Pacific salmon in the Canadian Arctic highlight a range-expansion pathway for sub-Arctic fishes
Data files
May 15, 2024 version files 5.51 MB
The R code and data to support the manuscript "Pacific salmon in the Canadian Arctic highlight a range-expansion pathway for sub-Arctic fishes" published by Dunmall & Langan et al. 2024 in Global Change Biology. Briefly, this study investigated the mechanisms behind variable, rising catches of Pacific salmon by subsistence fishers in the Canadian Arctic. Detailed descritptions of the data and the performed analyses are provided in the associated manuscript.
README: Pacific salmon in the Canadian Arctic highlight a range-expansion pathway for sub-Arctic fishes
The annual salmon subsistence catch data and the R code describing the analyses performed for the manuscript "Pacific salmon in the Canadian Arctic highlight a range-expansion pathway for sub-Arctic fishes" published by Dunmall and Langan et al. 2024 in Global Change Biology.
Description of the data and file structure
The zip file contains the R script to perform all of the analyses described in the manuscript and produce the main text figures, with the exception of the conceptual diagram included as Figure 2. Also included are the data files needed for the analyses and shapefiles used for generating covariates and making figures. Only the shape files we made through modification of existing data files are provided, with the source of the original file provided in the R script. Unmodified shape files from other sources are not provided, but the R script contains descriptions of where those files can be accessed. The R script is commented to describe all analyses and the files utilized.
Specifically, we have submitted our data (AnnualSalmonCatch.csv and ArcticSalmon_DunmallLangan_et_al_Data.csv), our R script for conducting all analyses and figure generation (ArcticSalmon_DunmallLangan_et_al_code.R), Arctic community locations for plotting purposes (ArcticCommunityLocations_Fig1.csv), a shapefile of land masses intersecting the region of interest (NPac.shp and associated files, generated using the R package "rnaturalearthhires" version, a shapefile of the ocean area in the region of interest (Arctic_PredArea.shp and associated files, generated using the R package "rnaturalearthhires" version, and a shapefile of the Mackenzie River and Colville River for plotting (MCRivers.shp and associated files, modified from source file available at
Descriptions of data files:
- Year: year of salmon catch count
- Salmon: total number of salmon caught and reported by subsistence harvesters
- Year: year of salmon catch count
- Salmon.Catch: total number of salmon caught and reported by subsistence harvesters
- Chukchi.June.SST: June mean sea surface temperature in the Chukchi Sea polygon
- Beaufort.Warm.Duration: total number of days with a mean SST above 2°C in the Beaufort Sea polygon
- Chukchi.Ice.Clearance: the last day of the spring-summer period with a mean ice concentration of at least 0.5 in the Chukchi Sea polygon
- Beaufort.Ice.Clearance: the last day of the spring-summer period with a mean ice concentration of at least 0.5 in the Beaufort Sea polygon
- Catch.Location: the names of communities that reported salmon catches
- Lon: the longitudes of the communities, converted to a 0-360 scale
- Lat: the latitudes of the communities
Sharing/Access information
See the manuscript, the notes in the R script, or the above descriptions for additional details describing all data sources.
All analysis and figure production was performed in R version 4.2.3.
Salmon catch data (2000-2022) were collected during regular fishing activities by subsistence fishers participating in the Arctic Salmon program ( and summarized to annual counts. These salmon counts were then compared to sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice data derived from the NOAA OI SST V2 High Resolution Dataset ( Specifically, environmental data, cropped to ocean areas using a provided shapefile, were analyzed in a polygon in the Chukchi Sea (vertices: [68.3°N, 170.0°W], [68.3°N, 166.4°W], [69.5°N, 166.4°W], [69.5°N, 170.0°W]) and a polygon in the Beaufort Sea (vertices: [70.5°N, 153.0°W], [69.8°N, 143.0°W], [71.3°N, 143.0°W], [72.0°N, 153.0°W]). For the Chukchi Sea polygon, the mean June SST and last day of the spring-summer period with a mean ice concentration of at least 0.5 were calculated. For the Beaufort Sea polygon, the number of days with a mean SST above 2°C and the last day of the spring-summer period with a mean ice concentration of at least 0.5 were calculated. These environmental covariates were then compared to the annual salmon catch counts. For more detailed methods information and a description of how these data were subsequently analyzed, see the associated manuscript.
Additional files are included for the purposes of data cropping and plotting only, as described below.