Data from: To hatch and hatch not: Rejecting the hypothesis that heterochrony in vestibular mechanosensing explains poor escape-hatching success of Agalychnis spurrelli in snake attacks compared with its congener A. callidryas
Data files
Dec 13, 2023 version files 347.47 KB
Phyllomedusid treefrogs hatch prematurely to escape egg predation, but escape success varies among species. During spontaneous hatching of Agalychnis spurrelli, snake attacks elicited 55% less escape-hatching than did attacks on less developed A. callidryas. Agalychnis callidryas use their vestibular system and, secondarily, their lateral line to sense physical disturbances that cue hatching. Since A. spurrelli develop faster, we hypothesized that heterochronic shifts in the onset timing of vestibular mechanosensory function, relative to hatching ability, might explain their lower escape response to mechanosensory cues. To test this, we compared the onset timing of hypoxia- and mechanosensory-cued hatching (MCH) and vestibular mechanosensory function in developmental series of A. spurrelli and A. callidryas embryos. Across species, most sibships began responding to each cue at the same developmental stage. MCH onset in A. spurrelli was associated with vestibular function onset, as indicated by measurements of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). Indeed, the first A. spurrelli embryos to show MCH had VOR amplitudes similar to those previously found for A. callidryas at the onset of MCH. These results indicate that low escape-hatching success in A. spurrelli is not caused by a relative delay in the onset of vestibular mechanosensory function, rejecting our initial hypothesis; the developmental timing of vestibular mechanosensing and its role in predator-induced hatching appears conserved. Our observations of both higher escape success of larger clutches in snake attacks and hatching complications in flooded A. spurrelli suggest, instead, that differences in egg capsule and clutch structure may contribute to species differences in escape-hatching success.
This README for "Data for Guell&Warkentin.xlsx" file was generated on 2023-12-12 by BRANDON A. GUELL
Title of Dataset: "Data for Güell & Warkentin.xlsx", for the manuscript: "To hatch and hatch not: rejecting the hypothesis that heterochrony in vestibular mechanosensing explains poor escape-hatching success of Agalychnis spurrelli in snake attacks compared with its congener A. callidryas" submitted to Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - BEAS-D-23-00239.
Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Brandon A. Guell
Institution: Boston University
Address: 5 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A.
Email: bguell@bu.eduA. Analyses Contact Information
Name: Brandon A. Guell
Institution: Boston University
Address: 5 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A.
Email: bguell@bu.eduDate of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 22 May–14 August 2018 and 27 June–3 July 2021
Geographic location of data collection: Shampoo Pond in Piro, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica (8°24'55"N, 83°20'45"W)
Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (DGE-1247312 to BAG and IOS-1354072 to KMW), Sigma Xi (G2018031596022314 to BAG), and Boston University.
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Data for Guell&Warkentin.xlsx, Sheet 1: "Spontaneous Hatching Timing"]
Number of variables: 19
Number of cases/rows: 182
Variable List: Date, Temperature_C, Relative_Humidity, Species, Clutch, Age, Day, Time, Period, Stage, Clutch_size, Hatched_accumulative, Proportion_hatched
Missing data codes: "NA"
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none
Description of variables: The variables in this sheet contain information about the undisturbed spontaneous hatching timing of A. spurrelli and A. callidryas embryos.
- Date = date of egg clutch collection,
- Temperature_C = ambient temperature in Celsius at study site on date of collection,
- Relative_humidity = % relative humidity
- Species = species of embryos,
- Clutch = ID of clutch being observed,
- Age:Clutch_size = age, age in days, time of day, am or pm of observations, and number of eggs per clutch,
- Hatched_accumulative = number of embryos per clutch that hatched at each observation,
- Proportion_hatched = total proportion of embryos per clutch.
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Data for Guell&Warkentin.xlsx, Sheet 2: "Egg-Predation Escape Success"]
Number of variables: 7
Number of cases/rows: 75
Variable List: Date, Species, Age, Clutch, Clutch_size, Escape_hatched, Proportion_escape_hatched
Missing data codes: "NA"
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none
Description of variables: The variables in this sheet contain information about the escape hatching success of A. spurrelli and A. callidryas embryos to snake attacks.
- Date = date of experiment,
- Species = species of egg clutch tested,
- Age = age of egg clutch tested (days),
- Clutch = egg clutch ID,
- Clutch_size = number of eggs in egg clutch,
- Escape_hatched = number of embryos of the total clutch size that escaped during snake predation experiment,
- Proportion_escape_hatched = Escape_hatched divided by Clutch_size
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Data for Guell&Warkentin.xlsx, Sheet 3: "Gomez & Warkentin Egg Predation"]
Number of variables: 5
Number of cases/rows: 66
Variable List: Date, Age, Clutch_size, Escape_hatched, Proportion_escape_hatched
Missing data codes: "NA"
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none
Description of variables: The variables in this sheet contain information about the escape hatching success of A. spurrelli and A. callidryas embryos to snake attacks.
