Geodiversity data for Europe at 1-km and 10-km resolutions
Data files
Jan 19, 2024 version files 171.39 MB
The European geodiversity data provides a novel perspective on the diversity of non-living nature over large spatial extents. These data describe geological, pedological, geomorphological, and hydrological diversity, including 78 different geofeatures. Geofeatures refer to individual features that each component of geodiversity (geology, pedology, geomorphology, and hydrology) consists of, such as soil types in the case of pedology. This standardized and accessible geodiversity dataset facilitates comparability for geodiversity research across Europe and can be used for multiple purposes, from studying geodiversity patterns to geodiversity–biodiversity relationship and more. Moreover, the methodology (described in Toivanen et al. 2024) establishes a grid-based approach for quantifying geodiversity, which is suitable for large extents and can be applied in other regions worldwide.
This grid-based geodiversity dataset, available at resolutions of 1-km and 10-km, includes ready-to-use georichness variables (as GEOtiff files), and provides information on the presence and coverage of individual geofeatures that can be used to calculate different measures of geodiversity (as csv files). The data on georichness can be utilized in its entirety, representing the overall geodiversity, or with selected geodiversity components as individual richness layers describing geological, pedological, geomorphological or hydrological feature richness. One key objective of this geodiversity data is to provide complimentary environmental variables for biodiversity modelling and conservation studies. However, the choice of geodiversity data (richness or other index), the scale of analysis (1-km or 10-km), and the specific variables (overall geodiversity or individual components) should be determined by the research question and context.
This is a dataset from: Toivanen, M. et al. (2024). Geodiversity data for Europe. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. (accepted for publication 2023-10-19)
README: Geodiversity data for Europe at 1-km and 10-km resolutions
This README file provides key information of the 'Geodiversity data for Europe at 1-km and 10-km resolutions' data files. Please see the related manuscript (Toivanen et al. 2024) for full description on data production and data use.
Data from:
Toivanen, M., Maliniemi, T., Hjort., J., Salminen, H., Ala-Hulkko, T., Kemppinen, J., Karjalainen, O., Poturalska, A., Kiilunen, P., Snåre, H., Leppiniemi, O., Makopoulou, E., Alahuhta, J. & Tukiainen, H. (2024). Geodiversity data for Europe. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. (please see full citation details from the journal website)
Dataset citation:
Toivanen, M. Maliniemi, T., Hjort., J., Salminen, H., Ala-Hulkko, T., Kemppinen, J., Karjalainen, O., Poturalska, A., Kiilunen, P., Snåre, H., Leppiniemi, O., Makopoulou, E., Alahuhta, J. & Tukiainen, H. (2024). Geodiversity data for Europe at 1-km and 10-km resolutions, Dryad, Dataset.
Data summary:
'Geodiversity data of Europe' decribes geological, pedological, geomorphological and hydrological diversity with a total of 78 classes. Dataset includes 10 GEOtiff files, where geodiversity is quantified as total georichness and individual richness layers of lithological, soil, terrain form and hydrological richness, both at 1-km and 10-km resolutions. The 2 csv files include information on the areal coverage of each geofeature (e.g., soil-types in case of pedological diversity) per each 1-km or 10-km grid cell.
Description of the data and file structure
Data includes two zipped folders and this README file.
'' includes GEOtiff files:
- Eur_1km_GeomRichness.tif (terrain form richness at 1-km resolution)
- Eur_1km_Georichness.tif (total georichness at 1-km resolution)
- Eur_1km_HydroRichness.tif (hydrological richness at 1-km resolution)
- Eur_1km_LithoRichness.tif (lithological richness at 1-km resolution)
- Eur_1km_SoilRichness.tif (soil richness at 1-km resolution)
- Eur_10km_GeomRichness.tif (terrain form richness at 10-km resolution)
- Eur_10km_Georichness.tif (total georichness at 10-km resolution)
- Eur_10km_HydroRichness.tif (hydrological richness at 10-km resolution)
- Eur_10km_LithoRichness.tif (lithological richness at 10-km resolution)
- Eur_10km_SoilRichness.tif (soil richness at 10-km resolution)
The projected coordinate system for the GEOtiffs is 'ETRS98, LAEA' following the EEA Reference Grid (EEA 2013).
