Dynamic light scattering size distribution, ζ-potential data, and fluorescence spectra
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The water-soluble tribenzotriquinacene-based hexacarboxylic acid ammonium salt, TBTQ-C6, acts as the host component (H) forming host-guest complexes with tetraphenylethylene (TPE)-functionalized monotopic and tetratopic quaternary ammonium derivatives, G1 and G2, to yield supra-amphiphiles. These supra-amphiphiles self-assemble to form pH-responsive fluorescent vesicles, which have allowed us to capitalize on the aggregation-induced emission (AIE) effect for imaging-guided drug delivery systems. These systems exhibit efficient drug loading and pH-responsive delivery capabilities. Upon encapsulation of the anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX), both the TPE and DOX chromophores undergo dual-fluorescence deactivation due to the energy transfer relay (ETR) effect. Under acidic conditions, the release of DOX interrupts the ETR effect, resulting in the fluorescence recovery of TPE fluorogens and DOX, allowing for real-time visual monitoring of the drug release process. Cytotoxicity experiments confirmed the low toxicity of the unloaded vectors to normal cells, while the DOX-loaded vectors were found to significantly enhance the anticancer activity of DOX against cancer cells in vitro. The AIE-featured supramolecular vesicles presented in this research hold great potential for imaging-guided drug delivery systems.
README: Size distribution, zeta potential from dynamic light scattering, and fluorescence spectra data
We have uploaded the raw dynamic light scattering (DLS) size distribution data for tetraphenylethylene (TPE)-functionalized monotopic and tetratopic quaternary ammonium derivatives G1, G2, and their binding with host molecule tribenzotriquinacene-based hexacarboxylic acid ammonium salt H to form H-G1 and H-G2 aggregates, the raw zeta potential data for H-G1 and H-G2 (file name: DLS_data.xlsx), and the raw fluorescence data for Figure 4 (file name: Figure_4_Fluorescence_Spectra.xlsx) in the article titled “pH-Responsive supramolecular vesicles for imaging-guided drug delivery: Harnessing aggregation-induced emission”.
Description of the data and file structure
1. DLS_data.xlsx:
DLS particle size distribution data:
- Samples: G1 (Figure S10b) and G2 (Figure S10d), H-G1 (Figure 2c) and H-G2 (Figure 2d)
- Measurements: Five repeat measurements for each sample
- Conditions: [H]/[G1] = 1:1, [H]/[G2] = 4:1, [G1] = [G2] = 7.82 × 10–4 M.
- Sample Name (Size): Name for each sample for size distribution measurement and the measurement run number (e.g., G1 (1): G1 for the first measurement; H-G1 (5): H-G1 for the fifth measurement)
- T (℃): Temperature in Celsius during measurement
- Z-Average (d. nm): Z-Average particle size in nanometers, derived from the cumulants analysis of the DLS data
- PDI: Polydispersity index, a measure of the width of the particle size distribution
- Size1 (d.nm): Particle size in nanometers for the first measurement
- Intensity-1: Intensity for the first measurement
- Size2 (d.nm): Particle size in nanometers for the second measurement
- Intensity-2: Intensity for the second measurement
- Size3 (d.nm): Particle size in nanometers for the third measurement
- Intensity-3: Intensity for the third measurement
- Size4 (d.nm): Particle size in nanometers for the fourth measurement
- Intensity-4: Intensity for the fourth measurement
- Size5 (d.nm): Particle size in nanometers for the fifth measurement
- Intensity-5: Intensity for the fifth measurement
Zeta potential data:
- Samples: H-G1 (Figure S11a) and H-G2 (Figure S11b)
- Measurements: Five repeat measurements
- Conditions: [H]/[G1] = 1:1, [H]/[G2] = 4:1, [G1] = [G2] = 7.82 × 10–4 M in water.