- Date = date of experiment,
- Species = species of egg clutch tested,
- Age = age of egg clutch tested (days),
- Clutch = egg clutch ID,
- Clutch_size = number of eggs in egg clutch,
- Escape_hatched = number of embryos of the total clutch size that escaped during snake predation experiment,
- Proportion_escape_hatched = Escape_hatched divided by Clutch_size
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Data for Guell&Warkentin.xlsx, Sheet 4: "Onset of HCH & MCH"]
Number of variables: 17
Number of cases/rows: 901
Variable List: Date, Temperature_C, Relative_Humidity, Species, Clutch, Age_days, Time_of_day, Age, Clutch_size, Clutch_size_post_tests, Stage, Cue_type, Attempted_to_Hatch, Hatching_Complication, Hatched, Latency_to_hatch_min, Hatchling_length_mm
Missing data codes: "NA"
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: HCH = Hypoxia-cued hatching; MCH = Mechanosensory-cued hatching
Description of variables: The variables in this sheet contain information about the onset of hatching responses to hypoxia cues (HCH) and mechanosensory cues (MCH) of A. spurrelli and A. callidryas embryos.
- Date = date of experiment,
- Temperature_C & Relative_humidity = ambient temperature in Celsius and in % relative humidity at study site on date of collection,
- Species = species of embryos,
- Clutch = ID of clutch being observed,
- Age:Clutch_size = age, age in days, time of day, am or pm of observations, and number of eggs per clutch,
- Clutch_size_post_tests = accumulative number of eggs in the clutch remaining after previous testing points,
- Stage = developmental stage of embryos based on Warkentin (2017),
- Attempted_to_Hatch = number of embryos that attempted to hatch (i.e., ruptured their membranes),
- Hatching_Complication = binomial variable of whether embryo experienced hatching complication as described in the methods,
- Hatched = binomial (yes/no) of whether embryo successfully exited their egg capsule,
- Latency_to_hatch_min = latency to hatch in minutes,
- Hatchling_length_mm = average total length in millimeters of hatchings that hatched at that time point.
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Data for Guell&Warkentin.xlsx, Sheet 5: "Clutch-matched HCH & MCH"]
Number of variables: 10
Number of cases/rows: 28
Variable List: Date, Species, Clutch, Age_at_HCH_onset, Stage_at_HCH_onset, Age_at_MCH_onset, Stage_at_MCH_onset, Difference_in_age, Difference_in_stage, Proportion_difference
Missing data codes: "NA"
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: HCH = Hypoxia-cued hatching; MCH = Mechanosensory-cued hatching
Description of variables: The variables in this sheet contain information about the age and developmental stage of embryos from the previous sheet 5.
- Date = date of experiment,
- Species = species of embryos,
- Clutch = Clutch ID,
- Age_at_HCH_onset = Age of embryos in days at the onset of hypoxia-cued hatching,
- Stage_at_HCH_onset= developmental stage of embryos at the onset of hypoxia-cued hatching,
- Age_at_MCH_onset = Age of embryos in days at the onset of mechanosensory-cued hatching,
- Stage_at_MCH_onset = developmental stage of embryos at the onset of mechanosensory-cued hatching,
- Difference_in_age = raw difference of age in days between embryos of the same clutch that responded to hypoxia and mechanosensory cues (Age_at_MCH_onset minus Age_at_HCH_onset),
- Difference_in_stage = raw difference of developmental stage between embryos of the same clutch that responded to hypoxia and mechanosensory cues (Stage_at_MCH_onset minus Stage_at_HCH_onset),
- Proportion_difference = (Age_at_MCH_onset divided by Age_at_HCH_onset) minus 1
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [Data for Guell&Warkentin.xlsx, Sheet 6: "VOR in A. spurrelli"]
Number of variables: 19
Number of cases/rows: 182
Variable List: Date, Species, Clutch, Day, Time, Age, Clutch_size, Stage, Cue_type, Hatched, Latency_to_hatch_min, Hatchling_length_mm, RampDiff, R-R2, LampDiff, L-R2, Avg_Diff, Avg_Rsquared, Subset
Missing data codes: "NA"
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: VOR = Vestibulo-ocular reflex
Description of variables: The variables in this sheet contain information about the VOR amplitude of A. spurrelli embryos.
- Date = date of VOR measurement,
- Species = species of embryos,
- Clutch = Clutch ID,
- Day = Age in days,
- Time = Time of day in whole hours,
- Age = Age of embryo in decimal hours,
- Clutch_size = number of eggs in the clutch the embryo came from,
- Stage = developmental stage of the measured embryo,
- Cue_type = all mechanosensory for egg-jiggling cues to test for mechanosensory-cued hatching,
- Hatched = binomial variable of whether the embryo hatched in response to the egg-jiggling mechanosensory cues,
- Latency_to_hatch_min = latency to hatch from start of egg-jiggling to hatching in minutes,
- Hatchling_length_mm = average total length in millimeters of hatching,
- RampDiff = raw VOR amplitude of right eye, R-R2 = proportional VOR amplitude of right eye,
- LampDiff = raw VOR amplitude of left eye,
- L-R2 = proportional VOR amplitude of left eye,
- Avg_Diff = raw averaged VOR amplitude used in statistics,
- Avg_Rsquared = total proportional VOR amplitude,
- Subset = binomial variable (yes/no) used in subsetting for data manipulation in Script.
SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SCRIPT: ["Script for Güell & Warkentin.Rmd"]
This file contains the full R script used for analyses in the manuscript titled "To hatch and hatch not: rejecting the hypothesis that heterochrony in vestibular mechanosensing explains poor escape-hatching success of Agalychnis spurrelli in snake attacks compared with its congener A. callidryas" submitted to Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - BEAS-D-23-00239. The data processing and statistical analyses shown in this document are shown in chronological order as reported in the manuscript. We show details on importing, manipulating, summarizing, analyzing (testing hypotheses), and visualizing the data. See manuscript for details on background, research questions, hypothesis, methods, etc..