Using dynamic foodscape models to assess bottom-up constraints on population performance of herbivores
Data files
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Resource heterogeneity governs a multitude of ecological processes, but the mechanisms by which heterogeneity influences population performance are not fully resolved. Because optimizing behavior is challenging in heterogeneous landscapes, individual variation in foraging and movement strategies is common, and understanding the consequences of that variation is one of the most pressing challenges in modern ecology. In theory, such consequences should be modulated at least in part by nutrition, which directly influences discretionary energy available for growth and reproduction. We developed a series of linked dynamic models for predicting (i) spatiotemporal variation in the foodscapes available to seven distinct populations of elk (Cervus canadensis) in Idaho, USA, and (ii) variation in pregnancy rates among those populations as a function of foodscape use and availability. Foodscape models, which predicted variation in suitable forage biomass (biomass of forage that met or exceeded requirements of female elk at peak lactation), generally performed well, with adjusted R2 values ranging from 0.34 to 0.51. Patterns of foodscape use differed among populations and years, with some populations showing selection for the foodscape and others exhibiting indifference or even avoidance of high-quality forage resources. Pregnancy rates ranged from 66–100%, and our top model relating pregnancy to metrics of forage availability explained 41% of the variation among 20 elk population-years. Our top model relating pregnancy to foodscape use by elk explained 57% of the variation in pregnancy rates among 12 population-years. Pregnancy rates were influenced more strongly by heterogeneity in foodscape use and availability than by differences in mean or maximum suitable biomass among populations. Our results suggest that population performance of elk was modulated both by the availability of high-quality forage and by factors that constrained use of the foodscape by elk. The dynamic modeling approach we developed for linking nutritional resources to herbivore performance is generalizable to many other species and systems, and can be used by wildlife managers to assess whether herbivore populations might be limited by bottom-up factors.
README: Using dynamic foodscape models to assess bottom-up constraints on population performance of herbivores
This is the README file for datasets contained in the publication: Sierra Robatcek, Ryan A. Long, Craig White, Lisa P. Shipley, Using dynamic foodscape models to assess bottom-up constraints on population performance of herbivores, Ecological Applications, 2025.
Contact authors for all files:
Ryan A. Long (
List of files included in data package:
Macroplot Suitable Biomass Datasheets
1. DC_Summer_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx
2. DC_Fall_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx
3. SAW_Summer_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx
4. SAW_Fall_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx
5. SFORK_Summer_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx
6. SFORK_Fall_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx
Elk Predicted Suitable Biomass Datasheets
7. DC_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx
8. DC_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx
9. SAW_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx
10. SAW_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx
11. SFORK_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx
12. SFORK_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx
13. Beaverhead_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx
14. Beaverhead_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx
Random Locations Predicted Suitable Biomass Datasheets
15. DC_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
16. DC_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
17. SAW_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
18. SAW_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
19. SFORK_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
20. SFORK_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
21. Beaverhead_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
22. Beaverhead_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
23. Salmon_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
24. Salmon_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
25. Lemhi_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
26. Lemhi_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
27. Teton_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
28. Teton_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx
Nutritional Model Datasets
29. DC_FRESH_input.xlsx
30. SAW_FRESH_input.xlsx
31. SFORK_FRESH_input.xlsx
Pregancy Model Dataset
32. Pregnancy_Analysis_Sheet.xlsx
Additional Tables
34. Extra_Tables.docx
Descriptions of File Contents
1. DC_Summer_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx – Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Diamond Creek elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31).
XCOORD = X coordinate of the macroplot (UTM)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the macroplot (UTM)
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
Elevation2 = Elevation at the macroplot location, squared
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
TotalBiomass = Total measured biomass of all forage plants in grams
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Suitable forage biomass estimated using the FRESH model
SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Estimated values of suitable forage biomass from previous column converted to kg/ha
Predicted_SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the macroplot location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
2. DC_Fall_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx – Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Diamond Creek elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15).
XCOORD = X coordinate of the macroplot (UTM)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the macroplot (UTM)
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
EVI2 = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis, squared
MnPrecip = Monthly precipitation in cm derived from PRISM
Elevation2 = Elevation at the macroplot location, squared
Slope = Percent slope at the macroplot location
TotalBiomass = Total measured biomass of all forage plants in grams
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Suitable forage biomass estimated using the FRESH model
SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Estimated values of suitable forage biomass from previous column converted to kg/ha
Predicted_SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the macroplot location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
3. SAW_Summer_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx – Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Sawtooth elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31).
