Data from: Mechanical morphotype switching as an adaptive response in Mycobacteria
Data files
Nov 29, 2023 version files 3.13 GB
Invading microbes face a myriad of cidal mechanisms of phagocytes that inflict physical damage to microbial structures. How intracellular bacterial pathogens adapt to these stresses is not fully understood. Here, we report a new virulence mechanism by which changes to the mechanical stiffness of the mycobacterial cell surface confers refraction to killing during infection. Long-Term Time-Lapse Atomic Force Microscopy was used to reveal a process of “mechanical morphotype switching” in mycobacteria exposed to host intracellular stress. A “soft” mechanical morphotype switch enhances tolerance to intracellular macrophage stress, including cathelicidin. Both pharmacologic treatment, with bedaquiline, and a genetic mutant lacking uvrA modified the basal mechanical state of mycobacteria into a “soft” mechanical morphotype, enhancing survival in macrophages. Our study proposes microbial cell mechanical adaptation as a critical axis for surviving host-mediated stressors.
README: AFM Datasets
Long-Term Time-Lapse Atomic Force Microscopy (LTTL-AFM) imaging datasets include images of M. smegmatis in axenic conditions of growth and stress.
Description of the AFM data and file structure
AFM images obtained using Bruker AFM systems are identified by a ".001" and can be opened, edited, and analysed using the open source software, Gwyddion (Department of Nanometrology, Czech Metrology Institute). Image files provided are in PNG format in folders labeled "AFM Images". Height images are described as "_height" in the filename while stiffness (DMT modulus) images are represented with "_dmt" or "_stiffness" and peak force error images with "_pfe".
Cell dimensions of individuals segmented from AFM images are found in folders labeled "Cell Dimensions..." and in tabular format saved as ".csv" and ".xls" files. Individual cells are identified by the image number followed by a 1 (old pole daughter) or 2 (new pole daughter).
Dual-AFM and Optical Fluorescence datasets of M. smegmatis mutant ∆3187 have AFM images in folders labeled as such ("AFM") while optical fluorescence images are in folders labeled "OFM". Optical fluorescence image files are ".tif". Text files ".docx" or ".rtf" exhibit information about the experimental conditions for which the imaging was conducted. Text files labeled ".txt" and entitled "Image_Time_" contain infromation about AFM image files and the time that they represent in a time-lapse experiment.
AFM analysis was conducted using custom-written matlab scripts, which are labeled as ".m" files.
AFM data are partitioned into 2 folders <2Gb in size and labeled as: "Mechanical Morphotype Switching LTTL-AFM Datasets" and "Mechanical Morphotype Switching LTTL-AFM Datasets 2". The first directory contains exclusively AFM data while the second directory contains dual AFM and OFM data or AFM data, alone.
AFM dataset Folders and Pathes
AFM dataset folders are organized by the M. smegmatis (Ms) strains imaged. "WT mc2 155" refers to wildtype strain mc^2 155 originating from William Jacobs' lab at Albert Einstein School of Medicine. "delta lamA" refers to Ms∆lamA originating from Hesper Rego at Yale University School of Medicine. "delta 3187" refers to Ms∆3187 originating from Mary Jackson's lab at the University of Colorado at Fort Collins.
Raw datasets are labeled in subfolders with the date when the data was taken. ex. "03-09-2014" (day-month-year) refers to September 3rd, 2014. Any subfolders are labeled for the data of the images represented in the folder (i.e. "Height" represents AFM height images and "Stiffness" represents the DMT modulus).
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TnSeq Analysis
Interpretation of Tnseq raw datasets are supplied in spreadsheet form that depicts comparisons of conditionally essential Tn insertion mutants enriched in discrete buoyancy fractions.
Description of the TnSeq data and file structure
A spreadsheet format depicts comparisons of conditionally essential Tn insertion mutants enriched in discrete buoyancy fractions.
The data for two comparisons each are tabulated in two individual sheets. A high buoyancy fractionated sampe is compared to the middle fraction for conditional essentiality: "High vs Middle tri". A low buoyancy fractionated sample is equally compared to the middle fraction for conditional essentiality: "Low vs Middle tri".
Column labels:
- "#Orf" = open reading frame
- "Name" = gene name (if any)
- "Desc" = gene ontology
- "Sites" = Number of transposon insertion locations
- "Mean Ctrl" = mean control
- "Mean Exp" = mean exponential
- "Log2FC" = Log 2 fold change
- "Sum Ctrl" = sum control
- "Sum Exp" = sum exponential
- "Delta Mean" = change in the mean
- "p-value" = P value
- "Adj. p-value" = adjusted P value
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AFM image datasets of Height, DMT modulus (stiffness), and Peak Force Error channels for M. smegmatis imaged in axenic conditions of growth and stress
AFM imaging
Coverslips were prepared as previously described (3). Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) (Sylgard 184, Dow Corning) at a ratio of 15:1 (elastomer:curing agent) and cut 1:10 with Hexane to reduce 10-fold the spin-coated layer, while equally increasing the hydrophobicity of the surface. Aliquots of mycobacteria isolated from axenic culture or from infection of macrophages were filtered through a 0.5 µm pore size PVDF filter (Millipore) to remove cell clumps and enrich single cells. Aliquots were deposited on the hydrophobic surface of a PDMS-coated coverslip. 7H9 growth medium was supplied. Where indicated, antibiotic was added to the growth medium. The medium was maintained at 37°C using a custom-made heating element within the sample space and a TC2-80-150 temperature controller (Bioscience tools). Bacteria were imaged by peak force tapping using a Nanoscope 5 controller (Veeco Metrology) at a scan rate of 0.25 – 0.5 Hz and a maximum Z-range of 5 µm. A ScanAsyst fluid cantilever (Bruker) was used. Continuous scanning provided snapshots at 2–30 min intervals. Height, peak force error, adhesion, dissipation, deformation modulus and log modulus were recorded for all scanned images. Peak force error yields a fine representation of the height on the order of 10 nm in the Z-axis; this is computed as the difference between the peak force setpoint and the actual value. Images were processed using Gwyddion (Department of Nanometrology, Czech Metrology Institute). ImageJ was used for extracting bacterial cell surface height and modulus values and generating dynamic and quantitative mean values of the mechanical properties of individual cells.
