Linnaeus' wild plants are under threat in Uppsala
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Many of the plant species found by Carl Linnaeus and his students around Uppsala during the excursions Herbationes Upsalienses are extant in the areas they visited. The authors here present the first complete list of species registered during these excursions, with added information on extant species in the different areas. These Linnaean populations are of high cultural value, but they also have a high scientific value as potential type specimens. Three of Linnaeus’ excursion areas are therefore proposed to be included in the planned world heritage nomination "The Rise of Systematic Biology": Hågadalen, Årike Fyris and Fäbodmossen. The Linnaean populations are threatened by genetic pollution through the extensive sowing and planting of the same species with alien origin in connection with plant restauration after ground preparations and building. The degree of genetic pollution is not known, since sowing and planting of alien material is not registered. The authors give examples of alternative plant restauration methods using local plant material in order to preserve the Linnaean flora of Uppsala.
List of Linnaean species in and around Uppsala based on protocols written by Linnaeus' students during his excursions 1747-1762, the thesis Herbationes Upsalienses from 1753 and Flora Svecica from 1745 and 1755. For each species, different columns indicate on which excursion route as listed in Herbationes Upsalienses it was found. Exceptions from this are 1) the column "Ultuna/Danmark" which includes species from both of these excursions, and 2) "Uppsala generellt" (Uppsala general) which includes species from excursions with uncertain location or species observed in central Uppsala. The information included in these columns is as follows: x = the species is found in the area in modern times; p = the species could potentially be growing in the area since it is reported in the vicinity in the database Artportalen; ? = taxonomic or other uncertainty; † = the Linnaean population is assumed to be extinct in and around the Uppsala.