XCOORD = X coordinate of the macroplot (UTM)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the macroplot (UTM)
PrevMnSWE = Previous month’s snow water equivalent in cm, derived from Snotel
sinAspect = Sine of aspect (a measure of eastness)
Elevation = Elevation at the macroplot location
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
TotalBiomass = Total measured biomass of all forage plants in grams
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Suitable forage biomass estimated using the FRESH model
SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Estimated values of suitable forage biomass from previous column converted to kg/ha
Predicted_SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the macroplot location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
4. SAW_Fall_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Sawtooth elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 31).
XCOORD = X coordinate of the macroplot (UTM)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the macroplot (UTM)
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
SeralStage = Early (ES) or late (LS) stage of succession
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
TotalBiomass = Total measured biomass of all forage plants in grams
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Suitable forage biomass estimated using the FRESH model
SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Estimated values of suitable forage biomass from previous column converted to kg/ha
Predicted_SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the macroplot location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
5. SFORK_Summer_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx – Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the South Fork elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31).
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the macroplot (decimal degrees)
XCOORD = X coordinate of the macroplot (decimal degrees)
MnPrecip = Monthly precipitation in cm derived from PRISM
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
EVI2 = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis, squared
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
TotalBiomass = Total measured biomass of all forage plants in grams
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Suitable forage biomass estimated using the FRESH model
SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Estimated values of suitable forage biomass from previous column converted to kg/ha
Predicted_SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the macroplot location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
6. SFORK_Fall_SuitableBiomass_Macroplots.xlsx – Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the South Fork elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 31).
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the macroplot (decimal degrees)
XCOORD = X coordinate of the macroplot (decimal degrees)
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
Elevation2 = Elevation at the macroplot location, squared
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
TotalBiomass = Total measured biomass of all forage plants in grams
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Suitable forage biomass estimated using the FRESH model
SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Estimated values of suitable forage biomass from previous column converted to kg/ha
Predicted_SuitableBiomass (Kg/ha) = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the macroplot location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
7. DC_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx – Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Diamond Creek elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at elk GPS locations.
Animal_ID = Unique ID for each GPS-collared elk
Fix_Date = Date that each GPS location was obtained
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
Elevation2 = Elevation at the GPS location, squared
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the GPS location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
8. DC_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx – Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Diamond Creek elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at elk GPS locations.
Animal_ID = Unique ID for each GPS-collared elk
Fix_Date = Date that each GPS location was obtained
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
EVI2 = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis, squared
MnPrecip = Monthly precipitation in cm derived from PRISM
Elevation2 = Elevation at the GPS location, squared
Slope = Percent slope at the GPS location
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the GPS location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
9. SAW_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Sawtooth elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at elk GPS locations.
Animal_ID = Unique ID for each GPS-collared elk
Fix_Date = Date that each GPS location was obtained
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
PrevMnSWE = Previous month’s snow water equivalent in cm, derived from Snotel
Elevation = Elevation at the GPS location
Aspect = Aspect (degrees) at the GPS location
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the GPS location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
10. SAW_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Sawtooth elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at elk GPS locations.
Animal_ID = Unique ID for each GPS-collared elk
Fix_Date = Date that each GPS location was obtained
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
SeralStage = Early (ES) or late (LS) stage of succession
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the GPS location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
11. SFORK_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the South Fork elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at elk GPS locations.
Animal_ID = Unique ID for each GPS-collared elk
Fix_Date = Date that each GPS location was obtained
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
EVI2 = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis, squared
MnPrecip = Monthly precipitation in cm derived from PRISM
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the GPS location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
12. SFORK_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the South Fork elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at elk GPS locations.
Animal_ID = Unique ID for each GPS-collared elk
Fix_Date = Date that each GPS location was obtained CanCov,
Elevation2 = Elevation at the GPS location, squared
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the GPS location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
13. Beaverhead_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Beaverhead elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at elk GPS locations.
Animal_ID = Unique ID for each GPS-collared elk
Fix_Date = Date that each GPS location was obtained CanCov
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
Elevation = Elevation at the GPS location
Aspect = Aspect (in degrees) at the GPS location
PrevMnSWE = Previous month’s snow water equivalent in cm, derived from Snotel
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the GPS location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
14. Beaverhead_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Elk.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Beaverhead elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at elk GPS locations.