Correlated fluorescence and AFM
Correlated fluorescence and AFM images were acquired as described previously. Briefly, fluorescence images were acquired with an electron-multiplying-charge-coupled device (EMCCD) iXon Ultra 897 camera (Andor) mounted on an IX71 inverted optical microscope (Olympus) equipped with a UAPON100XOTIRF x100 oil immersion objective (Olympus) with the x2 magnifier in place. Illumination was provided by a monolithic laser combiner (MLC) (Agilent) using the 488 or 561 nm laser output coupled to an optical fibre with appropriate filter sets: F36-526 for Calcein-AM and F71-866 for mCherry-Wag31 or cytosolic RFP. The AFM was mounted on top of the inverted microscope and images were acquired with a customised Icon scan head (Bruker) using ScanAsyst fluid cantilevers (Bruker) with a nominal spring constant of 0.7 N m-1 in peak force tapping mode at a setpoint <2 nN and typical scan rates of 0.5 Hz. The samples were maintained at 37°C in 7H9 growth medium heated by a custom-made coverslip heating holder controlled by a TC2-80-150 temperature controller (Bioscience tools).
Analysis of TnSeq experimentation to identify conditionally essential Tn Insertion Mutants isolated from Low and High Buoyancy Fractions
Transposon library construction, genomic DNA Extraction, and sequencing.
Transposon library after buoyancy centrifugation was collected and resuspended in 400ul 10mM Tris (pH=9). After beads-beating, genomic DNA was extracted by Phenol-Chloroform method. DNA concentration was measured and quantified by Nanodrop and Qubit. For building transposon sequencing library, approximately 5ug genomic DNA was resuspended in 150ul TE buffer and transferred to a Covaris tube, Genomic DNA was disrupted to 200-500bp size range by sonication with the following parameters: duty cycle (10%), intensity (4), cycles/burst (200), time (80s). The fragmented genomic DNA was size-selected and purified by AMPure XP beads. The fragmented genomic DNA was further subjected to end repair and dA tailing. Annealed adapter was ligated to the dA tailed fragmented genomic DNA and the linked ligated DNA fragment was used as template of 1st round nested PCR to amplify fragments containing adaptor and transposon junction. Indexed barcoded sequencing and illumina sequencing adaptor was added by 2nd nested PCR. All sequence libraries were examined by Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and subjected to next generation sequencing.
Transposon mutagenesis.
Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155 strain was grown to stationary phase (OD>6) in 50ml of 7H9 growth medium. Bacterial cultures were washed and resuspended in 5ml MP buffer (50mM Tris, 150mM NaCl, 10mM MgSO4, 2mM CaCl2). To transduce bacteria with MycoMarT7 phage, approximately 1011 plaque forming units of phage (PFU) was added to the bacterial suspension in MP buffer and incubated at 37°C for 4h. Immediately after transduction, ~300-400ul of the transduction mixture was plated on 15-cm LB agar plates, containing 20ug/ml kanamycin and 0.1% Tween80. After 3 days, library size was determined, and bacteria was scrapped and stored in 7h9 medium plus 15% glycerol as library stock. The transposon library was made in triplicate. The transposon library was cultured to an OD600nm of 0.8 and 1ml of sample was loaded onto 10ml of stock isotonic percoll medium, with buoyant density beads as fiducial markers. Buoyancy centrifugation was conducted at 18°C, and spinning at 20k rpm (~50,000 g), for 1h20m. Three buoyancy fractions were isolated: “high” (>1.02 g cm-3, <1.064 g cm-3), “middle” (>1.064 g cm-3, <1.102 g cm-3), and “low” (>1.102 g cm-3). Three biological replicates of the buoyancy centrifugation were conducted for the transposon library made in triplicate each of the three transposon libraries: 3 (libraries) x 3 (buoyancy centrifugation experiments) x 3 (buoyancy fractions) = 27 individual samples.
Transposon mapping and analysis.
Reads processing and TA loci mapping were performed through software TRANSIT (31). Loci that were differentially disrupted by transposon were analysed using resampling test in TRANSIT with default parameter. Different buoyancy fractions were compared with input libraries and genes that are over-represented (log2FC < -1, adjusted p-value < 0.05) and under-represented (Log2FC >1, p-value < 0.05) were plotted.