Data from: Fine-scale genetic structure in the orchid Gymnadenia conopsea is not associated with local density of flowering plants
Data files
Nov 27, 2023 version files 139.31 KB
Premise: Density-dependent pollinator visitation can lead to density-dependent mating patterns and within-population genetic structure. In Gymnadenia conopsea, individuals in low-density patches receive more self-pollen than individuals in high-density patches, suggesting higher relatedness at low density. Ongoing fragmentation is also expected to cause more local matings, potentially leading to biparental inbreeding depression.
Methods: To evaluate whether relatedness decreases with local density, we analysed 1315 SNP loci in 113 individuals within two large populations. We quantified within-population genetic structure in one of the populations, recorded potential habitat barriers, and visualized gene flow using estimated effective migration surfaces (EEMS). We further estimated the magnitude of biparental inbreeding depression that would result from matings restricted to within 5 m.
Results: There was no significant relationship between local density and relatedness in any population. We detected significant fine-scale genetic structure consistent with isolation-by-distance, with positive kinship coefficients at distances below 10 m. Kinship coefficients were low, and predicted biparental inbreeding depression resulting from matings within the closest 5 m was a modest 1–3%. EEMS suggested that rocks and bushes may act as barriers to gene flow within a population.
Conclusions: The results suggest that increased self-pollen deposition in sparse patches does not necessarily cause higher selfing rates, or that inbreeding depression results in low establishment success of inbred individuals. The modest relatedness suggests that biparental inbreeding depression is unlikely to be an immediate problem following fragmentation of large populations. The results further indicate that habitat structure may contribute to governing fine-scale genetic structure in G. conopsea.
README: Data from: Fine-scale genetic structure in the orchid Gymnadenia conopsea is not associated with local density of flowering plants
The excel file includes spatial positions and pairwise kinship coefficients estimated with SPAGeDI for two Öland populations of Gymnadenia conopsea
Description of the data and file structure
The first tab in the file is called 'Legend', and contains the same information as given here.
Tab 'all pairs' includes kinship coefficients for all possible pairwise combinations, including all individulas |
Tab 'distance pairs' includes kinship coefficients for pairs with information on distance between individuals |
Tab 'coordinates Alb' includes spatial position of all individuals within a 50 by 30 m plot in the Alböke population |
- Pop=Population [Alb=Alböke, Sto=Störlinge]
- Ind=Individual ID within population [Alb=1-90, Sto=1-36]
- Pair=Pair ID within population [Alb=1-45, Sto=1-18]
- Kinship=pairwise kinship coefficient
- Distance=pairwise spatial distance (in cm)
- Density=number of flowering individuals within one square meter
- X and Y=spatial coordinates of each individual within a 50 by 3 m plot in the Alböke population