Data from: Bubbling water-treating DBD plasma device optimization using experimental and computational methods
Data files
Aug 09, 2024 version files 355.01 MB
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A dry air atmospheric pressure volume dielectric barrier discharge, produced immediately below a water volume, is employed to produce plasma treated water. Producing treated water with high concentrations of reactive oxygen nitrogen species such as nitrate for use as nitrogen fertilizer is the primary motivation behind this design. A 0D chemistry model is developed and informed by the electrical, geometric and plasma gas temperature characteristics of the device. Modeled ozone and nitrate densities are compared to those measured experimentally in the plasma effluent and treated liquid for a range of gas temperatures. Good agreement is demonstrated between the ozone densities measured in the effluent; however, the model does not account for the liquid chemistry. A gas temperature based shift from ozone to NOx producing regimes is observed in both experiment and model, and the reactions responsible for this shift are discussed.
README: Data from: Bubbling water-treating DBD plasma device optimization using experimental and computational methods
Submitted here is the raw data pertaining to the aforementioned article. The data has been separated into folders as it relates to the sections in said article. Below is detailed description of how to discern the data as it is presented in there. Additional READMEs may be found.
0D Model
- Data presented here are the output files of the (not included) Zapdos script in .xlsx format, which is a 0D model of the DBD plasma chemistry.
- The first three digits in the files names (i.e. 320) correspond to the gas temperature, in kelvin, of that particular simulation.
- The files are sorted by column, with the top row denoting the contents.
- time = the time step of the simulation and is given in seconds
- All species densities are given in cm^-3
- These are noted in typical chemical abbreviations:
- O = Oxygen
- N = Nitrogen
- e = electon
- +/- = positive/negative ions
- Te = electron temperature in eV
- Tg = Gas Temperature in K
- V = Voltage in V
- Rate # = calculated rate for reaction # in the model, given in s^-1. List of reactions is not included.
- Rate_constant# = Rate constant used to determine Rate #. Units vary depending on number of reactants: s^-1, cm^3 s^-1, cm^6 s^-1, cm^9 s^-1.
Bubble Dynamics
- Data included here corresponds to the observed trends in nitrate (NO3) concentration with the treated liquid with changing bubble size and flow rate.
- Two types of data are provided:
- Absorbances values from colorimetric measurements are provided in .txt files, how these are correlated to concentrations is given in the associated .xlsx files.
- The .txt files are organized into two columns with the left one corresponding to the wavelength of light (in nanometers) and the right corresponding to the absorbance at that wavelength.
- Operational parameters of the spectrometer are also provided in the .txt files.
- All times are provided in minutes.
- All concentrations (Conc.) are provided in mg/L
- All flow rates are in sccm.
- Absorbances (Absorb.) are converted to concentrations using a standard curve, the coefficients of which ('m' and 'b' corresponding to a linear equation) are provided in the associated .xlsx files
- Production (Prod.) is given in mg/min
- Colorimetric samples are sometimes diluted in order to be within the measurable range. What samples and to what degree are denoted in the .xlsx files.
- The .xlsx files typically include a 'Parameters' list which inclues the following details:
- Applied voltage in kV
- Frequency of voltage waveform in Hz
- Treated volume in mL
- Full treatment time in min
- Which power supply was used
- The absorbance .txt files generally include the time at which the samples were collected in the file name.
- Except for those from Test 8, which instead include the air flow rate in sccm.
- Images of bubbles transporting up the liquid volume are provided in the folder 'Bubbler Test 8'.
Gas Temperature
- .spe and .spa files from the Echellle spectrometer are provided in seperate folders.
- The operational parameters are given in the Readme file found alongside these folders.
- The .spa/.spe files include two numbers seperated by a dash in the form
- A = applied voltage given by the function generator in V.
- B = the applied frequency of the voltage waveform in Hz.
- Three reference files are also included which prove the background spectra.
- Here all the .csv files of the current and voltage measurements are saved from the oscilloscope.
- All the these are done with 512 sample averaging.
The data in the .csv files is formatted into four columns by time.
- Time is in seconds and found in the left column.
- The next column from the right is the measured voltage of the plasma circuit.
- Next is the measured current.
- The final column on the right is a triggering voltage signal to synchronize the sample averaging.
The voltage and frequency parameters for each file are provided in 'Parameters.xlsx'.
Nitrate Colorimetry
- These are the colorimetric absorbances used for the 0D model comparison of nitrate (NO3).
- The parameters for each absorbance .txt file can be found in '!Conc.xlsx'.
- The absorbance values used to form the standard curve are also included in the subfolder 'Standard Curve'.
- This standard curve is used to convert the absorbance values, found at wavelength 330 nm, to concentration.
- The absorbance .txt files are of the same format as discussed in the Bubble Dynamics portion.
Ozone OAS
- These are the gas phase absorbance values used for the 0D model comparison of ozone (O3).
- The absorbance .txt files are of the same format as discussed in the Bubble Dynamics portion.
- The operational parameters for the absorbances are described in '!Parameters.xlsx'.
- They are in groups of 31 files, where file 01 corresponds to t = 0 seconds, or the moment the plasma is first ignited.
- Each subsequent .txt file is taken 10 seconds after the previous file.
- Some further details are provided in the associated !README.txt'.