- Sample Name (Zeta): Each sample name for Zeta potential measurement and run number (e.g., H-G1 (1): zeta potential of H-G1 for the first measurement)
- T (℃): Temperature in Celsius during measurement
- Zeta Potential (mV): Zeta potential in millivolts
- Mob (umcm/Vs): Electrophoretic mobility in micrometers per centimeter per volt per second
- Cond (mS/cm): Conductivity in millisiemens per centimeter
- Zeta Potential-1(mV): Zeta potential in millivolts for the first measurement
- Intensity-1: Intensity for the first measurement
- Zeta Potential-2(mV): Zeta potential in millivolts for the second measurement
- Intensity-2: Intensity for the second measurement
- Zeta Potential-3(mV): Zeta potential in millivolts for the third measurement
- Intensity-3: Intensity for the third measurement
- Zeta Potential-4(mV): Zeta potential in millivolts for the fourth measurement
- Intensity-4: Intensity for the fourth measurement
- Zeta Potential-5(mV): Zeta potential in millivolts for the first measurement
- Intensity-5: Intensity for the fifth measurement
2. Figure_4_Fluorescence_Spectra.xlsx:
Raw Fluorescence Data for Figure 4 in the Article:
(a) Absorption and fluorescence emission spectra of G2 and DOX.
(b) Fluorescence spectra of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of different amounts of DOX (λex = 384 nm).
(c) Fluorescence recovery of G2 after adjusting the pH of DOX-loaded H-G2 vesicles (G2+H+DOX) to 4.0 (λex = 384 nm).
(d) Fluorescence recovery of DOX after adjusting the pH of DOX-loaded H-G2 vesicles (G2+H+DOX) to 4.0 (λex = 469 nm) ([H]/[G2] = 4:1, [G2] = 1.0 mM).
Figure 4a:
- Wavelength/nm-1: Wavelength in nanometers for the absorbtion of G2
- Ab-G2: Absorbance values for G2
- Wavelength/nm-2: Wavelength in nanometers for the fluorescence emmision of G2
- Em-G2: Fluorescence emission values for G2
- Wavelength/nm-3: Wavelength in nanometers for the absorbtion of DOX
- Ab-DOX: Absorbance values for DOX
- Wavelength/nm-4: Wavelength in nanometers for the fluorescence emmision of DOX
- Em-G2: Fluorescence emission values for DOX
Figure 4b:
- Wavelength/nm: Wavelength in nanometers
- Intensity-0: Fluorescence intensity of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of 0 equivalent of DOX
- Intensity-0.1: Fluorescence intensity of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of 0.1 equivalent of DOX
- Intensity-0.25: Fluorescence intensity of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of 0.25 equivalent of DOX
- Intensity-0.40: Fluorescence intensity of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of 0.40 equivalent of DOX
- Intensity-0.50: Fluorescence intensity of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of 0.50 equivalent of DOX
- Intensity-0.65: Fluorescence intensity of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of 0.65 equivalent of DOX
- Intensity-0.75: Fluorescence intensity of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of 0.75 equivalent of DOX
- Intensity-0.90: Fluorescence intensity of H-G2 vesicles in the presence of 0.90 equivalent of DOX
Figure 4c:
- Wavelength/nm: Wavelength in nanometers
- G2+H+DOX: Fluorescence emmision intensity of DOX-loaded H-G2 vesicles (λex = 384 nm)
- G2: Fluorescence emmision intensity of G2 (λex = 384 nm)
- pH 4.0 release: Fluorescence emmision intensity of DOX-loaded H-G2 vesicles after the pH was adjusted to 4.0 (λex = 384 nm)
Figure 4d:
- Wavelength/nm: Wavelength in nanometers
- G2+H+DOX: Fluorescence emmision intensity of DOX-loaded H-G2 vesicles (λex = 469 nm)
- pH 4.0 release: Fluorescence emmision intensity of DOX-loaded H-G2 vesicles after the pH was adjusted to 4.0 (λex = 469 nm)
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and ζ-potential were measured on a Zetasizer Nano S90 particle size analyzer (Malvern Instruments, England) at room temperature. UV-vis spectra were taken on a UV-1800 UV-vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan) and fluorescence spectra were recorded on a F97pro fluorescence spectrophotometer (Lengguang, China) fluorescence spectrophotometer.