Dataset for: Asymmetric response of aboveground and belowground temporal stability to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a Tibetan alpine grassland
Data files
Oct 03, 2023 version files 138.17 KB
Anthropogenic eutrophication is known to impair the stability of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), but its effects on the stability of belowground (BNPP) and total (TNPP) net primary productivity remain poorly understood. Based on a nitrogen and phosphorus addition experiment in a Tibetan alpine grassland, we show that nitrogen addition had little impact on the temporal stability of ANPP, BNPP and TNPP, whereas phosphorus addition reduced the temporal stability of BNPP and TNPP, but not ANPP. Significant interactive effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition were observed on the stability of ANPP because of the opposite phosphorus effects under ambient and enriched nitrogen conditions. We found that the stability of TNPP was primarily driven by that of BNPP rather than that of ANPP. The responses of BNPP stability cannot be predicted by those of ANPP stability, as the variations in responses of ANPP and BNPP to enriched nutrients, with ANPP increased while BNPP remained unaffected, resulted in asymmetric responses in their stability. The dynamics of grasses, the most abundant plant functional group, instead of community species diversity, largely contributed to the ANPP stability. Under the enriched nutrient condition, the synchronization of grasses reduced the grass stability, while the latter had a significant but weak negative impact on the BNPP stability. These findings challenge the prevalent view that species diversity regulates the responses of ecosystem stability to nutrient enrichment. Our findings also suggest that the ecological consequences of nutrient enrichment on ecosystem stability cannot be accurately predicted from the responses of aboveground components, and highlight the need for a better understanding of the belowground ecosystem dynamics.
README: Dataset for: Asymmetric response of aboveground and belowground temporal stability to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a Tibetan alpine grassland
Description of the data and file structure
The uploaded files include a .R script file and two .csv files for the data.
The R codes include all codes and results used for the paper.
The three .csv files include a file for yearly mean values (HB_NP_Ann_Dataset.csv) of measured ANPP, BNPP and TNPP, as well as ANPP, species richness and relative species biomass of different plant functional groups, i.e., grasses, forbs, legumes and sedges.
Description of variables included in HB_NP_Ann_Dataset.csv
- Site (categorical data): Study site, Haibei Station (shortly HB);
- Year (categorical data): Measurement year, 2011-2017;
- Block (categorical data): Block
- N_Treat (categorical data): Nitrogen addition treatment, N0 for ambient nitrogen and N1 for addition of 10 g N m-2 yr-1;
- P_Treat (categorical data): Phosphorus addition treatment, P0 for ambient phosphorus and P1 for addition of 5 g P m-2 yr-1;
- Treat (categorical data): N and P treatments;
- Plot_No. (categorical data): Original plot number;
- Plot (categorical data): Plot number;
- ANPP_MN1 (continuous data): Annual aboveground net primary productivity (NPP);
- BNPP_MN1 (continuous data): Annual belowground NPP;
- BNPP_00_10_MN1 (continuous data): Annual BNPP at 00-10 cm depth of soil;
- BNPP_10_20_MN1 (continuous data): Annual BNPP at 10-20 cm depth of soil;
- BNPP_20_40_MN1 (continuous data): Annual BNPP at 20-40 cm depth of soil;
- TNPP_MN1 (continuous data): Annual total NPP;
- alls_NUM (continuous data): Annual community species richness;
- gras_MN1 (continuous data): Annual grass ANPP;
- forb_MN1 (continuous data): Annual forb ANPP;
- legu_MN1 (continuous data): Annual legume ANPP;
- sedg_MN1 (continuous data): Annual sedge ANPP;
- gras_RSB1 (continuous data): Annual grass relative species biomass;
- forb_RSB1 (continuous data): Annual forb relative species biomass;
- legu_RSB1 (continuous data): Annual legume relative species biomass;
- sedg_RSB1 (continuous data): Annual sedge relative species biomass;
- gras_NUM1 (continuous data): Annual grass species richness;
- forb_NUM1 (continuous data): Annual forb species richness;
- legu_NUM1 (continuous data): Annual legume species richness;
- sedg_NUM1 (continuous data): Annual sedge species richness;
- Ann_Precip(continuous data):Annual precipitation (mm);
- GS_Precip (continuous data): Growing-season precipitation (MM);
- Ann_Temp (continuous data): Annual mean temperature (degree C);
- GS_Temp (continuous data): Growing-season mean temperature (degree C);
Another two .csv file includes variables calculated across years (the overall 7-year data, HB_CVs_Dataset.csv, and the 4-year paired measurements of ANPP and BNPP, HB_CVs_Dataset_4ys.csv), e.g., the coefficients of variation (CV) of ANPP, BNPP, TNPP, as well as the species synchrony and population CV estimated with all species or only grasses.
Description of variables included in HB_CVs_Dataset.csv (or HB_CVs_Dataset_4ys.csv)
- Site (categorical data): Study site, Haibei Station (shortly HB);
- Block (categorical data): Block
- N_Treat (categorical data): Nitrogen addition treatment, N0 for ambient nitrogen and N1 for addition of 10 g N m-2 yr-1;
- P_Treat (categorical data): Phosphorus addition treatment, P0 for ambient phosphorus and P1 for addition of 5 g P m-2 yr-1;
- Treat (categorical data): N and P treatments;
- Plot (categorical data): Plot number;
- ANPP_MN (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of ANPP;
- BNPP_MN (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of BNPP;
- BNPP_00_10_MN (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of BNPP at 00-10 cm depth of soil;
- BNPP_10_20_MN (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of BNPP at 10-20 cm depth of soil;
- BNPP_20_40_MN (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of BNPP at 20-40 cm depth of soil;
- TNPP_MN (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of TNPP;
- ANPP_TCV (continuous data): the temporal coefficient of variation (CV) of ANPP;
- BNPP_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of BNPP;
- BNPP_00_10_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of BNPP at 00-10 cm depth of soil;
- BNPP_10_20_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of BNPP at 10-20 cm depth of soil;
- BNPP_20_40_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of BNPP at 20-40 cm depth of soil;
- TNPP_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of TNPP;
- alls_WCV (continuous data): population CV (weighted average population CV) estimated with all species;
- alls_SYN (continuous data): species synchrony estimated with all species;
- alls_NUM (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of community species richness;
- gras_MN (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of grass ANPP;
- gras_SD (continuous data): temporal standard deviation (SD) of grass ANPP;
- gras_RSB (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of grass relative species biomass;
- forb_RSB (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of forb relative species biomass;
- legu_RSB (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of legume relative species biomass;
- sedg_RSB (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of sedge relative species biomass;
- gras_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of grass ANPP;
- forb_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of forbs ANPP;
- legu_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of legume ANPP;
- sedg_TCV (continuous data): the temporal CV of sedge ANPP;
- gras_NUM (continuous data): Cross-year mean value of grass species richness;
- gras_WCV (continuous data): population CV estimated with only grasses;
- gras_SYN (continuous data): species synchrony estimated with only grasses;
- gras_sumSD (continuous data): sum of SD of grass species ANPP;
This is an optional, freeform section for describing any code in your submission and the software used to run it.
All R codes and results used in the manuscript were shown in the uploaded .R script.