Animal_ID = Unique ID for each GPS-collared elk
Fix_Date = Date that each GPS location was obtained CanCov
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
SeralStage = Early (ES) or late (LS) stage of succession
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the GPS location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
15. DC_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Diamond Creek elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
Aspect = Aspect (in degrees) at the random location
Elevation2 = Elevation at the GPS location, squared
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
16. DC_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Diamond Creek elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
Elevation2 = Elevation at the random location, squared
Slope = Slope at the random location
MnPrecip = Monthly precipitation in cm derived from PRISM
EVI2 = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis, squared
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
17. SAW_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Sawtooth elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
Elevation = Elevation at the random location
Aspect = Aspect at the random location
PrevMnSWE = Previous month’s snow water equivalent in cm, derived from Snotel
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
18. SAW_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Sawtooth elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
SeralStage = Early (ES) or late (LS) stage of succession
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
19. SFORK_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the South Fork elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
MnPrecip = Monthly precipitation in cm derived from PRISM
EVI2 = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis, squared
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
20. SFORK_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the South Fork elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
Elevation2 = Elevation at the random location, squared
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
21. Beaverhead_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Beaverhead elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
Elevation = Elevation at the random location
sinAspect = Sine of aspect (a measure of eastness)
PrevMnSWE = Previous month’s snow water equivalent in cm, derived from Snotel
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
22. Beaverhead_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Beaverhead elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
SeralStage = Early (ES) or late (LS) stage of succession
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
23. Salmon_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Salmon elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
Elevation = Elevation at the random location
sinAspect = Sine of aspect (a measure of eastness)
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
PrevMnSWE = Previous month’s snow water equivalent in cm, derived from Snotel
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
24. Salmon_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Salmon elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
SeralStage = Early (ES) or late (LS) stage of succession
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
25. Lemhi_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Lemhi elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
Elevation = Elevation at the random location
sinAspect = Sine of aspect (a measure of eastness)
PrevMnSWE = Previous month’s snow water equivalent in cm, derived from Snotel
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
26. Lemhi_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Lemhi elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
SeralStage = Early (ES) or late (LS) stage of succession
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
27. Teton_Summer_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Teton elk zone during summer (June 1 – July 31) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
CanCov = Percent canopy cover derived from LandFire
Elevation2 = Elevation at the random location, squared
cosAspect = Cosine of aspect (a measure of northness)
EVI = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis
AprilSWE = April snow water equivalent in cm from nearest Snotel site
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
28. Teton_Fall_Predicted_SuitableBiomass_Randoms.xlsx - Values of covariates included in the top model for predicting suitable biomass in the Teton elk zone during fall (August 1 – September 15) at random locations.
XCOORD = X coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
YCOORD = Y coordinate of the random location (decimal degrees)
Year = Year
PVT = Potential Vegetation Type derived from LandFire
Elevation2 = Elevation at the random location, squared
Slope = Elevation at the random location in degrees
MnPrecip = Monthly precipitation in cm derived from PRISM
EVI2 = Values of the Enhanced Vegetation Index derived from Modis, squared
Predicted_SuitableBiomass = Predicted values of suitable forage biomass at the random location derived from the final fitted foodscape model
29. DC_FRESH_input.xlsx – Input data for the FRESH model collected in the Diamond Creek elk zone. The spreadsheet contains two separate worksheets. Worksheet 1 includes the plant species-specific biomass and nutritional quality data from each sampled plot:
Spp = Plant species and part (species codes are given in Data Table 1, included in this Dryad package, file 34 below)
Plot = Unique plot ID where plant samples were collected
Biomass = Dry biomass of sampled plant material in grams)
DE = Digestible energy contenct
DP = Digestible protein content
DE.SD = Standard deviation of digestible energy
DP.SD = Standard deviation of digestible protein
Max = Percentage of time that species was allowed to be selected for by elk when it was available
Worksheet 2 includes the nutritional requirements used as the basis for calculating suitable forage biomass:
MEReq = Metabolic requirements for an adult lactating female elk
