Metabolome data of fresh and conditioned in vitro oocyte maturation media and blastocyst conditioned media
Data files
May 06, 2024 version files 229.29 KB
This dataset includes metabolome profiles from fresh and conditioned in vitro maturation media and blastocyst conditioned media. Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry was performed on media samples and Xcalibur (RAW) files were converted to an open source mzML format (msconvert software; ProteoWizard package). The converted files were processed using the Metabolomic Analysis and Visualization Engine (MAVEN; mzroll software, Princeton University) to complete an untargeted analysis of the liquid chromatography mass spectrometry data. The pre-processed peak data tables generated by MAVEN are provided in this dataset.
README: Metabolome data of fresh and conditioned in vitro oocyte maturation media and blastocyst conditioned media
This dataset includes metabolome profiles from fresh and conditioned in vitro maturation media and blastocyst conditioned media collected during the in vitro production of bovine embryos. The data originated from wells of in vitro maturation or blastocyst conditioned media containing maturing oocytes or developing embryos, respectively. Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry was performed on media samples and Xcalibur (RAW) files were converted to an open source mzML format (msconvert software; ProteoWizard package). The converted files were processed using the Metabolomic Analysis and Visualization Engine (MAVEN; mzroll software, Princeton University) to complete an untargeted analysis of the liquid chromatography mass spectrometry data. The pre-processed peak data tables generated by MAVEN are provided in this dataset.
Description of the data and file structure
Data are structured with each row representing an individual media sample, and each column representing pre-processed peak data for each of the metabolites identified in the samples. Column names indicate the metabolite corresponding to the data presented in the column. There is no missing data included in this dataset. Metabolites with “na” were not detected in that media sample. Data can be used to further explore the metabolome profiles of media used in vitro embryo production and how the medias change after maturation of oocytes and culture of embryos.
Sharing/Access information
This file is the only open access version of the data. Data originated from a research project at the University of Tennessee by Dr. Sarah Moorey. Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography - High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) was performed at the Biological and Small Molecule Mass Spectrometry Core (RRID: SCR_021368) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Sixty µL samples of in vitro oocyte maturation media were collected before onset and after 24 hours of oocyte maturation. Sixty µL samples of blastocyst conditioned media were collected 8 days after in vitro fertilization. Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry was performed on media samples and Xcalibur (RAW) files were converted to an open source mzML format (msconvert software; ProteoWizard package). The converted files were processed using the Metabolomic Analysis and Visualization Engine (MAVEN; mzroll software, Princeton University) to complete an untargeted analysis of the liquid chromatography mass spectrometry data. The pre-processed peak data tables generated by MAVEN are provided in this dataset.