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Nitrogen availability and plant functional composition modify biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships

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Allan, Eric et al. (2023). Nitrogen availability and plant functional composition modify biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships [Dataset]. Dryad.


The ability of an ecosystem to deliver multiple functions at high levels (multifunctionality) typically increases with biodiversity but there is substantial variation in the strength and direction of biodiversity effects, suggesting context-dependency. A better understanding of the drivers of this context dependency is essential to predict effects of global change on ecosystems. To determine how different factors modulate the effect of diversity on multifunctionality, we established a large grassland experiment with 216 communities, crossing a manipulation of plant species richness (1, 4, 8, 20 species) with manipulations of resources (nitrogen enrichment), plant functional composition (gradient in mean specific leaf area [SLA] to manipulate abundances of exploitative, fast-growing vs. conservative, slow-growing species), plant functional diversity (variance in SLA) and enemy abundance (foliar fungal pathogen removal). We measured ten above- and belowground functions, related to productivity, nutrient cycling and energy transfer between trophic levels, and calculated ecosystem multifunctionality. Plant species richness and functional diversity both increased multifunctionality, but their effects were context dependent. Species richness increased multifunctionality only when communities were assembled with fast growing (high SLA) species. This was because slow species were more redundant in their functional effects, whereas different fast species tended to promote different functions. Functional diversity also increased multifunctionality but this effect was dampened by nitrogen enrichment. However, unfertilised, functionally diverse communities still delivered more functions than low diversity, fertilised communities. Our study suggests that a shift towards fast-growing exploitative communities will not only alter ecosystem functioning but also the strength of biodiversity-functioning relationships, which highlights the potentially complex effects of global change on multifunctionality.

README: Nitrogen availability and plant functional composition modify biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships


Datasets used in "Nitrogen availability and plant functional composition modify biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships"

from Noémie A. Pichon, Seraina L. Cappelli, Tosca Mannall, Thu Zar Nwe, Norbert Hölzel, Valentin H. Klaus, Till Kleinebecker, Santiago Soliveres, Hugo Vincent and Eric Allan

Initial manuscript can be found on bioRxiv:

This experiment manipulates in a full factorial design species richness (1, 4, 8 species), nitrogen enrichment (0, 100 kg ha-1 year-1), fugicide spraying (unsprayed, sprayed) and initial community composition in SLA (gradient in growth strategies).

See methods for more info on the design. If you have further questions:

These datasets can be used with code on GitHub:

To calculate multifunctionality, please use the code in GitHub "Megamodel github.R"

To calculate species effect on functioning, please use the code in "Sp effect on function github.R"

Attention: the functions were transformed before calculating multifunctionality. See methods.

In the first dataset "All_BigData.txt", we put together the ten functions measured on each plot of the experiment, and each plot community metrics (SLA, richness etc).



Block 1 to 4

Species_richness 1 to 20

Functional_composition F, M, S, for Fast, mixed or slow initial sown composition

Nitrogen 0 or 1

Fungicide 0 or 1

Combination unique combination of species, growing once in control conditions, once with nitrogen, once with fungicide, once with both

CWM_SLA Community specific leaf area calculated with monoculture SLA values and plot-specific abundances

MPD_SLA_abundance Mean pairwise distance in specific leaf area calculated with monoculture SLA values and plot-specific abundances

MPD_SLA_presence Mean pairwise distance in specific leaf area calculated with monoculture SLA values equally weighted

Aboveground_biomass (will be sqrt transformed)

Herbivory (will be sqrt transformed)

Pathogens (no transformation needed)

Soil_respiration (will be log transformed)

Plant_N_uptake (will be log transformed)

Plant_P_uptake (will be log transformed)

Belowground_biomass (will be log transformed)

BGlucosidase (will be sqrt transformed)

Phosphatase (will be log transformed)

Carbon_storage (will be sqrt+1 transformed)

The second dataset "Mean_SLA.txt" is the mean SLA per control monoculture, averaged over the years.


CWM_SLA Community specific leaf area calculated with monoculture SLA values and plot-specific abundances

Species Abbreviation for species identity

The last dataset "species_presence.txt" indicates if a species is present (1) or absent (0) of a plot.

Am Achillea millefolium

Ao Anthoxanthum odoratum

As Anthriscus sylvestris

Be Bromus erectus

Cb Crepis biennis

Cj Centaurea jacea

Dc Daucus carotta

Dg Dactylis glomerata

Fr Festuca rubra

Ga Galium album

Hl Holcus lanatus

Hp Helictotrichon pubescens

Hs Heracleum sphondylium

Lp Lolium perenne

Pg Prunella grandiflora

Pm Plantago media

Pt Poa trivialis

Ra Rumex acetosa

Sp Salvia pratensis

To Taraxacum officinale

Block 1 to 4



Datasets used in "Nitrogen availability and plant functional composition modify biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships" 

from Noémie A. Pichon, Seraina L. Cappelli, Tosca Mannall, Thu Zar Nwe, Norbert Hölzel, Valentin H. Klaus, Till Kleinebecker, Santiago Soliveres, Hugo Vincent and Eric Allan

Initial manuscript can be found on bioRxiv: 

This experiment manipulates in a full factorial design species richness (1, 4, 8 species), nitrogen enrichment (0, 100 kg ha-1 year-1), fugicide spraying (unsprayed, sprayed) and initial community composition in SLA (gradient in growth strategies).

See methods for more info on the design. If you have further questions:

Usage notes

All_BigData.txt contains information on the ecosystem functions measured

sp_presence contains information on the species present in each plot

Mean_SLA.txt contains information on the specific leaf area of each species


Swiss National Science Foundation, Award: 31003A_160212