'' includes csv files:
- Eur_1km_Geofeatures.csv (geofeature areal coverage per each 1-km grid cell at 100-m accuracy, with 6,475,114 entries and 86 columns)
- Eur_1km_Geofeatures.csv (geofeature areal coverage per each 10-km grid cell at 100-m accuracy, with 63,291 entries and 86 columns)
Variable (86 columns) abbreviations and names in the csv files are:
- OID_: Row id number
- CellCode: EEA Reference Grid cell code
- EofOrigin: EEA Reference Grid east of origin coordinate
- NofOrigin: EEA Reference Grid north of origin coordinate
- FLAT: Terrain form, flat
- PEAKORSUMMIT: Terrain form, peak or summit
- RIDGE: Terrain form, ridge
- SHOULDER: Terrain form, shoulder
- SPUR: Terrain form, spur
- SLOPE: Terrain form, slope
- HOLLOW: Terrain form, hollow
- FOOTSLOPE: Terrain form, footslope
- VALLEY: Terrain form, valley
- PITORDEPRESSION: Terrain form, pit or depression
- GEOM_RICHNESS: Terrain form richness
- CLAYS: Lithological feature, clays
- CLAYSTONES_AND_CLAYS: Lithological feature, claystones and clays
- CONGLOMERATES: Lithological feature, conglomerates
- CONGLOMERATES_AND_CLAYS: Lithological feature, conglomerates and clays
- CONGLOMERATES_AND_SANDS: Lithological feature, conglomerates and sands
- GNEISSES: Lithological feature, gneisses
- GRAVELS: Lithological feature, gravels
- LIMESTONES: Lithological feature, limestones
- LIMESTONES_AND_CLAYS: Lithological feature, limestones and clays
- LIMESTONES_AND_MARLS: Lithological feature, limestones and marls
- LIMESTONES_AND_SANDS: Lithological feature, limestones and sands
- MARBLES: Lithological feature, marbles
- MARLS: Lithological feature, marls
- MARLSTONES: Lithological feature, marlstones
- MARLSTONES_AND_CLAYS: Lithological feature, marlstones and clays
- MARLSTONES_AND_MARLS: Lithological feature, marlstones and marls
- MARLSTONES_AND_SANDS: Lithological feature, marlstones and sands
- PHYLLITES: Lithological feature, phyllites
- PLUTONIC_ROCKS: Lithological feature, plutonic rocks
- QUARTZITES: Lithological feature, quartzites
- SANDS: Lithological feature, sands
- SANDSTONES: Lithological feature, sandstones
- SANDSTONES_AND_CLAYS: Lithological feature, sandstones and clays
- SANDSTONES_AND_MARLS: Lithological feature, sandstones and marls
- SANDSTONES_AND_SANDS: Lithological feature, sandstones and sands
- SCHISTS: Lithological feature, schists
- SHALES: Lithological feature, shales
- SILTS: Lithological feature, silts
- VOLCANIC_ROCKS: Lithological feature, volcanic rocks
- LITHO_RICHNESS: Lithological richness
- ACRISOLS: Soil-type, acrisols
- ALBELUVISOLS: Soil-type, albeluvisols
- ALISOLS: Soil-type, alisols
- ANDOSOLS: Soil-type, andosols
- ARENOSOLS: Soil-type, arenosols
- CALCISOLS: Soil-type, calcisols
- CAMBISOLS: Soil-type, cambisols
- CHERNOZEMS: Soil-type, chernozems
- CRYSOLS: Soil-type, crysols
- FERRALSOLS: Soil-type, ferralsols
- FLUVISOLS: Soil-type, fluvisols
- GLEYSOLS: Soil-type, gleysols
- GYPSISOLS: Soil-type, gypsisols
- HISTOSOLS: Soil-type, histosols
- KASTANOZEMS: Soil-type, kastanozems
- LEPTOSOLS: Soil-type, leptosols
- LIXISOLS: Soil-type, lixisols
- LUVISOLS: Soil-type, luvisols
- NITISOLS: Soil-type, nitisols
- PHAEOZEMS: Soil-type, phaeozems
- PLANOSOLS: Soil-type, planosols
- PODZOLS: Soil-type, podzols
- REGOSOLS: Soil-type, regosols
