laying date of the 1-7 neighbors of a focal female
- sdLD1_7 - The standard deviation between a focal female's laying date and her 1-7 neighbors laying date
- cvLD1_7 - The coefficient of variation of the laying date of a focal females neighbors 1-7 (synchrony)