DEConst = Digestible energy threshold for a lactating adult cow elk (kJ/g of forage)
DPConst = Digestible protein threshold for a lactating adult female elk (g/100 g of forage)
DMIConst = Estimated rate of dry-matter intake (g/d)
30. SAW_FRESH_input.xlsx – Input data for the FRESH model collected in the Sawtooth elk zone. The spreadsheet contains two separate worksheets. Worksheet 1 includes the plant species-specific biomass and nutritional quality data from each sampled plot:
Spp = Plant species and part (species codes are given in Data Table 1, included in this Dryad package, file 34 below)
Plot = Unique plot ID where plant samples were collected
Biomass = Dry biomass of sampled plant material in grams)
DE = Digestible energy contenct
DP = Digestible protein content
DE.SD = Standard deviation of digestible energy
DP.SD = Standard deviation of digestible protein
Max = Percentage of time that species was allowed to be selected for by elk when it was available
Worksheet 2 includes the nutritional requirements used as the basis for calculating suitable forage biomass:
MEReq = Metabolic requirements for an adult lactating female elk
DEConst = Digestible energy threshold for a lactating adult cow elk (kJ/g of forage)
DPConst = Digestible protein threshold for a lactating adult female elk (g/100 g of forage)
DMIConst = Estimated rate of dry-matter intake (g/d)
31. SFORK_FRESH_input.xlsx – Input data for the FRESH model collected in the South Fork elk zone. The spreadsheet contains two separate worksheets. Worksheet 1 includes the plant species-specific biomass and nutritional quality data from each sampled plot:
Spp = Plant species and part (species codes are given in Data Table 1, included in this Dryad package, file 34 below)
Plot = Unique plot ID where plant samples were collected
Biomass = Dry biomass of sampled plant material in grams)
DE = Digestible energy contenct
DP = Digestible protein content
DE.SD = Standard deviation of digestible energy
DP.SD = Standard deviation of digestible protein
Max = Percentage of time that species was allowed to be selected for by elk when it was available
Worksheet 2 includes the nutritional requirements used as the basis for calculating suitable forage biomass:
MEReq = Metabolic requirements for an adult lactating female elk
DEConst = Digestible energy threshold for a lactating adult cow elk (kJ/g of forage)
DPConst = Digestible protein threshold for a lactating adult female elk (g/100 g of forage)
DMIConst = Estimated rate of dry-matter intake (g/d)
32. Pregnancy_Analysis_Sheet.xlsx – Pregnancy rates and corresponding descriptive statistics of suitable forage biomass at used and random locations for each elk zone and year.
Zone = Elk zone
HabitatUse Year = Indicates years in which GPS collar data were (year shown) or were not (‘no collar’) available in each elk zone
Pregnancy Year = Indicates year in which pregnancy rate was estimated for each elk zone
Pregnancy_Rate = Estimated pregnancy rate (%)
n (Pregnancy) = Sample size used to calculate pregnancy rate in each elk zone and year
Summer_Mean_Elk = Mean value of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_Median_Elk = Median value of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_CV_Elk = Coefficient of variation of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_Max_Elk = Maximum value of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_Q.25 = First quartile of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_Q.75 = Third quartile of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Fall_Mean_Elk = Mean value of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_CV_Elk = Coefficient of variation of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_Max_Elk = Maximum value of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_Median_Elk = Median value of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_Q.25_Elk = First quartile of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_Q.75_Elk = Third quartile of suitable forage biomass at elk GPS locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Summer_Mean_SB_Random_Locs = Mean value of suitable forage biomass at random locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_Median_SB_Random_Locs = Median value of suitable forage biomass at random locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_CV_SB_Random_Locs = Coefficient of variation of suitable forage biomass at random locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_Max_SB _Random = Maximum value of suitable forage biomass at random locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_Q1_SB_Random = First quartile of suitable forage biomass at random locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Summer_Q3_SB_Random = Third quartile of suitable forage biomass at random locations during summer in each elk zone and year
Fall_Mean_SB_Random_Locs = Mean value of suitable forage biomass at random locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_Median_SB_Random_Locs = Median value of suitable forage biomass at random locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_CV_SB_Random_Locs = Coefficient of variation of suitable forage biomass at random locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_Max_SB_Random_Locs = Maximum value of suitable forage biomass at elk random locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_Q1_SB_Random = First quartile of suitable forage biomass at random locations during fall in each elk zone and year
Fall_Q3_SB_Random = Third quartile of suitable forage biomass at random locations during fall in each elk zone and year
33. – Minimum convex polygons calculated from GPS-collar data in each elk zone. Random locations were distributed within these MCPs.
34. Extra_Tables.docx – Additional tables not included with the published manuscript and supplementary material.
Table 1: List of plant species sampled during our study and associated level of selection by elk
Table 2: Species-specific linear regressions of p1ant biomass against plant cover (%), tree canopy cover (%), sample date, and interactions between plant cover and tree canopy cover and/or plant cover and sample date