- SOLONCHAKS: Soil-type, solonchaks
- SOLONETZ: Soil-type, solonetz
- STAGNOSOLS: Soil-type, stagnosols
- UMBRISOLS: Soil-type, umbrisols
- VERTISOLS: Soil-type, vertisols
- SOIL_RICHNESS: Soil richness
- GROUNDWATER: Hydrological feature, groundwater
- LAKE: Hydrological feature, lake
- GLACIERSANDPERPETUALSNOW: Hydrological feature, glaciers and perpetual snow
- INLANDMARSHES: Hydrological feature, inland marshes
- PEATBOGS: Hydrological feature, peatbogs
- SALTMARSHES: Hydrological feature, salt marshes
- INTERTIDALFLATS: Hydrological feature, intertidal flats
- COASTALLAGOONS: Hydrological feature, coastal lagoons
- ESTUARIES: Hydrological feature, estuaries
- SEA_AND_OCEAN: Hydrological feature, sea and ocean
- RIVER: Hydrological feature, river
- HYDRO_RICHNESS: Hydrological richness
Source data references
Geodiversity data is constructed from open-access geospatial data to describe the geodiversity of Europe. For more information on the original data on lithology (Duscher et al. 2015), soils (Poggio et al. 2021), terrain forms (Amatulli et al. 2020), and hydrological features (Duscher et al. 2015, EEA 2019, EEA 2020) see the references. The used grid is based on EEA Reference Grids (EEA 2013).
Original source data references are:
- Amatulli, G., Domisch, S., Tuanmu, M.N., Paremntier, B., Ranipeta, A., Malczyk, J., and Jetz, W. (2020). A suite of global, cross-scale topographic variables for environmental and biodiversity modeling. Scientific Data 5, 180040.
- Duscher, K., Gnther, A., Richts, A., Clos, P., Philipp, U., and Struckmeier, W. (2015). The GIS layers of the International Hydrogeological Map of Europe 1:1,500,000 in a vector format. Hydrogeology Journal 23, 18671875.
- EEA (2013). EEA reference grid. Retrieved from
- EEA (2019). EU-Hydro River Network Database, Version 1.3. Retrieved from
- EEA (2020). Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018, Version 2020_20u1. Retrieved from
- Poggio, L., Sousa L.M., Batjes, N.H., Heuvelink, G.B.M., Kempen, B., Ribeiro, E., and Rossiter, D. (2021). SoilGrids 2.0: producing soil information for the globe with quantified spatial uncertainty. SOIL, 7, 217240.
We used global and continental open-access data as the basis of our European geodiversity data to describe geological (IHME1500 Lithology), pedological (SoilGrids 2.0), geomorphological (Geomorpho90m), and hydrological (EU-Hydro, Corine Land Cover 2018, IHME1500 Aquifer-type) diversity. EEA Reference Grids were used as the basis of our calculations to produce the raster layers of terrestrial geodiversity at two resolutions (1-km and 10-km) through zonal calculations. All analyses were done with ESRI ArcGIS Pro version 2.8.
The spatial extent of the data follows Corine Land Cover 2018 landcover data produced by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
Please see the related manuscript (Toivanen et al. 2024) for detailed description of the methodology.
Usage notes
Data was produced in and exported from ESRI ArcGIS Pro (v. 2.8), but the data use is not limited to it. All data files (GeoTIFF and csv) can be opened and used in various software, such as open-source alternatives QGIS, GRASS GIS, and R Studio.
Please see the README document and the related manuscript for more details on data use.