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Data and code from: Effects of phylogeny on coexistence in model communities

Data files

Sep 12, 2024 version files 606.98 KB
Sep 16, 2024 version files 606.99 KB


This repository contains code and data needed for the analyses presented in the paper 'Effects of phylogeny on coexistence in model communities'. In that contribution, by coupling a simple model of trait evolution on a phylogenetic tree with Lotka-Volterra community dynamics, allows us to derive properties of a community of coexisting species as a function of the number of traits, tree topology and the size of the species pool. Our analysis highlights how phylogenies, through traits, affect the coexistence of a set of species. Together, these results provide much-needed baseline expectations for the ways in which evolutionary history, summarized by phylogeny, is reflected in the size and structure of ecological communities. Here we provide de code needed to compute analytic expectations, to simulate community dynamics, as well as the dataset (Biodiversity II experiments, Tilman et al., Science 2001) used to test model predictions.