Chironomid assemblages and inferred summer temperature from the Last Glacial Period (ca. 98–46 ka), from Füramoos, Southern Germany
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The data herein presents a new chironomid record and associated chironomid-based temperature reconstruction covering the time interval ca. 98–46 ka from the palaeolake Füramoos, Southern Germany. These data also include non-chironomid invertebrate remains, including Ceratopogonidae, Daphnia and Ephemeroptera as well as Characean oospores.
Sample processing: Sediment samples between depths 9.6-6.0 m required no chemical treatment. Samples betweend depths of 13-9.6 m were heated in 10% KOH for 15 minutes at 85°C due to the dificulty of processing those samples. Sediment samples were then sieved through 100 and 200 micrometer sieves. Chironomids were picked from those samples using a Bogorov tray under a stereomicroscope (30 – 50 x magnification). Samples were dried and then mounted on microscope slides using Euparal and identified under at 40 – 100 x magnification with a compound microscope. Next to chironomids the remains of Sialidae, Ceratopogonidae, Daphnia, Ephemeroptera, oribatid mites, Trichoptera, Plecoptera, Sciaridae and Tipulidae as well as Characeae oogonia and Plumatella statoblasts were mounted and identified. The chironmoid based temperature reconstruciton was produced using a two-component weighted averaging partial least squares model.
For post identification data processing and temperature reconstruction analysis please see the associated publication in Quaternary Science Reviews where the results are discussed in detail. The manuscript is fully open access:
Usage notes
We outline which parts of the temperature reconstruciton are considered more reliable in the manuscript. For a discussion please see the associated publication in Quaternary Science Reviews which is fully open access: There are two samples in the dataset presented with no temperature reconstruction as there were no chironomids present in that section.