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Discordant phylogenetic endemism patterns in a recently diversified Brassicaceae lineage from the Atacama Desert: when choices in phylogenetic and species distribution information matter

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Aim: Phylogenetic endemism (PE) has become a useful estimator of evolutionary history in conservation, given its capacity to estimate diversity hotspots as the combination of phylogenetic diversity (PD) and range size distributions of co-occurring taxa. However, potential limitations could preclude a general assessment of PE, especially in the presence of incongruent phylogenetic signals and the use of different estimates of species distribution at fine spatial scales. Here, we assess the utility of using PE in a recently diversified plant tribe.

Location: Atacama Desert, Argentina, Chile, and Peru.

Taxon: Schizopetalae tribe (Brassicaceae).

Methods: We assessed PD and PE to determine whether incongruent phylogenetic trees derived from nuclear and chloroplast DNA and different estimates of species distribution (based on species distribution modelling-SDM- and minimum convex polygons-MCP) impact the location of PE hotspots.

Results: Results show no influence from discordant phylogenetic signal between gene trees on PE estimates. Instead, the choice of the summary of species’ range (i.e., SDM or MCP) has greater influence on the location of PE hotspots.

Main conclusions: Despite the observed discrepancies, results in PE accumulation are congruent enough to support the use of this index in conservation-related analyses for the Atacama Desert flora. Nonetheless, further analyses are recommended to determine and contextualize the impacts of phylogenetic incongruence and species distributional estimates on PE, especially when other scenarios involving larger spatial and taxonomic sampling scales remain unexplored.