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Data and R-scripts from: Multiple stressors: negative effects of nest predation on the viability of a threatened gull in different environmental conditions

Data files

Jun 02, 2022 version files 173.68 KB


This contains data and R-scripts used in: 

  • Bård-Jørgen Bårdsen and Jan Ove Bustnes (2022). Multiple stressors: negative effects of nest predation on the viability of a threatened gull in different environmental conditions. Journal of Avian Biology.

This study assessed the population viability of a population of the lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus fuscus) using data collected during 2005-2020 from a nature reserve in Northern Norway. The study merged results from statistical analyses of empirical data with a Leslie model. Here, we provide the underlying data, and the R-scripts used to analyse the data and run the model. The data set include information about reproduction at several stages (laying, hatching and fledgling), nest predation, and individual capture histories (used to estimate apparent survival; see Bårdsen and Bustnes 2022).