Morphological, ecological and territorial traits for 525 Hylinae frog species
Data files
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This dataset includes data on 15 morphological, ecological and territorial variables (columns) for 525 Hylinae frog species (rows), as well as cites of the references from which data were retrieved, complete references and description of variables
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Morphological, ecological and territorial traits for 525 Hylinae frog species
Description of the data and file structure
This dataset is composed of two files (one in .csv format and one in .docx format): Supplementary_Data_1 and Complete_references, respectively.
The Supplementary_Data_1 file is the dataset itself, which includes data on 15 variables (columns) for 525 Hylinae frog species (rows), as well as cites of the references from which data were retrieved. In all columns, NA means that data are not available.
Here is the description of all variables included in the dataset:
Variable_name Variable_description
Tribe Tribe to which a species belong according to Faivovich et al. (2005, 2018)
Clade Monophyletic clade to which each species was assigned to for diversification analyses
Genus Genus to which a species belong according to Frost (2021), consulted on 2 February 2022
Species Species according to Frost (2021), consulted on 2 February 2022
Mean_SVL_Male (mm) Arithmetic mean of snout-vent length (SVL) for adult males from the
literature. When not available, calculated as the mean of the range of SVL
Mean_SVL_Female (mm) Arithmetic mean of snout-vent length (SVL) for adult females from the
literature. When not available, calculated as the mean of the range of SVL
SSD Sexual size dimorphism in SVL
Body_water Main type of water body used for reproduction
Territorial_call Whether territorial call is known. 0 = Unknown, 1 = Known
Physical_combat Whether physical combat associated with territoriality is known. 0 = Unknown, 1 = Known
Dataset_territorial_call Whether the species was considered in both the datasets (full and conservative) or only in the full dataset, regarding knowledge/unknowledge of territorial call
Dataset_physical_combat Whether the species was considered in both the datasets (full and conservative) or only in the full dataset, regarding knowledge/unknowledge of physical combat
Spine-shaped_prepollex Whether adult males have a spine-shaped prepollex. 0 = No, 1 = Yes
Molecular_tree_Jetz_and_Pyron_2018 Whether the species was included in the molecular phylogeny of Jetz and Pyron (2018)
Annual_precipitation (mm) Median annual precipitation within the geographical range
Mean_habitat_complexity Mean habitat complexity within the geographical range
References_SVL References from which data on SVL were retrieved
References_body_water References from which data on type of water body used for reproduction were retrieved
References_territorial_traits References from which data on knowledge/unknowledge of territorial traits (i.e., territorial call and physical combat) were retrieved
The Complete_references file includes the complete references for all the references in the columns "References_SVL", "References_body_water" and "References_territorial_traits" from the Supplementary_Data_1 file.
Data was derived from the following sources:
- Mainly from the literature, with some minor personal observations.
Tha data were collected mainly from the literature, with some minor personal observations.